It's way past Time to buff mercy

Except I absolutely can. You didn’t say she was balanced… you said she was good where she is.

Fun fact… Overwatch is entertainment. If part of it isn’t entertaining then it NEEDS to be changed.

I was talking about E Res and Valk and you know it.

They were yes. They were specifically changed to be actual features of the ability. Many scientific discoveries were accidents, too.

I can’t speak for this, but that is surely something that could be fixed?

I’d consider that more of a rez nerf, and is hardly felt today anyway, due to the cast time of rez.

It’s enough for ults like Death Blossom, Rocket Barrage, Dragonstrike… basically any short high-damage ult that you can use it to move out of harm’s way. It would demand a lot of timing from the player to use too. I think an ult like this would have merit, and make “Heroes Never Die!” mean something again. If it’s too weak I’m sure something small couls be added to it to balance it out.

Yeah? Well I AM being entertained. Mercy is a GOOD hero for me, so I guess we change nothing? Fun is subjective and you can never please everyone.

Yep. Being a situational pick that excels in those situations constitutes balance, and puts her in a good position.

Must have missed this part - it means they take no damage, but unlike invulernability they are still exposed to CC. It’s simply a way for it to not be used to remove counterplay to some offensive ults, although I guess a Zarya bubble can do that already.

I think they should re-work her to become a utility support rather than a healer, which she kind of already is but make it more defined.

I think the whole concept of having a scepter and a gun on seperate slots is rather stupid, she should simply have it dual wielded and have it fire and use ability similar to like Sombra have aka damage on left-click and ability on right-click (or binded keys).

From there they could balance the damage/heal (or things like increasing projectile speed from 40 m/s to like 50 m/s) to make it so she’s an all around support with a toolkit that have great potential value both offensively and defensively not to mention a change like this would increase the skillfloor/ceiling by quite a bit since you’d introduce so many more layers and well, aim…

That is true, but a surefire way to make a lot of people mad is to make changes that people view as ruining “their” character. Loss aversion is a thing.

but aria said… but aria said


A hashtag movement is a bunch of people having aligning opinions, but with the added convenience of being able to quickly express the opinion with a hashtag created to represent it.

So revert the last nerf?

I rather see it changed to 55 hps tbh, but I’m fine if it stays on 50 hps.

This might not be a bad idea.
Most complaints that I see from some Mercy players is that Valkyrie is boring and not impactful. This could change that.

I guess a reset would be nice.

Instant rez would be too strong am I afraid.

Statistically is Mercy already balanced.
Her average healing is on par with other main healers and her pickrate is healthy, except in high ranks, but that could be because Mercy isn’t meta.

I don’t think Mercy need a rework/revert, but something small to make her feel more impactful and more fun to play is something I’m not against.

Actually they originated as twitter handles to bundle subjects together, and you’d generally express your opinion and then hashtag it to place it in the relevant circles.

Mercy threads are the same thing. “Valk isn’t fun” “Bring rez back” “she’s just a pocket healer now”.

There is never any actual thought or discussion, just repetition.

TO THIS MOMENT you have still refused to answer my post.

A couple reasons.

Firstly, balance is relative. The addition of Moria and Ana raised the bar as far as what a main healer was supposed to do.

Secondly, Mass Resurrect was Mercy’s big burst of impact that didn’t depend on teammates. That’s gone and in its place is an E Resurrect that isn’t exactly burst because it takes 1.75s to cast and Valkyrie is not bursty unless you use your blaster.

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Have you visited any of the 10 “mercy feedback” megathreads across the current and old forums, each with around 20,000 posts each? Or the many essays that examine the design theory around Mercy and her place in the general game culture, with long debates in the replies? Have you visited the most liked thread of all time on the current forums, which is a Mercy essay so long it takes half an hour just to read the whole thing?

1: the “only follows dps around to make them useful” complaint comes from the frustration that Mercy no longer has a hero moment. She did that in 1.0, but it wasn’t all she did.

The most effective use for multirez changed depending on the combat conditions, and required you to think about how it might be needed long before your ult charge reached 100%. If you didn’t do that, you couldn’t make an informed decision when you rezzed. That risked the rez being wasted, or even backfiring. The battlefield analysis involved with multirez kept you thinking a few steps ahead. It was engaging, but now it’s gone.

