Junkrat needs to be nerfed

Genji takes no skill to play,press E and dash= free kill

OWL most picked dps: tracer widow and junkrat.

and i think both widow and junkrat need a nerf.

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Alright. I’m gonna a quench this forum because almost no one is making valid arguments.

Junkrat is marked as an area denial hero. Meaning that he can spam down a tight corridor to provide leverage for his team. That’s perfectly fine by me.

The problem arises when Junkrat is played like he is in the majority of Platinum and below which is like a pure DPS hero.

A single shot from Junkrat can cripple a hero so quickly that a hero can finish them off without Junkrat’s help.

What makes him different from Pharah? Pharah’s rocket travel in a locked trajectory while Junkrat has a whole plethora of ways to kill someone with his primary fire alone with geometry.

His mine allows for one of the quickest combos to kill in the game.

His trap is pretty visible on maps with bright floors, like Oasis and Eichenwalde.

But on King’s Row or Dorado with dark floors, they’re practically invisible.

Rip-Tire is so quick and almost a guaranteed kill everytime unless your quick, which in low ranks, isn’t common.

My proposed nerfs are the following:

  • For every bounce done with his primary fire, the damage of the grenade lessens
  • Minimize the trap hitbox
  • Lessen range on Rip-Tire
  • Maybe take away second mine. Still unsure

My proposed buffs to compensate are the following:

  • Increase Total Mayhem range
  • Give Rip-Tire 150 HP/make Rip-Tire faster
  • Give Junkrat 50 shields
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Either they out range him easily or, in the case of hog/genji, are able to dispose of him easily. Only time he’s better off is if he gets the drop with a trap

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I agree, Junkrat ult charges so fast and is a free pick, even in the pro scene… just HMMMMMMM… Oh there is mercy and BAM 3 kills, have enough time, can be used in spawn and still go far enough and on lower ranks (MORE PROBLEM ON CONSOLE) to destroy tire.

Junkrat had always been strong on the lower ranks even before the buffs but he tapers off at higher level.

I can’t speak for console but looking at purely stats, he’s actually isn’t that op.