It's Time For A Revert | Working Mass Res Mercy Workshop [WILL BE UPDATED]

First and Foremost, allow me to give a huge thank you to the Devs for all of their hard work and dedication in the making of the Workshop. Such an amazing addition to the game is exactly what tinkerers like myself needed to be able to make our own reworks and / or tweaks. Excellent work!

After a few hours, I’ve put together some basic rulesets to bring back Mercy’s Mass Res in all of it’s former glory. As time progresses, I will update this post and tweak it as I go. Nonetheless, this is the start of a new Era, and I’m more than excited to be a part of it. So without any further adieu…

Latest update (also can be found on overwatchforge):

0.8 Import Code: 1FCGX
0.8 (Console Version) Import Code: GF9G4

Mass Rez (ver. 0.8)

Mass Rez (ver. 0.8)


  • Physics based Resurrect system has been redesigned to now use ray-casting. Ray-casting, as well as improvements to LOS, and teleporting souls makes resses snappier and more accurate.
  • Fixes to E - Ability Intensive care. Can now only be activated while Mercy is Healing or Damage boosting. This will make it less likely to activate randomly.
  • Fixed bug where Mercy can only res when all team mates are within the radius.
  • New Rez Mechanic added: Superb Resurrects. If a strict set of conditions are met, Mercy can perform a Superb Resurrect. Superb Resurrects are perfect resses that are slightly faster and harder to counter than normal resses, but are very rare, as they are more difficult to pull off. Superb Resurrects reward the player by playing one of 4 of Mercy’s set voicelines at random, as well as change the camera perspective to 3rd person view. Try to go in bold for a risky 5-man rez for a chance at a Superb Resurrect!
  • Resurrects will now reset Intensive Care.
  • HUD information revised to only show downed team mates, and revised text to be larger and more visible.
  • Clairvoyance and soul marking will now only activate when conditions are ripe to rez.
  • Fixed bug where Intensive care would activate if Mercy receives a status.

Notable bugs to be worked on


  • Glitch where sometimes Resurrect will not fire if conditions are met.
  • Glitch where the Camera would show the background during Superb Resurrect.

Welcome to Mass Rez 0.8! - In Depth Overview

Welcome to Mass Rez 0.8! - In Depth Overview - YouTube

Older Versions

Two Variants (0.7 & 0.7v)

0.7 (Standard version) Import Code: AHWJG

Mass Rez (ver. 0.7)

Mass Rez (ver. 0.7)


Intensive Care:

  • Reduced aura healing from 100 to 50. Mercy’s base healing during Intensive Care reduced from 99 to 55. Duration decreased from 7s to 4s. Cooldown increased from 10s to 12s.

  • Mercy’s healing now decays to 40hp/s for 3 seconds after Intensive care before recovering. A new “Recovering” Message will display indicating the refractory period.

  • Fixed bug where cooldown & ability would display during a status ailment.

  • Fixed glitch where Soldier: 76 spawned with his ultimate ready

Mass Rez:

Fixed bug where if Mercy already did a Mass Rez, she will still try to use Clairvoyance.

  • Fixed compatibility bug where Mass Rez wouldn’t activate correctly.

Developer Notes: Intensive Care outputted too much healing over time. This change is to give Mercy a more balanced burst heal, make the ability more situational, and should allow for more skill expression between targets.

Notable bugs to be worked on

Compatibility issue where Mass Rez wouldn’t activate (fixed)

Examples of this build:

Mass Rez 0.7 vs 0.6 - A Brief Overview

Mass Rez 0.7 vs 0.6 - A Brief Overview - YouTube

0.7v (Valkyrie version) Import Code: JQYS4

Mass Rez (ver. 0.7v)

Mass Rez (ver. 0.7v)


(0.7v is a variant of 0.7. As such, it retains the same fixes, with some notable changes)

  • New E Ability - Valkyrie: Mercy’s Valkyrie Suit helps keep her close to teammates like a guardian angel; healing, resurrecting or strengthening them with the beams emanating from her Caduceus Staff. Mercy abilities are improved. She gains increased speed, a boost in healing, and is given flight. Duration is 4 seconds. Cooldown is 12 seconds. 360 total healing (75hp/s main beam + 15hp/s chain healing).

