Jeff talks about changes to Brigitte

The only reason Brig is picked so much in GM currently is because DoubleBarrier needed another pseudo-offtank when Mei fell out of the meta.

Should be kinda obvious.

The Mei nerfs are the same reason Sigma became more popular than Orisa, even though Sigma got nerfed.

Of course they’re nerfing her. She’s the last support who feels powerful and impactful.

I figure they are changing armor, primarily to affect tanks.

Which has indirect effects on Brig

They don’t need to mess with armor further. The problem with tanks isn’t armor related.

And how much it excludes certain heroes from the game entirely.


It kinda is.

The problem they have right now is that DoubleBarrier needs to be vulnerable at close range.
(Because making it vulnerable at medium/long range isn’t going to happen)

And armor currently acts like a 50% damage reduction against a lot of close range weapons.

If they swapped out current armor math for a flat 20% reduction, like they did with beam weapons.

Then it would make a Widow headshot do 240 instead of 295, but a Reaper shotgun bodyshot would do 120 instead of 80.

I would love to see Rally be changed. Maybe have it increase her and people’s movement speed and firing rate/reduce cooldown timers/build ults a bit faster. Acting like a buff to their attack rather than just passively giving people armour.

I think at that point, what is the point of armor? It’s just doing the same thing more hp would do.

The point of armor is to make tanks’ huge hitboxes not overly vulnerable to shotguns and rapid fire weapons. A flat reduction defeats that.

IMO, the problem is that barrier tanks are just not balanced to non barrier tanks. Barriers are hugely valuable but the non barrier tanks simply don’t have anything else in their place, except maybe Wrecking Ball with his personal barrier.

Well, one gimmick on the armor would be to make it apply those changes to all damage within a single attack. So if it’s with 200 armor, a Widow Headshot is 240 damage. And if it’s a with 1 armor, a Widow Headshot is 240 damage.

Which would also have the effect of, if a 200hp player has 1 armor, then they would survive a fully charged Hanzo bodyshot with 1hp.

Which was more important in 2016, but a lot less relevant in current metas.

In general, it makes armor to be anti-Poke instead of anti-Dive.

And considering Dive hasn’t been meta for 2 years, and BarrierTanks MUST be more vulnerable at close range.

That’s where the game needs to be headed.

It would also make armor screw over precision weapons. Heroes like McCree and Widow would become significantly worse against tanks.

Also. The barrier tank who is the largest problem is also the strongest hero in the entire game at close range, so I feel making him worse at close range isnt going to do a lot while likely dumpstering Orisa and Sigma.

i would love to become a mercy or lucio one trick. I play everything except lucio so mercy one trick it is !/s

I.e. The whole reason you got a crap ton of barriers. For the past 2 years.
And all the high tier heroes are snipers or sniperish heroes.
With Hanzo damage buffs incoming.

It would make it so armor is better against Poke damage.

But worse against Dive.

That would be a net buff ? Dont you see how alot of players are complaining that rally is better then trans and beat and nano ? basically the best ult in support line up ?

So when are we removing supports other than Ana and lucio from the game?

Cuz playing anything else besides them and having it be good seems to be illegal.

What’s wrong with that exactly; if not Rally, what then should be best?

You’re suggesting making armour give a flat 20% damage reduction no matter how much armour is left, that alone would make Brig broken since she’s the only character that can give additional armour.

Trans and beat imo and maybe nano

of course we can make some changes to make it not broken and the amount she gives is already limited to 50 every 6 seconds considering the target is at full HP ?

Why should they be better exactly?

Well, DoubleBarrier will probably fall out of the meta with the changes I got in mind, so that’s a lot less Brig usage.

And Lucio is excessively popular.

And I got a big Zen buff in mind.

And besides which, the Brig issue is only exclusive to GM, and the meta shifts fast enough there, that it’s kinda dumb to try to pin it down.