"its quick play" is just your excuse for throwing

It does not matter if it is not working. Your logic is flawed. The only way they can learn is by doing. Youtube, Streamer, or Forum knowledge is not the correct way of learning. You want to blame the person instead of the game. It is the flaw of their design.

I wouldn’t say it’s just the game. People can adapt and refuse to anyway. Swapping on tank is almost always the solution unless you’re just absolutely cracked, and most people are not.

It’s just the reality of the 5v5 format on top of no proper learning tools in the game. Replays did help but it’s not exactly intuitive to look at them by yourself for a lot of people.

No, see you are not thinking as a new user. Place yourself in a brand new gamer shoes who is trying to learn. Not even new but someone who may play one or two hours a week. Even someone who one tricked their career in OW. They have to learn and not by conquering objectives.

The objectives part will come to light pretty quickly. The mechanics, choices, options, etc. come later. Yes some people can master a character pretty quickly and aim does help alot, however OW 2 is more of a learning curve over other FPS.

Learning to tank swap, which I am tired of people putting the pressure on the tanks, the other 4 can swap. Again, it comes down to the game design. In the early days prior to RQ, players could learn without much of a fuss. So, it would be more productive to request PVE make a comeback.

and dont pretend its not more volatile and rude than that, you know its “Doom you moron swap”

its QP, let people play who/how they want


The existence of Comp? People already explained to you why QP is not as competitive as comp and people are allowed to practice / play what they want for fun there.

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Nope, not sufficient enough. I need a source stating from the developers that QP is casual.

I await.

That’s the thing many people are trying to point out. In the majority of cases, it’s less an issue of people not trying, and more so an issue of people complaining that the other players won’t do what they say :sweat_smile:


That wasn’t the claim they made though, was it?

More casual does not mean the same thing as being completely casual. As I told you the other day. Yes it is more casual than comp. That doesn’t mean there isn’t still a competitive nature to it. I related it back to real life sports using hockey as an example for you.

You’ll never find a quote from the devs that it’s completely casual or do whatever you want. No one serious is making that argument. But to deny that it is more casual than comp is silly, comp is literally right there for a reason.


100% agree with OP “its only QP” is just an excuse to troll and and grief games for people.

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Define excuse. When someone says “it’s just qp” they are admitting to throwing, because it’s fine to do so in qp.

No, people say it because someone is being toxic to them in qp 95% of the time.


The worst is when someone full blasts music and just tunnel vision feeds the entire game, but when you join the cause and start playing turbo aggressive Genji/Wrecking Ball/Lucio they suddenly start malding about you being a thrower. Some players are just sick in the head with hypocrisy :face_vomiting:

No, it isn’t. If I want to practice a new hero, a hero I rarely play, or a new way of playing, the only option I have is to do this in quick play.

You can politely ask if I could play a different hero, but you cannot dictate it to me. The moment you do that, you become the toxic player!

Open queue, not role queue, you should learn throw fist in the game mode where someone can be a 2nd tank to cover you while you still suck.

The people who say “it’s just qp” should be in open queue not role queue.

It’s just qp.

If players don’t respect or take competitive serious anymore, while all of a sudden in year 8 make them care about qp.

No one cares about rank or what your rank is.

All of a sudden a meme mode like qp where you can make bottom tier heroes look like meta gods, should now have serious play?

If it’s 8 years and people still tell you “it’s just qp”
then guess what? You lost fight to make it something else.

These players haven’t changed from ow 1. It’s just qp. Accept it or stay your butt in comp and pray the matchmaker gives you like minded teammates.

Man if only they had separate game modes for people who want to have fun and for people who want to play competitively so they could both play how they want….oh…wait….

I say “it’s just quick play” in reference to people who whine and scream at people for not counterwatching.

Quick Play was originally for relaxing and now people throw toddler tantrums because people aren’t playing the game how THEY want them to play. It’s not competitive, the goal may be to win but the goal and idea of Quick Play is also to have fun and practice. We don’t need to lose our mental capability to be a human just because someone is upset that a Pharah won’t swap from double hitscan. That’s what they want to play!! Leave them alone!!

Leaving mid-match sucks, but I personally believe that if you leave during “Assemble/Prepare”, you should be able to scoot without consequences. It’s literally the startup phase. There’s time to win.

Just vibe in quick play. Take your belligerent complaints to Competitive. Making threads like this because you’re mad is toxic. If someone knows that they’re good on a certain hero and will probably do worse on others, then they’ll be throwing more if they swap to something else that counters the enemy team because they won’t be ideal at the hero “needed”.

Touch grass.


This just screams ‘You are not allowed to play like trash or else I’ll assume you’re doing so maliciously and report you for it’

This community is so hostile and I’m glad I barely play anymore lol


No kidding… and with AI moderating instead of actual people, people can get banned or suspended for the dumbest things. Like saying “sucks”. e_e

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That quote also doesn’t even necessitate bad play.

A soldier taking an off angle can be considered as “not playing with the team”, but taking an off angle is the optimal way to play him a lot of the time.

Honestly most pvp games are different flavors of bad anymore.

Communities are regressing instead of becoming less toxic like they were for a while.

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