"its quick play" is just your excuse for throwing

I respect your opinion. I disagree, but I respect it.

Because if someone is being hard countered, even if they’re having fun, they’re helping the enemy team build ults + your team is down one in fights which means they’re at an inherent disadvantage. So IMO, that’s throwing.

It didn’t though. Let’s go over this;

Saying “I can do whatever I want” is very different than “I want to practice X hero”. You’re conflating the two statements as the same when they’re literally not. We both agree you cannot do literally anything you want. I disagree that you cannot use QP for practice, and Jeff never says you cannot use it for that.

Edit: Will clarify this, I have read that you’re fine with practicing but think you’re being too strict with your attitude towards how others approach it. I posted quicker than I should have, apologies.

I’d recommend you do, sure. There is also literally zero obligation to do so. Especially when Blizz themselves let’s you disable comms. I can say I’m practicing but it also won’t matter if others aren’t even in the chat.

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Ok but how do you even penalize this?

How does anyone, including the people in and outside of the match, know whether a player is chosing not to swap because they want to throw?

Because the only dead fire way to know is if they tell you. Otherwise how do you know they just think their pick is fine? What if they don’t know a better hero and they would be doing worse on something else? Or they haven’t gotten to play their favorite in forever and just want 1 game on them? Maybe they’re even disabled and don’t really have a choice but to one trick.

Theres a million reasons more. But even if it’s just because they are bad and decided that not swapping was a good decisions… They should be/are allowed to do that lol. Being bad is not against the rules.


It’s the nature of the forums, haha. It’s hard to read tone sometimes. Not a problem.

I understand what you’re saying. I just get very frustrated when some people (not you) suggest that QP doesn’t matter. Because for a majority of people, like myself when I did play, I only played QP and still wanted to win.

I think people should be understanding if someone wants to practice. But I also think the players who practice should be willing to swap if they get countered too much.

I’m not trying to be unreasonable it’s something I held myself to when I was learning certain heroes. It’s one of those situations where there’s no true winning. The player practicing might feel like they’re not getting enough time in quicker / the person who really wants to win might feel super annoyed because they’re “carrying” someone who is less skilled at their hero.

But I apologize for being more curt than I probably needed to be. It’s early. :stuck_out_tongue:


Unfortunately, I do not have an answer for you. I think one of the biggest things the game needs is also something the game strongly lacks - proper communication across the board.

I think a portion of reported players who were banned are probably composed of people who were just practicing and got reported for being throwers. So I think that’s something the community penalizes, not Blizzard. :confused:


he didnt say that though. Why did you lie about what he said?

tbf i’d put this issue more on the game itself. Being in a blatant disadvantage so big you become useless because of your character coice should’t be a thing. (I’d argue it’s okay to play into counters in QP because that way you’d learn to deal with them when you encounter them, but that’s beyond the point)


I appreciate you :slight_smile:

I totally get this. Believe me, I want to win too, and it can definitely be frustrating if I’m trying to swap and play to what I feel the team needs and see someone is like, 2 / 7 on junkrat into pharah lol. It sucks, I totally understand haha!

Fundamentally, I do agree with you here too. The game also has to allow for some players as Aviator mentioned to just be bad though which I think this is where things get messy. Whether it’s lack of mechanical skill, or poor decision making, I don’t think we should punish players for simply being bad at the game. Some people see that at the high end Hanzo can shoot Pharah out of the sky, where for most players Hanzo is going to struggle to land hits on her. Some players will think they aren’t being countered, even though they are doing nothing to fight that Pharah. Do we punish someone for making poor choices / not really grasping different character’s strengths / niches? Some players may also struggle with the idea of swapping to a character that might be able to deal with a counter, but they know they are also bad at.

So someone could be on a hero that, most of us will understand is being countered and probably would be better off if they swapped. But that same player could also feel that they aren’t being countered at all. Some people also don’t know when to swap due to things like ult charge. Do I stay on this hero who is being countered, or do I stay since I have 90% ult charge? Imo, swapping is a skill and I think it takes some time and effort to learn when to swap to, and who to swap to.