  • HUD has been revamped to account for Valkyrie. New indicators will let the player know when Valk is on cooldown, recovering, and when it is ready.

Developer Notes: This version is a variant of Mass Rez 0.7. In this version, Mercy wields the power of Valkyrie as an E ability, along with Mass Rez as her ultimate. This build hopes to combine the best from both ultimates, but balance them in a way that is fair, and fun.

Notable bugs to be worked on

  • QOL request to prevent Mercy from dying during Valkyrie. Due to the limitations of the workshop. It may be a while before this is possible. Still noted.

Examples of this build:

Welcome to Mass Rez 0 7v! In Depth Overview

Welcome to Mass Rez 0.7v! In Depth Overview - YouTube

Console Versions:
Mass Rez 0.7.1 CNSL version: WAE4N
Mass Rez 0.7.1v CNSL version: SAQ4F

Mass Rez (ver. 0.6)

Mass Rez (ver. 0.6)


  • Resurrect system has been revamped. Improvements and QOL fixes to make resurrect “snapping” to a soul less jarring.
  • Mercy will now gain some added altitude / do an angelic bounce after successfully completing a rez. This is in effort to allow Mercy an escape after the rez, where she’s most vulnerable.
  • Mercy can now “pull souls” towards her to assist with more reliable resses. Soul physics added to make their trajectory more predictable.
  • New Burst heal E-ability added: Intensive Care. Mercy can now apply a 280 hp (burst) which decays to a 180 hp/s (residual) heal on a single target within a 7 second duration. Within it’s duration, targets on Mercy’s team will have a yellow aura. Healing targets with the aura will give the additional burst heals, while other targets will get an improved 100 hp/s. This will help Mercy to maintain a tank through a choke, or allow her to provide coverage for multiple team mates close by. Team mates within her LOS but out of her healing beam range can receive a 180 burst heal. Intensive Care has a 7 second duration and a 10 second cooldown.
  • HUD information will now track the duration of E-Ability: Intensive Care (marked yellow), as well as when it’s cooldown (marked red). There is a refractory period between using Intensive care and Mass Rez.
  • Fixed bug where Clairvoyance would emit blue rings instead of yellow.
  • Fixed a glitch where Mercy gets her Ult instantly upon death.

Notable bugs to be worked on


  • Glitch where sometimes both ability duration and coold own would display if Mercy rezzes while receiving a status ailment.

E-Ability - Intensive Care:

  • Bug that allows Mercy to target dead souls.

Examples of this build:

Mass Rez 0.6 Features and new E-Ability showcase

Welcome to Mass Rez 0.6! Features and new E-Ability introduced! - YouTube

Mass Rez 0.6 vs 0.5 Comparison

Mass Rez 0.6 vs 0.5 - A Brief Overview - YouTube

Import Code: T66BM

Mass Rez (ver. 0.5)

Mass Rez (ver. 0.5)


  • Resurrect system has been updated to Make mercy feel more floaty, responsive, and fluid. Movement and aim are now much less restricted during her cast.
  • Mercy will now slowly lift off the ground for a brief period during Mass Rez.
  • Clairvoyance and the HUD has been updated to display in real-time and more accurately.
  • Clairvoyance will now show enemy player icons / souls nearby in a separate box in red, as well as a number showing how many are within Mercy’s immediate vicinity. Friendly team mates and souls will remain in yellow.
  • Fixed bug where HUD would display redundant information when Mercy gets a status effect, such as getting hooked by Roadhog or hacked by Sombra.
  • Fixed a glitch where the HUD will display Mercy’s icon if she dies.
  • Improved ult charge tracking when Mercy attempts to rez a soul within 5 meters.
  • Improved tracking of teleported souls towards Mercy within her range.
  • Most CC will now interrupt Mercy during Mass Rez.

Notable bugs to be worked on


  • Bug where if Mass Rez is performed at the edge of the radius, Mercy gets a boost of speed and / or height.

