Hey folks,
We’ve actually noticed this happening for a lot of players since the patch. Currently we’re trying to narrow this down a bit. Please keep in mind if you see this post and are having problems in Australia/New Zealand, that’s another issue you can read up on here.
It looks like for some reason, several people are being routed to Japan on the way to the Los Angeles servers, which is extremely inefficient.
If you started having this problem exactly on July 16, 2019, please create a WinMTR test which catches a disconnection. You will use this IP address for the test:
You want to restart the test every 10-15 minutes until you catch one of these problems. Once you’ve caught one red handed, run the test for about 5 more minutes. This will let us look for problems between your house and our servers which may cause this.
If you have problems with posting it due to a link error, go ahead and copy paste this into your next post, and replace “WinMTR goes here” with your test.
WinMTR goes here