So I guess my issue is, I think there’s a lot of things in this game for long time players / players who understand the game well enough to sometimes feel like someone is intentionally throwing, when they may honestly just not be good at the game for whatever reason. And I worry about punishing people for simply being bad. I know of at least 4 friends off the top of my head that I play QP with on occasion who I would never play comp with. Because they’re straight up terrible at the game haha! I wouldn’t want them to be punished for being bad while someone assumed they were intentionally throwing.

Na, you’re good dude. I appreciate your being candid and I’ll try to do the same.

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Then why don’t YOU swap to counter his counter?

Most of the time I encounter this phrase is when I’ll say something like, “Let’s group up” or if someone is having a bad game you get a “cHiLL iT JuSt qUikPlEy” response. It’s funny how it’s taboo to have fun practicing winning but we need to adhere to someone else having fun practicing new hero’s. Seems selfish. I’d be willing to meet in the middle and say ok, practice your new hero but at least be willing to hear feedback that you’re not playing well and W’ing into a fight while both supports and tank are in spawn.

Where does it say that you have to try your absolute hardest and give your best, sweatiest, most try hard effort in qp?

You can not play well and still not be throwing. It’s not Symantecs it’s common sense for literally any game ever made, video game or otherwise lol. It is VERY clear when someone is trolling or throwing a game. If you can’t see where that line is then that’s on you. I mean it’s not like they don’t already have a game mode for people who want to try as hard as they can, right?

They actually don’t need to middle ground you on anything. Its QP. If you want teammates that seriously want to win at all at costs, you go to comp, not QP where the rank disparity means you can be saddled with literal new players vs top500.

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The qp matchmaker says otherwise lol.

Um… okay… thats fair, but when did I say that? I’m getting that feeling words are getting put in my mouth… also this is very much devolving into symantecs imo.

Read my first comment in this thread mate, I’m playing devil’s advocate at the moment, as I frequently do. I can’t help myself :laughing:

With that mentality I can just push them to win and they shouldn’t have anything to say like “It jes quikpley”

You literally asked right here so I told you the difference even though it’s very obvious. So no not really putting words in your mouth lmao. Idc if you’re playing devils advocate kid lol a bad argument is a bad argument. And this one was up there at the top

It is just “insert game mode here” is used to justify throwing by people who don’t like admitting that it’s a team based game and your performance effects more than just yourself. People have said “it’s just a game” when throwing in comp too it’s just a sad justification for poor play all around, there’s a difference between just being bad and deliberately making poor decisions that make 4 other players game miserable.

Since I’m forced into a bad match due to leaver penalties I will report the cause of the bad match whether it’s a DPS only wall ride flank Lucio, or the Doomfists learning rollouts on 1st while the rest of the team is trying to push 2nd. People who say “it’s just.-insert game mode” deserve reports for ignoring how there actions affect the rest of the team. Throw in my games get reported and I encourage everyone else to do the same

Custom games exist for random tomfoolery and practicing specific skill sets. The entire point of role queue was to separate the people actually wanting to play Overwatch from those who want to throw every other game.


the problem with this thought process is because you can do the same in competitive with zero recourse so people do. Honestly Its worse in comp then in quickplay so people starting play quickplay

If you feel the need to press enter, type a message into the possible void because you chose to get into a game with complete strangers you don’t know and will never know again, is a far greater reflection on your own thought process. If you’re so personally adamant about avoid comp, then find some like minded friends to play with. Here’s something people need to understand in life. You are NEVER going to control anyone else, but you CAN control yourself and your own situation.

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This isn’t a road you want to go down.

Most players in my qp games are below my SR significantly. If I were to report everyone who looked like they were “throwing”, I’d report the entire lobby in a fair amount of games. I’m sure you’d fit under the category of “throwing” if I were to get you in my game as well.

It is just QP. You don’t get to get upset, flame, and report people for not playing up to your standards. If you expect a mode where people take the game seriously, play comp. The matchmaking is stricter and the mode is geared around taking it competitively.