I've played 71 games with brig

64% win rate. Brig is just soooo bad!


Might be more convincing if you didn’t have your profile hidden.


I don’t care what pro made it to t500 with Brigitte, what her stats are, she is absolutely garbage to me. 200hp shield with no mobility, trash damage, extremely short stun, and mediocre healing. I play both moira and Ana and Brigitte is a joke in a 1v1.


I mean, okay? There are top 500 Torbs with 80% winrates. That doesn’t mean he’s good. It just means the player is good.


Baptiste has a lower pick rate and win rate, yet no one is complaining about him :thinking:


She is not everyone’s cup of tea. Some will be good with her while others will be bad, depends on the player.

On the flip side, I’ve seen Sombras that can wreck a whole team. Yet she is considered the worst hero in the game.

Dude she’s 19.

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Exactly. Personal experiences vary way too much for anyone to determine how balanced said hero is. This is why most just stick to overall statistics such as pickrate.


So one person plays Brig with a positive winrate and we’re all supposed to be convinced now? Woooooowwww, that’s like, mind blowing dude.


Which is enough when you play with your main tank

It’s consistent dmg like winston

Longest stun in the game

Good healing, especially when you factor in armor. Brig puts out more healing than she ever did before.


I’ve gotten her a few times in MH which… kinda doesn’t count but she’s usable… .

I don’t like how the shield carrying, heavily armored character now NEEDS to play cat and mouse. Peek, whip, rocket flail, hide, peek, healthpacks!, hide.

She can work but it’s very counterintuitive and you need good DPS to cover her lack of engagement, or a very attentive other support.


You say that like that’s not a whole adult lmao


Lol isn’t that how the game is supposed to work? You can play the most op hero in the game… if the player isn’t good they aren’t climbing.

Its technically not, but legally they are an adult.

Alright, you can make that same argument if you were a Soldier 76 T500 though.

“I played Soldier 76 for 50 matches and have a 70% win rate, he is fine”

but we all know that Soldier 76 isn’t in a great state right now, it’s down to the player to make it work. And a lot of people can’t and won’t put in that sort of effort to make their hero work out of meta.

I really want to see how brig is once double shield is gone though.

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I watched a video on youtube of the top 500 player who plays her and he did a break down of her facing every character and how to beat them with her. I’m not kidding. She didn’t have one easy match-up. They were all like having some kind of boss fight in a single player RPG where you have to dodge, stun, and kite to win.

I was like so basically unless you have God like skills she is complete crap, and if you do have God like skills, you would be better off playing literally any other character. >_<


Have you seriously tried to play Brig recently? I can’t see your profile. Just the 1 endorsement. I watched the same video you did and I didn’t get your big boss impression at all. She seemed like the one who was the boss.

Theres so much hate on Brig right now. Most times I play her I put out a good deal of healing and plays. She can easily make game winning plays like bashing ulting Reapers, Hogs, Rein etc. Booping people when they try and attack your tanks. Super good peel potential.

This is how it is for every support that isn’t Moira. You have to put in a little extra effort and use their entire kits to win 1v1’s. Supports are team amplifiers with their healing and utility. They shouldn’t have easy matchups versus characters who are designed for straight up dueling. Not saying that supports deserve to be fodder who are only good for heals, but it makes sense when you think about it from a design perspective. Support main by the way.


She’s forced to play passive in the backlines. She can’t frontline like an actual main tank. Her self healing doesn’t even outheal venom mine, VENOM MINE. You have to play this really boring healbot Brigitte.

At least winston can use mobility, brig can’t.

Pretty sure the brig rework nerfed her stun for no reason. She can’t do the full combo because the stun is too short.

It’s just ana shots on a cooldown. Can be very easily out damaged.

She’s trash

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given Brigs win rate in general, I believe them.

Brig isnt so bad to be honest. A tiny buff to her shield can make her better.

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