"its quick play" is just your excuse for throwing

You know there’s a difference between throwing and just not sweating right?


you sound exaclty like this btw

Except they swapped and we won instantly so yeah, Counterwatch in full effect.

And what does this change on the overall situation?

Why learn a character in a game mode I don’t play??

Playing Doom in open Q is very different from playing Doom in role queue. What is the point of learning a character in an environment that is vastly different?

If you want sweaty QP games then go play Comp. QP is the perfect environment to learn new heroes/roles. Stop trying to gatekeep players when you yourself are too afraid to play the actual competitive game mode.

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The number of people who don’t know this astounds me.

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This is getting into symantecs.

Whats the difference between not sweating and not trying to play well, then? Where are we drawing a line here, exactly?

But it’s not. Just because someone dictates I switch does not mean that I have to by any means or that I am being toxic. I think in some situations it makes sense to switch and try a new approach, and the flexibility makes you a better more well rounded player. But saying not switching is toxic is absurd. Especially if this is in QP where people will play heroes they are less experienced on and trying their best regardless.

Stop trying to dictate what other players should do, please. It’s one of the biggest reasons why people say “it’s just QP.”


I’m inclined to agree.

And before people say “quick play means I can do what I want / practice!” No, no it doesn’t.

Jeff even spoke out about it when he was on a stream a few years ago. He specifically said that’s not what the mode is intended for.

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They should gatekeep it from new players then like they do in comp. They make a terrible job not portraying quickplay as the casual mode, if that is the case. Besides, if that’s the case, it feels kinda unfair. Could it be considered trolling if you have 10 hours in the game and the rest of the team has 1000+? You would be underperforming regardless of what you do, since you’re still learning the game.

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its fine to try new heroes or playstyles in qp. Its not fine to jump off the map or staying afk/not playing.
I dont know why it is hard to understand the difference between these two attitudes.


link it. Its fine to practice new heroes there.

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I think there’s a difference though.

If you tell people you’re new to the game, people will generally be more understanding. But that also opens the door to accepting advice, I.E. if you’re new and playing Pharah and the enemy team has a bunch of hitscans…if you are new and your team suggests you swap because Pharah is being hardcountered, but refuse, then that is definitely throwing.

Generally speaking, I’ve had nothing but positive experiences when I start the match saying “I’m learning X hero. If we lose the first few team fights, I will swap.”

I can say 100% certainty people did not get annoyed with me. Or at least they didn’t flame me because I did exactly what I said I would do.

Not sweating = still playing objective, but not feeling the need to meta pick or stomp the enemy.

Not trying to play well = throwing, afk, just not playing in general.

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you dont have to switch in comp too if you dont want to.

Clip where Jeff talks about it:

You can practice new heroes. But not switching if you’re being hard countered is going against what a team based game is about. It is throwing.

Do you have more to that clip…? Because he’s not saying what you’re saying he is there.

Nobody reasonable is saying you can do literally whatever you want in QP. You still need to try to play the objectives and do your best to win the game regardless of whether you’re on a hero you’re not used to or not.


I don’t quite agree with it. I’d say the definition of throwing has been too stretched and I think it lies more on the intention aspect of the matter (purposely griefing the team, jumping off the map, AFKing, dying on purpose). If they are actively trying to win, even if in a underperforming character, they are not trowing. Perhaps, in their perspective, even if they are being hard-countered they are having fun, wich is the purpose of the game, in the end, and since there are no stakes on quickplay as there are in comp, it’s perfectly fine to lose a game because a teammate is underperforming. That’s, IMO, the entire reason there’s no rank in QP.



He is saying what I said.

I said:

And Jeff Literally said “I get really frustrated. I don’t like when people say it’s just quickplay I can do whatever I want.”

What part of that is not what he said?

You can practice characters there. But let your TEAM know. And if you practicing is causing a problem, be a TEAM player and swap off to help your TEAM.

Not doing so and only focusing on practicing is doing whatever YOU WANT which again - is not what the mode is for.

I hope that helped.

We should replace the phrase “It’ just quickplay” with “it’s just overwatch”, where the only things that matter are “being on the superior counterswap” and “being on the superior platform.”