Examples of this build:
Test 1 - Comparison between 0.4 and 0.5 Rez mechanics

0.4 vs 0.5 Rez comparison - YouTube

Test 2 - Demonstration of 0.5 HUD system update

0 5 HUD test - YouTube

Import Code: CJW2F

Mass Rez (ver. 0.4)

Mass Rez (ver. 0.4)


  • Revamped Mercy’s Mass Ressurect System. Mercy is now much less likely to ressurect without using her hand animation during Mass Rez. Any souls within Mass Rez’s radius will be zipped to her location and Mercy will turn towards the souls closest to her within her range. This tracking is added to allow for more chances of the res to perform correctly, making resses from greater than 5 meters more reliable.
  • Mass Rez and Clairvoyance LOS has been tweaked to not activate while in mid-air when Mercy is killed or during boops.
  • HUD now displays more information during ressurection. A message showing the number of players Ressurected and an icon showing a dead team mate within the abilities range.
  • Clairvoyance’s passive ability of identifying the number of dead souls. Tweaked to now try to identify the closest live ally, enemy, and rezzable souls within it’s range.
  • Fixed a glitch where the HUD will display Mercy’s icon if she dies.
  • Fixed a glitch where Mercy Rezzes herself or enemies if she is killed while trying to Mass Rez team mates.
  • Added small Impulse to teleported souls to assist with tracking of the Mass Rez system.

Notable bugs


  • Sometimes Ult stays charged if Mercy attempts a rez within 5 meters. This bug is a result of a is a workaround to the non-working “Set Ult Charge function,” and will probably not change until that function becomes usable.


  • Glitch where if Mercy dies while attempting to Mass Rez, it will still display the number of players Mercy attempted to bring back. Will be worked on in a future patch.

Examples of this build:
Test 1 - Dying before Rez completes does not bring Mercy or souls she attempted to rez back (Note that only one soul was brought back instead of 3)

0 4 Cancel Rez on Death fix 1 1 - YouTube

Test 2 - Showing the new Mass Rez mechanic

0.4 Mass Rez Hand Fix2 1 - YouTube

Import Code: Y00K6

Mass Rez (ver. 0.3)

Mass Rez (ver. 0.3)

Import Code: G9C47

  • Valkyrie is no longer activates during Mass Rez.
  • Ultimate counter now resets properly after Mass Rez is activated.
  • New Passive Ability “Clairvoyance”. When Mercy’s Ultimate is ready, she uses the powers of her Valkyrie suit to mark nearby souls within her LOS. Souls will sparkle when Q is pressed, and an icon of the dead team mate in view will be visible at the top of the screen for a brief period. This ability is only usable when she has her ultimate and be careful, enemies can see you use it as well. :blush:
  • Mass Res and Clairvoyance are now vulnerable to CC.
  • New HUD System to detect downed allies when Clairvoyance ability is used, A Rez counter to show how many sould are within your range, and a message will pop up indicating that you are resurrecting.
  • Mercy is now vulnerable while resurrecting.

Other changes

Caduceus Staff:

  • Mercy’s healing is increased to 55hp/s. Was 50hp/s.

Test 1

Mass Rez 0.3 Test 1 - YouTube

Test 2

Mass Rez 0.3 - Test 2 - YouTube

Import Code: G9C47

Mass Rez (ver. 0.2)

Mass Rez (ver. 0.2)

Import Code: ZBFVS

  • Mass Rez, Valk and Rez on E are all usable, but only in her Ultimate. Outside of her ultimate, Rez on E is not used. (Still trying to get Valk to work on E so this is the stable placeholder solution in the meantime)
  • Mass Rez now has a more grounded / reliable LOS and a 12m radius (similar to Lucio’s). The LOS angle is the default 45 degrees.
  • Added Sparkle effects on her resurrect abilities and on dead team mates, activated during her res cast time / the duration of valk.

