Jeff talks about changes to Brigitte

Do you?


I see you have no argument besides hurt feel feels. Sorry the balanced hero ruined your sh!t play bud.

You aren’t making an argument. Just projection about me.

I think that’s called a logic fallacy but…that’s not really on me to care right now

Brig is busted. Jeff please fix as I requested ages ago.

Net removal of kit parts preferred :ok_hand:t5::ok_hand:t5:

Ah, well the current armor system is a jumbled mess of values and logic.

And they are already doing a flat 20% damage reduction for beam weapons.

So instead of following 3 sets of logic, it would only follow 1 set of logic.

Would be a strong simplification

Says the one hard projecting without any real argument besides “REEEEE I NU LIKE”
Brig is balanced and you’re just salty over a bygone product of her old kit. ZZZZZZZZZZ

You are just proclaiming she’s balanced with no argument either

Projection…again…do you work in a movie theater? The skill is quite masterful

Sure Jan,
Brig’s kit relies on her being mindful of who she throws armor on and keeping inspire up. Armor is mostly used as heals rather than armor. Shield only does 5hp hits and needs followup from her team to be any good. Her own Shield HP is less than her own and is mostly used as last defense. Rally works on the same principle as Valk as a push in Ult just on a better system with better heals. Armor aspect is it’s least offense part. She’s balanced.

Tell us please. Why did you make this thread?

Can this change be a survivability buff for tanks rather than a flat nerf

I.E 20% of maximum health so tanks get like +100 armor but squishies only get like +20 armor, bit sick and tired of being melted in 2 seconds after a barrier runs out

Oh you’re an xbox account to boot, of course you hate brig. None ya’ll can aim worth a damn so getting smacked by her auto = she bad

Probably buff all dps so Brig will become useless lol. I mean these devs would really do that…

So was old brig

Clearly not. Her armor is quite high


Use isn’t universal


I disagree

You just stated her kit. That isn’t a balance argument.

It’s a summary. Not an analysis.

I take all that and say…she broke and needs a net nerf

I vote shield but the devs seem intent on making armor pack her thing . It’s not much but …ideally, if I “rally” enough, maybe more nerfs will be had

I don’t believe in hero reliance for core issues. This is a tank problem…not a brig solution

You really just like to assume things.

Also, she practically mirrors on Xbox to PC . Which means she’s worse since aim usually is an advantage on console

If she isn’t significantly better, then she is actually worse because the innate value isn’t being had.

But sure…embarrass yourself with more accusations and a lack of actual argument

Oh, and while I’m not obligated to give one, I totally have :ok_hand:t5::ok_hand:t5:

So you’ve just admitted you don’t care you’re just salty and want people to take you serious. lmao okay bud cry more on your console

Console shaming and explicitly ignoring a link to proof that I quite do care…tragic

Try a reading comp class. They have them in elementary schools I’m sure you can sit in on.

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Ana has a much higher pickrate across all ranks in the actual game that regular people play.

But sure screw around with Brig so they can balance their precious OWL and have more OWL DPS highlights.

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If they reduce her repair pack more, I hope they either give more charges or maybe reduce the remaining cooldown on the next repair pack with each successful attack on an enemy (with any skill).

It’s really anything that becomes a mirror comp. But yeah. Same complaints existed for each meta usually referencing the phase, “But at least (previous meta)…”

We can argue all day, but I would be surprised if they did it. They don’t generally care for scaling, but I am not opposed to it personally.

That change would just make Brig even more broken and a must-pick than she is now.

Not happening because then a bunch of lucio and dps players will complain that she heals alot and denies “their skill”