Its time to admit it, the symmetra rework was a failure

That’s fair. You have to admit, lock-on was pretty good for taking out Genji, Tracer and Lucio, though.

I honestly would not be opposed to a centre lock mechanic for 60dps switching to her straight beam for 120dps etc.

I feel that would help her survivability and serve as a homage to 2.0.

Honestly. This beam looks disgusting. It’s such a weird shape.

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Moira. One button push. Throw healing orb. Throw damage orb. :thinking:

Because I’d like to be able to follow pro teams and players who utilize my favorite hero. The lack of Symmetra is one of my biggest reasons for not being interested in pro play. Part of the Overwatch experience is the esports stuff. Not everyone has to follow it, but it would be nice if everyone could.

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This is really weird but old Sym was one of my go to fun heroes to play in QP. I would never touch her in comp, but just for relaxation, playing QP while listening to some music, it was always between Sym, and other heroes I never touch in comp, like Pharah, McCree, etc.

I loved how her ultimate actually made a difference to the game, you really felt the impact of her shield gen or tele. Her 6 turrets were fun, and I acc liked her primary beam.

As soon as I read the details on her rework I knew I wouldn’t like it. The big giveaway was her new ultimate. In a game drowning in CC and shields, we get yet one more shield, but now it’s map wide, infinite. I mean…okay?

Idk, I just think it’s a lazy rework of her old kit just blended and mashed up and it came out different, but not better.

If I was in charge of balance, I would have just tweaked her old kit slightly to make her more viable. Small steps first, like increase the survivability of her 6 turrets, make photon barrier bigger and move slower, reduce the dmg on her primary beam by 10-15% (it was ridiculous for a support to be that strong, hopping around holding M1, killing 2-3 enemy DPS), and I would have left her ult the same but made the tele/shieldgen outline visible through walls to help protect it. speeding up her secondary orbs just like how they are now, etc.

Small, logical changes like that always interest me more than a complete rework which loses the character’s personality and original presence.


I think she might have primary attack like Moira’s one, with the same hit box (or smaller). But then ramp up speed and damage output must be tuned…

You should see these two then : 🧭 Highlighting some of my Sym suggestions and other things from over a year: and 🏚 Sym doesn't have a role, thats the main problem, "Blame Dev's Economically Needs" (Mega topic)

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If it was kept just for the first charge it would be fine. Wouldn’t even have to fix that awful tickrate. Straight beam 120. Straight beam 180.

Her old Barrier should have been like Orisa’s Halt where you stop it by pressing it again. Simple.

I agree with your turrets pitch too.

The most reasonable thought process assumes it’s to keep her kit consistent.

Yes it was a buff. She’s a solid hero now. She gets great value when working with her team and she’s more dynamic than before. She’ no high skill delete everything hero but she’s much better than before.

Most likely because of how oppressive her kit was on several maps. Version one was weak overall but version two was broken. 2CP games were a nightmare and her kit was far more passive for greater value.

This rework give her more versatility. She’s less map dependent and with proper teamwork she can blow up games. She still needs buffs but at least now she’s a more well rounded hero.

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I like that idea, it could move forward and then once pressed again, it could just stop and levitate in the air or wherever it was stopped for another 10 seconds. Interesting.

See, there are so many ways she could have been improved upon without this rework. I wish Blizz would stop with these 180 reworks and actually talk to their community and get some feedback on what we want, instead of just spitting out these fast reworks at us with no possibility of going back.

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What if she went back to a support that gave shields? Then she simply restored player shields the way a healer would restore health. Is this a step back?

They don’t revert heroes, sadly.

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Moving her power to talking space versus holding it doesn’t make her more rounded. It makes her less niche and that’s not the same. More rounded means she can straight net buff do more. But she can’t. She doesn’t deal net more dps. She isn’t more mobile, tankier, or survivable. They just moved her problems around.
She might have felt strong on 2cp, but 2cp is hard to start, and it’s not like she dominated it either. She was just…okay at this one spot…sometimes?
She requires more teamwork now that only amounts to anything with extraordinary work and a basis that the other team doesn’t have moderate coordination of their own.
Having a tp to deploy versus a barrier isn’t different in dynamic, just use. Her dynamic aspect comes from a dps output Nerf in her turrets that are still a weak part of her kit, and just reworked to be utilized differently.
Again, symm isn’t better. She’s just different. And why rework a hero to be just…different? She still has low midfight power, less control power, and all her previous problems still plague her.

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I hope devs would be brave and talk. But I don’t see that happening for a while.

I know (reading your post made me actually sigh knowing that too)… That’s why you’re right, it’s just going to continue being a nightmare. We’d need like another character with a similar mechanic before they would really focus on it.

A niche hero is a niche hero is a niche hero.

