It's way past Time to buff mercy

The moth is basically down and out and is relegated to off healer or following dps around to make them actually useful for once.
My suggestions

  • Buff healing to 60/s
  • revert valk speed nerf
  • make rez instant/ reset when in valk
    This should make her healing stronger and give her the utility she lacks vs other healers

What? Sheā€™s still strictly better than Moira in tournament play and above Diamond. Ana is just ridiculously overpowered right now, wait for Nanoboost to get a damage nerf and things will be alright.


Well you said the two magic words, ā€˜ā€˜Buff Mercyā€™ā€™ so its guaranteed 10 likes at least


This buff alone lets her solo heal a team. And if you check overbuff right now then you will see that her winrate is 56%, which isnā€™t a number that you buff, itā€™s even a number that people see has a number that means that the char needs nerfs or balance changes.


This alone would please so many Mercy players. Itā€™s the main thing I want back at this point.

Not exactly what she needsā€¦ I would rather them focus on other numbers for now in all honesty.

Instant would be preferable. Using Rez usually wastes precious time that could be spent healing or damage boosting.
Though I still donā€™t think his is what she needs. Rez is killing her kit, and should probably just be removed.

Simply buffing her healing to 60 again would do this in all honesty.

I still would like to see chain beams changed a bit in order to encourage target prioritization and make Valkyrie more engaging. I would love it if her main beam could heal more/provide a stronger damage boost than the chain beams.


Is this a troll post / bait?

Instant rez during valk made Mercy a must-pick and itā€™d be undesirable to shift the balance like that. Personally I think they should just rework Valkyrie to 5 seconds and make it work for that duration (without becoming transendence). 15 seconds is just way to long to feel miserable and joylessā€¦ itā€™s a boring (not unimpactful) ult where your skill is not needed for 15 seconds.



god no

god absolutely not


That is a very cherry-picked piece of information though. Itā€™s 56% winrate in grandmaster at 0.98% pickrate. Low pickrate heroes usually have high winrates (even Torbjƶrn had a high winrate back when he was a trash pick and the lowest picked hero in grandmaster).


But they didnā€™t buff torbjorn, they reworked him. Buffing mercy would elevate her to must pick status on the lower tiers and very viable in the top tiers. That would be a failure in balancing.


Iā€™d like to know what your ideas areā€¦ Iā€™m intrigued. I agree that it lasts way too long.

While still providing less overall impact than other similar ultimates btwā€¦ Supercharger also lasts for 15 seconds, and provides a 50% damage boost; while Valkyrie only provides 30%. Transcendence can also pump out 9000 overall healing in 6 defonds, while Valkyrie can only heal up to 4,500 in 15. This feels kind of off to me.

Mercy has the lowest overall potential across aaaall tiers. Just so you know. :heart:


Which is why I personally think they should rework Mercy again, or at least her ultimate (and if I were to make requests Iā€™d wish them to replace rez too). From what Iā€™ve been told Mercy is pretty balanced, but there is no way Iā€™m playing Mercy while she still has Valkyrie as an ultimate. For 10% or more of my play-time on Mercy Iā€™m absolutely miserable because it does too many things for you, which means your skill playing Mercy hardly matters. Itā€™s poorly design and itā€™s soul-suckingly boring and joyless.


Thatā€™s not statistically accurate.


Iā€™m not even sure what you mean by this. This isnā€™t a statisticā€¦

I can agree with this, but some people seem to still enjoy her, maybe you need another character? I started disliking how Lucio felt after the wallride changes, so I started playing more off tank and DPS and found that I liked them alot. So I played them and then re-picked up Lucio and found that I liked him again and here I am. Unsure if this sounds appealing to you, but I speak from experience when I say giving some other heroes a good try might help you find a greener pasture.

Itā€™s combined statistics.

h ttps://

Sorry for the crap link. Sick, stuck on my phone, and nothing wants to work. :expressionless:


And also make her an unkillable must pick again.

Just say you want to revert every big nerf Mercy got, itā€™s easier that way.


This is a hard point - I would miss the ability if it didnā€™t exist. On the ā€œdo itā€ side, it would make her job easier because crap dps wouldnā€™t see it as the crutch they just NEED to do anything.

On the ā€œleave itā€ side: its a pretty op ability, as a concept. Having played through all the iterations, the double-rez valk combination was the most fun to play IMO, but the ult build was too fast. If they could recreate something similar without screwing the balance, it would be my option. I think it does need to have some risk involved to trigger the ability though.

As a support main, I donā€™t mind the balance mercy has atm. I have never preferred playing her and honestly glad its no longer ā€œpick mercy or you throwā€ mentality of most players. Overall the kit balances between healers is pretty darn good, although im sure some people would disagree.

Sheā€™s definitely the closest to balanced that sheā€™s ever been. I still think there are a few things that would make her feel so much better to play.
I just want 60hp/s back. I donā€™t care about much else in all honesty.

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