"its quick play" is just your excuse for throwing

no you say that because you don’t care about other players you selfish thrower , how dare you not giving everything you got in qp even if there is nothing to win, if you don’t play for the win so why are you playing? :rofl: ok so i think you get the joke

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Yeah no. Go play comp or don’t play at all if you’re going to report people for not doing everything you tell them to in qp


Where’s the lie though? It is casual. That doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want, as it is also still competitive. Sort of like an adult league hockey game. You’re expected to play within the rules and not do anything you want. There is zero expectation you have to be remotely good and the people who take that too seriously are also kind of made fun of.


Nothing to win in ranked either really. SR is meaningless. Jade weapons? Who cares lol. Ranked just means you can’t leave bad maps. That’s all it means.

Of course it is, I’ve been saying this for years. Got Pharah into D.Va, Soldier and Cass, she’s got 4 kills and 9 deaths, but it’s fine cause “just QP”. I’ve never asked anyone to be on mains 24/7, but if Winston is keeping your Widow in spawn, it’s time to switch, not like you’re gonna “practice” anything.

Go try hard and be mad in comp. QP has always been the more casual mode and they received heavy backlash for the leaver penalties.

I had an hour long QP match where both teams decided to have a truce and just start emoting and having fun together on point. Most people don’t take QP seriously.

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Posts like this remind me old good time when forum still have downvote button

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OP, as you can see by the comments, the OW community has mostly devolved into children who refused to take accountability for anything ever. I don’t know why people talk about game balance so much when the only real meta is what excuse people are going to use for being bad at the game. And no, comp existing doesn’t make throwing in QP okay, especially when the only difference between the game modes is whatever excuse people use for their braindead gameplay.

Just play a match here and there, get your fix in, then move on to a game actually worth your time. That’s what I’ve learned to do.

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It’s just so means I’m not playing comp so I can avoid toxic players and play what I want.

You know, have fun while trying to win instead of stressing and raging

I honestly love listening to players like you go off the deep end. You’re usually the worst one in the lobby deflecting too.

But I don’t care that youre bad
Don’t worry I won’t report you for throwing, you’re trying your best

It’s just qp

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its just quick play.

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Wrong and extra wrong.

It means its the mode to not take things as seriously and to play your best but not gripe just because you heck something up.

It’s not competitive. It’s to practice. It’s quick play.

Totally okay to do. As long as they understand their role and do their job.

Quickplay is specifically a place to learn that. So you are going to encounter people who don’t know what the job of their hero is yet. Which is fine.

The people that get under my skin are those attempting to tell those to switch. If your life resolves around a meaningless QP game, it is time to reevaluate.

This tired old topic lol…

For the last time, “its just QP” is not a sentiment of “it’s my party and I’ll throw if I want to…”

It simply means “get off my back” in a way that won’t have the report system targeting them.



So suggesting someone to swap when they’re going 5-0-10 or something means that “their life revolves around a meaningless QP game”? I think it’s time to reevaluate your nonsensical thought processes.

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No, it is not. If they would have created an actual PVE mode for them to practice within the issue would have been remedy but no, they did not. So they need to learn somewhere else. It will be within a mode and sense QP is the closes to actual matches that is where it will be done.

or people are playing the NON COMPETITIVE mode for fun and you’re crying about wanting counterpicks


So in your head, you think
“Doomfist isn’t working anymore since they swapped to Roadhog”=“wah wah wah wah wah wah wah”

That says more about you than anyone else. Must be weird thinking that everyone is just crying all the time 24/7 except yourself I guess.

I don’t know where people get this idea that you’re not supposed to try in qp. If I can have fun great but it’s also fun to win or at least get pretty close to winning. I don’t need a competitive side mode to tell me that I should be trying to play as hard as I can.

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