Map is situation though, because your comp is often dictated by the map your on, yet Junkrat seems to fit pretty much every map and be effective. LOL you still don’t get it, sure Pharah counters him, but he counters EVERYTHING ELSE, this is what you don’t get, Junk is effective against most things in the game, what other character is as good as Junk in almost every situation, tell me, what character is as good at not only crowd control but can also deal as much damage as him, shield break quicker than him, be as mobile as him and be as good at 1v1 as him ALL AT THE SAME TIME? Let me answer that for you THERE ISN’T ONE. He’s the only one that can do all of that all at the same time, it’s ridiculous.
No, a decent Rein isn’t a Junk counter, I mained rein to Diamond S5, Junk counters him every time, next.
“Isn’t being effective” neither is the Mei though is she if she’s not killing him?! Yet the Junk still offers more than she does, and because he’s more mobile, can easily escape her and find his way back into a position where he is being more effective than her.
Again, THEY HAVE TO BE CLOSE TO HIM. He’s better at area control than both of them! To counter him THEY HAVE TO BE THE BETTER PLAYERS! How is it fair that to counter him, every single person that has to be a vastly superior player just to counter a mediocre player on an OP hero?
No it doesn’t mean huddled all the time, but when they are huddles (deathball) Junk melts them, and when they aren’t huddled (dive) Junk melts the divers because he’s one of the best anti dive characters in the game, either way he’s still at an advantage no matter what the situation.
Sure, its something that ‘could happen’ but the question is, is it likely to happen? The answer being no.
And as I said before it’s still not comparible, the game changes the higher you go, player movement changes, a Gold Genji doesn’t move the same way as a GM Genji, things are harder to do the higher you get, so even a stat like accuracy isn’t comparible.
TBH this is idiotic. You play at one of the very lowest skill tiers of this game which shows your complete lack of understanding of how this game actually works at its most fundamental levels so there’s really not point in debating you about it. the points you make are so insanely obscure and niche that 99% of the time they’re inapplicable. I’ve explained to you and proved why your so called counters aren’t actually counters so no need to carry on with that.
The fact of the matter is Junk takes far less skill to use than it takes skill wise to counter him, that alone is justification enough for a nerf, never mind the fact he takes zero self damage where every other character with similar abilities does AND that he’s deals the highest amount of burst DPS in the game with 0 mechanical skill.