“Jeff Kaplan revealed on an Overwatch Creator discord that the team is debating changes to the way armor from Brigitte’s Repair Packs works. That sounds like a possible Experimental Card.”
"One of the suggestions came from OWL talent Jake, who suggested to scale the armor based on the hero’s base HP."
Disclaimer: As of right now, I don’t have a direct screenshot of Jeff saying this, but this information was shared by Omnic Post (a popular Overwatch news page on Instagram)
Jeff said this only one month ago:
What do you think they will do? This is, of course, if they decide on changing it.
I feel like this would be a very good change. Burst heroes like McCree, Ashe and Widowmaker are very oppressive to play against when played well. Buffing armour pack’s damage reduction will help tanks feel more tanky.
Dva definitely needs something like this to help her out. She gets shredded so quickly, as does every tank that doesn’t have a shield.
They will never do scaling. Don’t ask me why, but the only “scaling” I recall seeing so far is with IF maintaining 20% health, and that barely qualifies. My guess is they will do the usual fiddling with the knobs on numbers approach. Players gone wild love to consider radical changes to characters, never thinking about the possibility of unintended effects in ways they never considered. Would not surprise me in the least if they just shift the armor / healing ratio on packs, or extend out the c/d time.
People have forgotten how tired of DIve they got before…
Personally i no longer care, they can ruin whatever they want…ball and brig were last i liked playing, brig will be ruined , and ball will remain, until they ruin him some other patch and i can freely leave the game. its meh at this point, blizzard made it easy to quit.
My dream armor changes is basically this + making armor block headshots.
It would make armored heroes truly tanky - which is fitting, seeing as how (with the exception of torbjorn) every armored hero in the game is either a tank or a tank hybrid.
It would help a lot with the problem of tanks feeling fragile these days, and give a true counter to “sniper-stomping” in the form of Brig’s armor packs.
Well, I did just make a thread on this.
If you don’t mind replying to it.
The headshot changes might be too much. But just know that even with a fully charged Hanzo arrow vs a 200hp Soldier with 1 extra point of armor. It would leave him with 1hp.