It's way past Time to buff mercy

She wont get buffs because she is perfectly balanced.


Shes very weak atm

That would be amazing tbh I’d settle for that too

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The stats show that she is balanced.


Her healing is back to 60/s if you have bothered to read patch notes

valk need to be weak(er) as res is still in the game

Any buff to res and you are asking for the pendulum to swing back around and nerf her back into the ground.

My changes would be something like

  • healing buffed to 75/s

  • Damage boost to 40%

  • switching to and from gun reduced

  • either making res a 45 second CD or making valk give her damage reduction but she can’t fly

  • Based on the last change make res cooldown faster in valk by something like 20% or make her teather not go away when valk is activated.

  • Also no more unlimited ammo in valk, that is stupid.

You are right, lets go off of nothing but stats to balance a game.


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Just rework her again and kick out valk and e-rez for good. Otherwise we are stuck with that trashy mess Blizzard made and thinks it was good. This failed rework should get deleted.

we are suggesting exaggerated balance changes to make heroes OP?

okay well I want Genji to have a 15m long dragonblade, his shurikens to be hitscan, and reflect to have a 2s cooldown


haven’t you heard of genji complaints on the forums?

He already has all of that~

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So nerfing her mobility or res CD and buffing her ability to keep people alive to compensate for either of those changes is now making a character op.

This is why blizzard doesn’t get any useful info from the forums. you all can’t give and take when thinking about what would help anything.


People have brilliant “ideas” like giving Mercy a higher healing output than Ana. What a disaster the game would be if devs took such suggestions to heart.


remind me how much damage mercy can do (and in what time frame) compared to ana after just healing someone, I’ve forgotten.

Mercy had 50 hp/s on launch.
Mercy had no throughput enhancement cooldowns like Valk on launch.
Mercy had significantly less mobility with launch state GA.
Mercy had no E ability at all at launch. It was just an empty slot.

When will you get it through your heads that you NEVER enjoyed playing Mercy? Mercy has been objectively buffed in EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF HER KIT (though the 60 hp/s was reverted).

You liked being a Q bot because it was easy instant gratification that put you in the spotlight without much effort.

Seriously, think about it. Why is Mercy ONLY NOW “following dps around to make them useful” when her launch kit had FAR more emphasis on doing exactly that, than her current kit? Why is she an “off healer” now, when she has been buffed to be far more effective at dishing out healing, and reliably undoing picks with her E ability?

Just quit the game. Your spot in the limelight as a Q bot is over, and it is never coming back.


Remind me how much Mercy has to reload, or stop healing to deal with threats to herself. Remind me how reliable it is for an Ana to consistently heal tiny hitboxes compared to Mercy.

I have forgotten.


If you have never gotten your gun out to headshot a genji a few times to make space for yourself you haven’t played mercy for very long love.

Remind me again on the range on ana’s damage and healing, or maybe if there is a dps behind a tank, how does ana deal with healing the tank?

Wait a second, doesn’t mercy have a CC? Or some form of antihealing?

Firstly I don’t think Mercy really needs a buff. Her last buff was really good, and changed a lot.

She does need some things to make her kit feel like less of a drag. It doesn’t feel good to watch your Reinhardt feed his brains out.

But currently Mercy is really powerful. Her ability to directly affect ultimate economy is crazy, this is the reason why her winrate is so high. Valk provides so much if you use it correctly, the issue is the value is really hard to get out, the Mercy player needs to be really good for this to happen.

In my opinion if you want any of the buffs you proposed, damage boost in Valk would need a nerf.

Getting desperate now, aren’t we.

There is no point in a side by side comparison. Mercy on average does more healing per game than Ana. That’s because she’s CONSISTENT. High mobility, self sustain, and a forgiving healing beam that never runs out of juice.

So bearing in mind that Mercy actually does more healing than Ana, you still think it’s a good idea to give her another 15 hp/s, so she straight out outperforms a healing gun that has deliberate downsides tacked on to it as taxation for it’s output?

Yes, please, PLEASE!!!


Absolutely no…

Not really, i just like making you look bad.

I listed out nerf to her kit (nerfing res’s cd by 50% - or hell just get rid of it if you want) while giving her buffs to compensate but you dont really care and if your other posts in other threads are anything to go by it is kinda your mo.

mercy literally has to pick what to do and she can only do 1 of the 3 things at any one time yet other supports dont have that issue. this is why her beams (and to some point gun) have to be worth a damn.

If you don’t see that then there is no helping you.

I mean technically speaking if Ana is busy shooting at an enemy she’s not healing

If she’s sleep darting or aiming a sleep dart she’s not healing or damaging

Unless you’re in some no limits with 4 reinhardts on top of each other she’s either using her nade for anti heal or healing and not both

idk I just never got why people keep saying oh the supports can do damage, utility, and heal when Mercy can also damage, utility, and heal. Not my fault you never want to use her pistol

Ana doesn’t have to switch to a differnt ammo type or gun.

Ana’s healing projectile is hitscan so it happens pretty much instantly

Zen can have an orb on someone while discording another person while shooting balls at them all at the same time

mor can put out a healing or damage orb while doing the other thing with her left or right click

lucio can wall ride around and always speed boost because duhh

mercy is one of the few that has to pick 1 out of 3 where as most supports do 2 or 3 at once.

It is just simple logic.