"its quick play" is just your excuse for throwing

As long as you are attempting/making a effort to win the game, I dont really care what/who you play.

Its quickplay, there are not really rewards/penatiles for wining/losing, so it allows for more freedom.

However it still is a standard game of OW, as such things like Throwing, Emoting all game, feeding, are fround upon as those go agaisnt the idea of “stardard game”

Its QP so be chill, but its not skirmish so actually play the game.


so when I go into comp its actually worse then QP. so all of this go into comp is moot

Just play comp (20 c)

Bro. Just stop being rude.

You’re just flat out saying it to trigger someone.


And its a straight up confession for purposely sabotaging a match for selfish one sided entertainment. Half of which I bet is you mocking other players.

You can’t force a player into a mode they don’t want nor have to play.

Again…many of us, if not most of us, just want basic OW.

You’re the one denying it to a multitude of players.

Exactly :smirk:

You don’t have to switch if you don’t want to in quick play.

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One hundred percent true. These players are one of the many reasons why games are lost. They only play to lose.

What is throwing?

  1. Is it intentionally or recklessly causing a loss? That’s my personal definition, which is why someone playing a new character or a sub-optimal choice given the various line-ups is not throwing.

  2. Is it not playing your absolute hardest? That seems to be what this thread is about. With this definition, anything less than playing the hardest you can, with the best possible hero for the situation, is throwing. That seems extreme…

As most have noted, I typically see the comment in response to another player demanding a switch, in which case I find it warranted. If someone is actually throwing (i.e., definition 1 above - such as emoting, not engaging in team fights, etc.), I agree that “its just QP” is a bad excuse.

I suppose the corner case for me is something like hammertime Torb or battle Mercy. Those are aspects of their kits that have value, but very niche. If someone decided they would only play that way, but would play as hard as they possibly can, is that throwing?

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So why not just play comp?


you dont have to switch in any mode but at some point its toxic and your being a terrible teammate

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I report people who say “it’s just qp” and I know I’m not the only one.

Why not just play open queue?

How’s that working out for you?

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Which makes it frustrating that they keep making quick play more try hardy, it really is just QP, if you want to try and win, you should go play comp.

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comp is worse than quickplay. at this point its blizzards fault for not making a game where teamwork is the priority

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If someone is learning a new champ for competitive play, its not always optical to be in a gamemode where u can play 6 dps. That being said, since people are learning new champs, there shouldnt be added pressure into quick play

This thread is still going eh? Alrighty.

If youre actively not trying to win your qp match you deserve whatever punishment is coming. If you dont to want to actually play an objective based team fight then play a different mode.

Arcade, custom games, deathmatch… other stuff possibly (I dont friggin know I actually play this game :man_shrugging:)

Trying to play well is synonymous with playing to win imo. If youre not trying to play well then what are you doing exactly?

It is just quick play.


Enjoying my time trying to relax.