2: Mercy is an “off healer” now because 50hps can’t keep up. Pure and simple.

3: She is not more effective at dishing out healing. There’s a difference between easy and effective, and since the mechanics of her base beams haven’t changed I’m assuming that you’re talking about Valkyrie’s chain beams.

Any good Mercy barely notices the difference in their healing output when they use valkyrie, because when you’re a good Mercy you’ve mastered beam juggling to the point where chain beams don’t improve your healing output. They just make it boring. Valkyrie’s chain beams are a crutch for bad beam jugglers as much as aimbot is a crutch for people with terrible aim. Guess what? Mercy’s average healing per match only went up by 100 after the rework.

4: Mercy does not “reliably” undo picks with her E. It has too long of a downtime and too much risk to be considered reliable.

You may not have noticed much of a difference between Mercy 1.0 and 2.0, but I sure have. There’s no rush to build ult anymore, no extra layer of engagement with gathering intel for optimal use of multirez. There is no cycle of buildup and reward anymore.

E rez disrupts Mercy’s gameplay flow and has barely any descision making when compared to its predecessor. Valkyrie doesn’t offer anything of value to an experienced Mercy player. It’s like she doesn’t have an ult at all.

I doubt genji mains would like it if their dragonblade was deleted with no replacement. I know that dva mains would hate it if their delfdestruct was removed with no subsititue. I feel the same way about multirez.

If they had replaced it with something else that had the power to dramatically turn the fight around and make Mercy feel like a hero, I could have come to accept the loss of multirez. But what we got instead was a souped-up E ability.

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I know beam juggling and whatever but like have you never been in a situation where multiple people are consistently taking damage?

No amount of juggling is going to prevent at least one or both of them from dying

Valkyrie does though

That’s when beam juggling is the most fun!

You flicker your beam across your team in a very short amount of time, connecting to each one for only a second before moving on to the next one. When done right, you’ll see several health bars going up at roughly the same rate, instead of one at a time.

You pay attention to the pace of each person who’s taking damage, which helps determine which order you flicker the beams in. Someone taking constant damage gets the flicker more than someone taking damage at a slower rate. It helps to know the general accuracy of the enemy, which Mercy can figure out if she’s observant. It’s safer to flicker less on a teammate going up against an enemy with poor accuracy.

Some teammates will be popping in and out of cover (which can include shields). You can afford to flicker on them less, since they’re less likely to croak the moment you lift your beam. Same with teammates who have self heal abilities, and teammates you’ve observed to be more likely to fall back to a safer area when they’re taking lots of damage.

You don’t need to get your teammates all the way to full if everyone needs you at once. When it’s that hectic, just focus on keeping them above one-shot thresholds until the pace of the fight slows down.

Beam juggling has taken a major hit after the healing nerf, though. You have to stay longer on each teammate to get them out of the danger zone, which means less a lot less flickering and a lot less uptime on damage boost. 50hps isn’t enough to keep up.

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I think all she needs is a healing buff, the other changes sound a little too strong

is this post a troll? this would absolutely make mercy the only viable healer again.

isnt this just a revert mercy post

Yea i have to agree and i’m sure the Tanks would like 17% moar :heart: too

Plus you die lots trying to do it, but it’s kinda fair. I think they should keep it how it is, but give her an R ability that grants her a Zarya type bubble thingy to help with her stay alive, but I suppose that’s what her team is for, right.

Res should reset on Valk, I mean you get a MAX potential of two, that’s not so bad, but might be too much compared to the other supports

Maybe keep her at 50/s but then give her an R ability to boost her up a bit for three seconds or something, nothing crazy extended, just enough to do a little bit of burst to save that DPS or other support or something, right now it feels really debilitating to watch a DPS die to trickle damage because it out trickled your tickler beam

That’s what people had an issue with before. Sure it was a bit more broken due to instant Rez, but it lead to fights lasting a bit longer than they really needed to. This could still happen if they gave her a bonus charge. Either way, I think Rez should be left alone.

I wouldn’t be opposed to this. I’d like for it to be able to ramp up to 70 at the very least for 2-3 seconds to make up the difference, though. :wink:

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