Import Code: ZBFVS

Mass Rez (ver. 0.1)

Mass Rez - The Rules:
(ver. 0.1)

Import Code: WF8NR

RULE 1 - Global disallow res by default
(This disables Mercy’s Rez on E)

RULE 2 - Mercy Activate Rez Hand Animation

RULE 3 - Wait & If Still Alive Perform Mass Rez

Developer Notes:

  • Mercy is Vulnerable while Rezzing, and has a cast time. If she is killed before she completes her res animation, it will not activate.
  • Rez on E is disabled, so Pressing E does nothing. Mercy can only Rez on Q.
  • Valk will still function however, due to the way the workshop works with ultimates. Thus, she will still use Valk after the res (This is a known issue that the community has already brought up, so hopefully we get more flexibility in how ults function in the future).
  • Mercy still requires LOS, using her E-Rez to do so, however it may need to be tweaked.

Import Code: WF8NR

Any questions or concerns, suggestions or otherwise, please let me know. Let’s keep this thread respectful and positive as well, and Enjoy! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


I don’t completely agree with a revert for mercy but this seems really cool! So is the hand animation and glowing effect there?
Also have you removed the effects and duration of valk? Good luck with this btw :slight_smile:


Thanks! And to answer your questions.

  • The glowing effects haven’t been added yet, so just the single res gets the glow for now like her rez on E. I’ll probably work on the visuals after the core mechanics are fleshed out.
  • Valk still has it’s duration. As stated in the OP, that part still isn’t editable from what I’ve seen, so hopefully we will be able to have some more options for that in the future. If anyone else was able to figure out how to change it’s duration though, do let me know! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


You can change her ult duration by using the regular (non-workshop) hero settings


I don’t think that works at the moment for mercy sadly :frowning:


I dont think “revert mercy” or “its time for a revert” needs to be in the title of this thread, but given the focus on simulating mass rez, I at least can see in this particular case that it is within a block or three of the ballpark


BastionMain is correct, for Mercy there isn’t an Ultimate Duration setting unfortunately. :upside_down_face:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Someone on the Mercy main subreddit figured out how to do this.

How about making E a mass resurrect (requiring and using your full ult charge), and Q normal Valk?


That’s great. Looking at the examples though, Most of those are showing instant rez without a cast time or not using her res animation, and they don’t seem to have any rules to take from from what I’ve seen, just gifs. So I’m just going to build upon what I currently have. :blush:

That’s an idea, but I’m not sure how to do that yet. But if you have such an example, do feel free to let me know~!

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

1 Like

I was just referring to the Valk duration. They managed to turn it off/reduce it.

Here’s the link.


Yep, I saw their example. Do they have a link on how they did it? I haven’t seen it.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

1 Like

Unfortunately, I don’t.

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Currently the Set Ultimate Charge command has been removed for bug fixing, but when it gets added back, you could use the Ultimate Charge Percent condition (along with the standard loop and whatnot for custom abilities) to check for a 100% charge, and after activating the mass res (same as what you’re already doing but bound to E instead of Q), use Set Ultimate Charge to set it to 0.


Gotcha, thanks for the heads up, I’ll give it a shot and see what I can do with it. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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I would think you can remove Valkyrie the same way you would disable her E in the Heroes section. Then in the Workshop your code should still run if the condition is when Ultimate is pressed.

Glad to help! Also, I just checked and the Set Ultimate Charge is in the current build.

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I spent the evening working on a Mass Ress version myself, but the lack of feature to swap abilities really hinders my vision. A lot of people have been talking about wanting something like that so maybe a future update to it will make it possible.

My concept is putting Ress as her Ult with:

  • LOS check
  • 1s Channel (longer than Lucio’s Ult)
  • 50% SPD Red
  • 15-20m AoE.

And for Valk to make it her standard E Ability without everything but the Chain-Beams.

wish they would let us edit parameters of existing abilities, like being able to change current Ress’ channel time, speed penalty and such…


Yeah, I’m having some difficulty trying to “rebind” buttons so Valk works on E and vice versa. Lots of people seem to have this issue as well.

One workaround would be to disable Rez on E and Valk on Q, and just remake Mass Rez from scratch, the only caveat there is that we would lose her ressing animation. Hopefully in the future we will have some way to control how heroes emote with certain abilities and the effects. It seems that’s a huge factor in trying to make the ability a bit more polished.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

1 Like

I’ve seen people fix this by killing and then instantly rezzing Mercy to cancel valk. It’s an inelegant solution but it works okay and shows up in the killfeed as a Mercy suicide so you can see if she rezzed someone.