It's way past Time to buff mercy

Nope. Her scoped shots are hitscan, and her unscoped are projectiles.


again this leads into the whole “Who other than her can heal from the other side of the map?” if she is close enough to hit you with a non scoped shot then she is up with the team because she was pressured to do so (or someone might be behind a wall or something but if you have ana that is kinda your bad at that point)

good try tho


Make Valk last 10 seconds maybe, or 12, but give her that 1 istant rez.
And maybe Upon activating of Valk, every cooldown are resets

Welp either Mercy needs buffs or all the other supports need nerfs

It doesn’t lead to anything besides correcting you.

Anyway, I’m gonna stop letting you derail now.

Mercy 2.0 is a dead end. We’ve gone through pretty much every possible version of it and it only came out balanced once Mercy got too crippled to be a main healer anymore. Rez on E was a terrible idea.



When they nerf a support, they trash it. So it’s better to receive a buff than a nerf >_>


She is good where she is, and mass rez cultists are trying to ruin her perfect state in favor of their own nostalgia.


Calling someone a cultist just because they agree with an opinion is pretty mean.

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Having aligning opinions and being part of #reworkmercy are two very different things. Your thread is not unique, it is one of literal thousands that litter this forum every month, and none of them say anything new.

It’s always the same practiced rhetoric of “oh no she’s just a pocket healer now” or “she has no impact, valk is not fun”.

If you actually want a discussion reply to this:


So firstly she’s not.

Secondly not all of the people who want her reworked want mass Resurrect back.

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She’s not what?

And yet they are asking for a complete rework to a hero who has not been changed in any way except positive buffs and a new ultimate? Why rework an entire hero when she was supposedly the pinnacle of game enjoyment while she had an objectively less interactive kit?

Calling people cultist on the forums is sooooo 2018. Get with the times man!

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I laughed and I hate you for it

ok let me pretend to contribute

They either want mass rez back or some sort of consistent burst/aoe healing so she effectively replaces Moira/Ana


She’s not good where she is.

Mass Resurrect was more engaging than Mercy’s entire current kit combined. If you can’t see that, then that’s on you.

She does have more things to do, but if those things aren’t enjoyable to people… they’re going to wish those extra things didn’t exist.

Well, if I made you laugh something good came from this terrible start I had to the new year! :wink:

Actually, as a supporter of #ReworkMercy, I’m a proponent of letting her give a burst damage resistance (like 100% for 2,5 seconds) as her ult. Great counter against intense combos, but still wouldn’t break Dragonblade by making it uncounterable since the duration is short and it would still allow targets to be stunned (I’m also a proponent of having all transformation ults be cancelled by stuns during their casts).

Except she is, and you cannot argue that. Mercy is an exceptional hero on maps like Gibraltar and Numbani. Hell, I will most likely be picking Mercy on those maps if I’m filling support. She has also been gaining traction on Dorado, and is a strong pick in conjunction with snipers or a Pharah.

So we’re back to mass rez. Remind me of what I said again? Oh, right:

The people who complain now NEVER liked playing Mercy if what you say is true. They liked MASS REZ.

Find me a single person who disagrees with the GA buffs. A single one who will truthfully tell me that they do not enjoy the freedom GA provides.

The healing nerf from 60 to 50 HP was made specifically because Mercy was out-healing Ana & Moira by a great margin…in comps where Ana & Moira should be strong.

Mercy is “struggling” at the moment because, historically, she’s never synergized all that well with Reinhardt + Zarya comps (which is why she was nerfed).

Furthermore, instant Res made Mercy a must pick. No ifs, ands, or buts about it, instant Res made Mercy superior to every other Support in the game.

Finally, Mercy has some of the best utility out of the Support category in Res & Damage Boost. If there’s one healer that could spare to have utility, it’s Moira, not Mercy.

No offense, but this literally seems like you want Mercy to be a broken, overpowered mess again.

If we want Mercy to be relevant again, just bring back Dive and watch how well she performs in a comp were sustained damage can actually put in work.

To be fair, all those buffs were accidents, and some of them are super hard to replicate on console. GA was also nerfed when the removed the reset on rez (not that I’m super upset about that when remembering everything else).

I want to say an ult like that wouldn’t be a problem if it lasted as long as a normal ult(what’s the shortest ult in the game? Like Zen’s 6 second transcendence I think?)

2.5 wouldn’t really counter like anything ever, It’d make tanks survive a bomb or riptire but everyone else would die

percentages are hard. when you say 100% do you mean everyone takes no damage or just takes half damage