Its time to admit it, the symmetra rework was a failure

Bronze is the only place she is still played, so perhaps you’re just a bigot?

K, that was not needed. Try not to use such words… ever.

I don’t think Symmetra 3.0 was available before OWL was over. And even if she was, she’s going to take a ton a practice before any pro team is going to run her, since she’s not an easy or forgiving hero.

My fingers are crossed to see her in pro play soon. At least it’s possible with the right balance tweaks now. Before the rework, there was no way she was ever going to see pro play.

Why do you make like 5 topics per day about this?

Mb decrease tickrate of her primary?

Also, give her 50 hp. But then make beam shorter.

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Do you even know what the word means???




  1. a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

“don’t let a few small-minded bigots destroy the good image of the city”

synonyms: chauvinist, partisan, sectarian;

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They already tried, it was just trying to put a teleporter down, it was quickly destroyed.

Then they went to switch to never to see Sym again.

Its time to admit that symmetra rework is a success.

The reworks are not made to make a character meta, people should know that.
Whoever thinks that Sym 2.0 would do better in this current meta is literally fooling him/herself and thats a fact.

Sym skill floor and ceiling are way better and the combinations with the Teleport are insanely effective. There is, absolutely nothing, that is worse, besides “omg i have to aim? huh that sucks!”.

And this is coming from a Sym user.


It’s not tho. Otherwise she’d be in the pros with their pro teamwork dismantling goats. But she’s not because she’s not good. The effort put into making her work isn’t optimal not guaranteed like any other hero in the game.

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She needs to have her tick rate, energy loss and TP deploy time looked at. I said in my first post she needed buffs and quality improvements. I’m not saying Symm is perfect at all. I think she’s a better designed hero currently with room to be better.

I’m writing off Symm mains that used how passive Symm’s kit was to play for value. You can’t deny how many bring back lock on threads have flooded the forums lately. That clearly tells me that a large % of Symm players played her just because of her kit’s simplicity.


Look, she can make up what she does not have. By just giving back her Photon barrier, without losing anything else. aka 👋 The Perfect Sym Buff

And thus we would likely she used in OWL… possibly if they were not so hard elitist. (but that’s another issue)

There are a lot a lot a lot of bad Symmetras who don’t know how to play her optimally, just like there are a lot a lot a lot of bad Sombras. But if she’s used right, she’s extremely strong and can do things she could never do before. Look at streamers like stevooo.

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Symmetra is a failure

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At best the only buff she can get other than number tweaks is a health increase. There’s no room in her kit to have a throw-able barrier.

Why do you care if she’s used in OWL? There are plenty of streamers that demonstrate how effective she is in GM and in the top500. Why does OWL matter at all in your enjoyment of the hero?

I mean, by that logic, symm 2.0was fine too and could do things 3.0 couldn’t, and got high like lumi and hoshi.
But forcing a hero to work, and the hero being in a good state, or even just…fine is different. And the thing is, just because it’s possible to exploit the lack of community awareness to sym, and force it to work, doesn’t mean it’s optimal in effort for a team to use her.

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He has to have his whole team to support him though.

Its more his team not him, in fact his team could likely do better.

I mean, it’s not tho. She was reworked not in line with her community, but owl. Specifically. So of course her old use base won’t like it. But the thing is, owl doesn’t use her either bc shes bad All around. So this rework didn’t get her to be some owl darling, and instead just alienated her old playerbase to boot.

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Because that’s why they reworked her.
If it was just streamers, why change her then? Lumi and hoshi did well on her too with 1.0. should we revert to 1.0 because a few symm stans could force her to work?

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I know people are just too blind.

There was never any evidence to suggest Symm was reworked over OWL…

She’s not bad she’s just passive. pro games are about skill input and immediate result. Symm is built around preemptive play and stifling teams. Pros have the highest level of teamwork so Symm struggles. She’s made to be a ladder hero not a pro hero.