"its quick play" is just your excuse for throwing

Plain and simple. If you use that phrase because you dont want to switch or play together as a team in a mode where people get penalized for leaving then that is toxic and throwing and should be reported


Are you the Winston who got mad a few hours ago?

This is exactly why I say “its just qp” :melting_face:


If its just not switching you are overreaching hard.

Its not a reportable thing if someone is trying and having a bad game. Or their trying to get better at a new hero and arent playing well. Both those scenarios happen all the time in quickplay.

Youre going to be upset for forever in qp with your attitude.


Quick Play, not Casual Play.


we can make it simpler:

people are specifically trying out new heroes without knowing how to play them.


sorry, I think I told you too much about the truth. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: will you keep the secret on what is QP for? :shushing_face:


OP: “I want a hyper competitive play to win atmosphere.”

Also OP: ~Joins the mode that is VERY well known for promoting a casual atmosphere.~ “Why won’t my team switch heroes and play to my shotcalls?!”


Why do people lie like this? No wonder I have you muted.

People want to learn other characters get over it.


Not a lie.

It is objectively where new players and veteran players a like go to learn new heroes and relax a little bit. It is also where people of VERY different MMR will team up in a no stakes atmosphere.

This will only be magnified even further as more heroes are added and there is more to learn in the game.

It just isn’t nearly as a competitive as competitive is.


of course its not but its qp so im not going to try is the problem. Its the intent and they are proving by that statement

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Not what that means.

It is more a commentary on how serious the mode is in comparison to how serious YOU are taking it.

The problem is largely how you as a player are projecting your expectations on to others. Quickplay is a more casual mode then that of competitive.

You are free to take the mode seriously but when you attempt to project that on to others then you are walking outside the bounds of what the mode is for. As long as they are doing their best on the hero they chose then it is perfectly fine.

You expecting otherwise in a mode designed for people to explore new heroes and playstyles is outside the spirit of it.

Thus the saying “It is just quickplay.”. Meaning, “Want a full on competitive atmosphere? Go to the mode named for that atmosphere.”


if I get a penalty for leaving then I take my time seriously


That is fine. Take the game mode seriously. But also don’t expect others to have the same attitude.

Unless of course you join the mode where that attitude is expected.

Sounds like competitive is your home.


Play comp if you want to be competitive.

Problem solved.


Okay, and?

I am not understanding why I should care… Very lost here.


Like learning to shoot with widow?

The fact that you won’t even understand what I wrote is ironic.

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Yup. Unironically yes. There is much to learn about how to shoot with widow.


i always imagine ppl who take that mode seriously, screaming at their friends when they play other casual games with them and when they loose " YOU D*MB MONKEY WHY YOU PUT A +4 HERE ???"


You are delusional.

If I want to learn to play Doomfist where should I learn? The most logical answer is in QP.

Guess where I’m going to learn to play doom? In quickplay.

Simple as that. If you want sweaty counterplay in your games then go play comp.


I hear there’s this new concept called “context.” It colors the meaning of words and helps in interpreting them. Not sure it will stick around - seems like most people have trouble with nuance in communication.

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