But they couldn’t just try to get it as close as they could.
That’s why it’s not really a relevant comparison.
Ana isn’t trying to get them with the very edge of the bionade’s splash radius.
It IS that wide.
I’m not exaggerating anything, you’re ignoring how Orisa’s halt must be aimed and affect enemies in a fundamentally different way from bionade’s splash radius.
A direct hit should be rewarded with anti-heal. That would be “hit a good nade”.
If you just get them in the splash radius, then only the flat 60 damage.
Ana got nerfed to the ground too, she wss the 1. Support wich got a nerf wave. It was Season 4 and 5 and she was rarely Meta after that (I say rarely Meta, not rarely viable.
Nade has a very slow travel time, a ark and a casting time with a 4m explosion. As Flex support player I can ensure that you most of the time aim 1 target with Ana, everything else is bonus.
(Exeptions: Grav, skybox nades, against classic bunker)
This is a childish argument. “My favorite hero got nerfed, so your hero should be nerfed too!”.
Reality check. Heroes get buffed or nerfed because the devs feel they are too strong or too weak. Doing more or less than they are supposed to.
Ana currently is doing what she is supposed to. She got a ton of play time because Hog took over the tank role. Now that he is not dominating that role, her pick rate went from 18% to 9% - half.
I’m not saying Ana doesn’t need an adjustment somewhere. But if your argument boils down to “it’s only fair” then no one will take you seriously.
She does need a change:
Bionade healing boost needs to be removed.
Why: It boosts healing from other sources, including AOE. It is unhealthy. Goal is to reduce healing and burst damage.
Bionade healing needs to be removed.
Why: 90% of the time Ana wants to use it as anti-heal and allies often body block it at the last second. QOL change. Because she loses the ability to heal herself, she needs a way to periodically heal herself.
It’s near identical trajectory to Junkrat’s nades which he needs to land direct hits unless his opponent is stupid enough to run into the rollers that already missed them.
So why does Junkrat need to land direct hits to be effective but Ana can gain all the enemy targeting benefits from anywhere in the splash radius?
Yes, there’s parts of Ana’s kit that’s skill.
Bionade isn’t that part.
that’s not really refuting my point, it’s the ease of hitting one target.
We’re not going to rehash the same tired old debate that ana mains love to have (because they think they can always win it) that “oh you think it’s easy to get multi nades! Well you prove it! You can’t IT’S IMPOSSIBLE! therefore you’re wrong about EVERYTHING!”
And Sombra is worse for it, literally unless you’re the top 0.0001% you can’t play your favorite hero without throwing down a few ranks. This obsession with OWL is surreal. The metric of a hero shouldn’t live or die by what the top 0.0001% do with them.
It is insignificant as it barely affected any of her stats. Resource management is part of a Hitscan’s skillset and this means that she has to be more careful on how many shots she fires.
The nerf itself did little to nothing because her stats were hardly affected by it.
Baptiste is higher skill than Ana but gets to be garbage forever.
Personally, I don’t even think Ana is that high of skill. Ana spends a whole lot of time staying with the body of the team and pumping shots into the main tank, not sniping or doing anything difficult. Baptiste is more skillful, Zenyatta is more skillful, and I’d say Mercy might even be more skillful.
Becauce Junkrat can spam his balls and his balls are supposed to be a CC, not hitting it across the world kill tool.
If nade needs no skill, why is the main problem of nearly all low elo Anas using nade wrong?
I also dont say its impossible, I mentioned 3 examples when you just throw it into the enwmys and mentioned that you get multi nades, I only said other targets arent that inportant.
People like sading “Antiheal means dead”, wich is kinda true, becauce people will die if they get antied if your team is able to push them, but its still not a kill, why? Here is the difference:
If i anti nade rein, the team will use: Both bubbles from Zarya, Amp it up, maybe firestrike, dynamite…
You will get the kill, but only with using your own couldowns too, this means hitting reina and a Dps or hitting rein only isnt that important, becauce they will focus on the more important target. I dont say multnades are bad, Its just not that important like most say.
I said in multiple posts that Ana is only really good with rein (hog is not a common Meta and zen had the same strenght with hog. It was just a single Hero and Ana counters that Hero)
and with Monkey pickrate going high we see that Anas drops. Is it possible that I was true and that you only played Ana becauce the Meta was in her favour?
Have you ever seen a Support Hero wich dropped a lot without getting nerfed? Its not long ago since the patcj and the pickrate dropped from 90% to 60%. Interisting thing: On 5 Setember Anas pickrate got a fast drop, but recovered a bit on 7… Monkeys pickrate got a huge boost on 5. September, but dropped at 7…
You realöy want to admit this was a coincidence?
Monkeys pickrate slowly got higher since the patch, Anas got lower. Coincidence?
You only have to click on my icon to see all my posts…
A month ago her pickrate was 12.8%, it’s now 12.9%, in the same time period Winston’s pickrate went from 1.8% to 4.2%.
See all I’m doing is NOT cherry picking the data from certain ranks. Always use “all ranks” and only single out a single rank if you’re explicit and give a really good reason.
PS: how hard it it for you to type “Winston” rather than “Monkey”?