No matter how many times you try to change her, she’s always going to be niche and undesirable in most comps. Not all heroes are destined to be usable in all scenarios. It is what it is.

Just to give my honest view as a Sym main of 2 years, I agree with Stevooo in that I love new Sym. I don’t think my loving her makes her good, however. I just genuinely like the challenge to her kit. Having to think outside the box, feeling like an important piece in a game of chess, was what attracted me to playing her when I got the game.

When Sym 3.0 was released, I haaated her. It felt exactly like someone had tossed a completely different hero at me. I was raging so much I had to take a break from the game for a week and just feel genuinely depressed that someone who made me originally feel skilled at something in the game had vanished and left me with little else. I play other heroes plenty, like Ashe and Hammond, but she was my best and most enjoyable pick.

I knew new Sym could be played just as effectively, but she didn’t “click” with me. I was watching Stevooo play and couldn’t figure out how he was doing it. The orb use had changed so drastically, and her left-click was rarely used at all when he was playing her. But he was awesome, and it inspired me to give her literally ONE MORE SHOT. So I jumped into a game of FFA with her and mid-match, I jumped from -2 kills half-way through the game (I backed off of the Guillard cliff twice… after spawning… hehe…) to coming in third by the end of the match. I had an “OHHH, THIS IS HOW I USE HER NOW.” moment and everything snapped into place.

She went from having been my best hero (I place Diamond with her on my alt account. This account I placed Silver with Sombra because I didn’t know how placements worked when I got the game. Tried to climb out with Sym but gave up after a few matches because I realized I hate Comp. Oops.), to becoming my actual WORST hero, to suddenly snapping back to my best.

So, I guess the point of me saying this isn’t to gaslight or “I’M FINE SO GET OVER YOURSELF NOT BEING FINE” other Sym mains/players. The point is to give some encouragement to those who haven’t had their “click” moment yet. Trust me, you can be exactly as you were with Sym when that happens. It happened to me randomly in the middle of a match and I’m maintaining my old WR! I have the highlight of that moment, by the way, but I don’t know if I can post videos on here?

(Also, god her tele is slow and janky as crap. Speed up her tele and lower the cooldown on her turrets for mid-fight potential. There are only 3 now, so the cooldown should be lower than when there were 6. Those are my nitpicks.

As someone who does play Sym in all of the iterations.

I do enjoy Sym’s 3.0 iteration and the idea of her destroying shields.

However, as everyone experienced, her primary stupidly weak against quick characters has a chance against slower characters and does excellently against tanks provided you have the high ground or with a team. (which was the opposite when it came to her lock on.)

I love love love her turret toss and enjoy her current iteration of tp for both her self and team use. Her ult I heard a lot of complaints but if generator returns goats would possibly abuse to hell. Here’s a scenario if gen was kept and tp moved to E, We have a goats comp and we get ult along with Brig ult, shields will be damaged and armor will then be stacked creating very meat team members. enemy team, unless they were crazy coordinated, will struggle a team fight unless they pack a lot damage.

My complaints stem from the fact that her primary isn’t reliable, her tp is too slow and clunky when placing on high ground.

despite the clunkiness, I still play her when I can cause I like the play style it created.

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Just increase placement speed make it ignore railing / fences or just destroy them so they dont get so finicky. Fix tick rate. Increase health and she’ll be perfect. 2.0 was my favorite itteration i had more use out of 2.0 photon barrier then 3.0s ult. It could easily stop many ults and add so much survivability. Turret bombing is the only thing i use tp on now because i have no reason for my team to use it when half of them ignore it to begin with. Even with voice chat tp is useless because of how people are in this game. The negative stigma will never leave and thats the reason she’ll never be good or perfect in anyway new gun feels nice but the absurd tickrate ruins it for me. Tp bombing every 30 seconds is absurd. An ult thats just a big wall is boring and the slow deployment / recharge of abilities are just sad.

So many things that could easily be fixed but im not surprised that next year she might as well be reworked into a tank./s

I had a look at the interview, and I’ll put it in here for those of you too lazy.

Kaplan said that overhauls “push the reset button on balance” for heroes, and that’s why he doesn’t like them. They ask as many questions as they answer. In Symmetra’s case, for example, people who main her are still getting hate even after the rework, but Kaplan can’t be sure if she’s in a good place or not yet.
“With Symmetra, I personally am in wait-and-see mode,” he said. “There’s two elements there: One is, did we get the correct mechanics? Is this character doing the things we want them to do and occupying the gameplay space we hope that they occupy? And then the second part is the balance. We feel like, with characters like Torbjorn and Symmetra, they’re mechanically doing what we want them to do now, but I don’t know if they’re balanced correctly.”

If you read this, it states that Jeff Kaplan is actually unsure if Symmetra was in a good place or not, not that he is unhappy about the rework.

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