I've played 71 games with brig

sounds like tracer only she also has to aim and be lucky not to get unintentionally spam 1 shotted.

Good thing this isnt a 1v1 game then. When I play brig I am in 1v1 scenario probably 2% of the time. I play around my team mates procing inspire and keeping my team mates alive. Ya know, doing my job as a support hero, supporting them so they can get the kills.

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Yeah. I’m calling BS.

Burden of proof is on you here. Until then, you don’t have a 64% winrate on her.

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Honestly, even if Brig is good…Moira is infinitely easier and more rewarding

It really depends on the situation. I have 41 games with moira this season and a 45% win rate, while my brig is at 64% win rate out of 71 games. That’s quite a big difference. My low win rate with moira is largely from assuming she was meta so I would pick her when I shouldn’t have. In reality, what makes a good support is someone who picks the right support at the right time.

The reason why I have so many games with brig is because I set out on a quest to prove that brig isnt the trash can people claim she is, and at least to myself, I’ve proven that brig is still highly viable if played right. I just think old brig mains can’t adjust to her new playstyle.

But yeah, moira is better in a lot of situations, but so is brig. Which is why hero balance isn’t as important as people seem to think it is. The community wants heroes balanced around 1 tricking but the game is built around being flexible.

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She’s not meant to 1v1 anymore, when she’s with a teammate she’s really good.

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So you lost 26 low tier games out of 71 with her? And that’s supposed to say anything about her? GMs can play basically any hero with better results

Leave her alone. You’ve done enough

Considering she is korean and is based in Busan, not yet. 2 more years needed.

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Exactly why we use actual statistics rather than some random person’s personal experience with that hero. The more people’s data we’re analysing, the less chance of certain good players inflating her stats.

Just curious, were these 71 games consecutive or did you only pick Brig when you knew your team comp and the enemy team comp were suited to Brig’s new playstyle?


Statistics from overbuff that are based on ONLY the people that have signed up for accounts there and linked it with their OW profile. It’s a small percentage. You don’t have actual statistics. Blizzard hides that.

They are sample sizes. Regardless of the lack of every player’s statistics, Overbuff still has a large enough sample size to determine the balanced state of heroes. Almost everyone uses sample sizes when trying to get find the bigger picture. It’s not a bad thing.

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Couldn’t the problem just be you and not the hero?

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I don’t doubt it, the Brig phenomena is rather interesting. If you play her in position correctly, she’s great. Wanting to run her as a front-line aggressor for cheap kills, that’s not going to work anymore. People need to just accept the new playstyle if they want to excel with her.

That’s okay if you cannot accept the new playstyle, fortunately, you don’t have to. Comments like this are tantamount to “I refuse to use a kit the way it is intended now; I don’t care if other people succeed with it, I refuse to adjust my playstyle.” Just acknowledge the problem is you, not the kit.

I’ve got over 4 comp hours in her and my win rate is 61 percent. So I believe this guy.

which were your most difficult heroes to fight against?

told you guys she’s underrated.
sure her kill potential got shut down and is limited to good plays now.
but her cc in combination with armor and healing is deceptively good.
easier to heal with and don’t need to go for risky plays to get enough value.

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Winrates mean nothing hahah if you pick brig at the start of a game and swap for the rest of the game she will still get that win even if you used her for 2min

Same reason old sym had an amazing winrate yet she was almost never pick.

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