"It's just QP" should be punishable

this one gets it

20 char

how else am i supposed to get used to playing heroes in comp?


Oh, I get you. So you don’t want to play a mode where you’re just trying to get kills if everyone else is ALSO just trying to get kills. You want a game mode where people are focused on an objective so you can take pot shots at people that aren’t focused on you so you can get the odd lucky kill. Doesn’t matter how the rest of your team does, that’s more comfortable for you.

Again, please find your way out of QP/Comp with that toxic attitude.

Not unpopular at all. If someone is actively doing well I think a lot of people don’t complain. The problem is that when you have 5+ dps, you’re likely getting -rolled- in the match over all. Pathetically getting stomped by the enemy team tends to ruin a lot of people’s fun. If you pick Widow Maker as a 6th dps, and then go on to have a 100% head shot accuracy and single handedly carry the match, I bet no one complains. It’s that realistically that doesn’t happen. Picking 5th+ dps is very toxic far more often than it’s not.

Doesn’t matter because anecdotal evidence am I right? lolol

Really, when you’ve played hundreds of hours, you can safely assume a majority of players are within at least a standard deviation of the norm. Sure there are some people that rock 2k+ ping and 50 second load times. At that point, I guess cooperative online team based games might be hard for you to participate in.

No one can make you swap, you’re just a toxic player and can expect reports. Show the part of the game mode description that says QP is not an objective based modes, or that you can’t report people in QP. They are -literally- the same game mode except for tracking rank.

Practice is even an incredibly weak excuse, because you’re not practicing. For instance, to play widow maker well, you need to know where to position, how to aim, where to expect enemies. All of that goes out the window if you have a Genji + Tracer + Winston + DVA living on top of your corpse because you have no healers or tank line. The flow of a grief/troll game is -entirely- different than a game where a team actually works together and other than mouse accuracy, none of your “practice” translates.


I just wanted to reiterate this point.


I agree completely. There are plenty of offline games and game modes to entertain yourself. This is an unfortunate plague of online gaming. I’m thinkng that Blizzard could remove the leaver penalty from unranked modes so us tryhards can just leave.


Look at my profile, mostly play support because of this reason, but thats my choice. I want a real composition in qp, i play support, not flame other players for choosing dps, this makes me toxic? Seems like YOU, the one flaming someone for wanting to practice dps in qp are the toxic one.

As mentioned earlier, “its just qp” isnt something people say when theyre throwing, if some peice of trash is throwing their excuse is probably nothing, “its just qp” is used to tell people it doesnt matter, cuz you wont lose rank, so pay whatever you want to get better, and dont worry about wins/loses.


The game is designed to be played as a team; that doesn’t mean that you have a team to play it with. If you’re matched with five others who won’t work together automatically, you won’t have a team if you can’t or don’t persuade them to team up. Punishing players for not working together (beyond the loss) merely enables petty dictators to tyrannise the other players for not giving them the game they want.

That said, you seem to have far worse Quick Play teams than I do. I’ve never heard/seen “it’s just QP” and most of my games have at least one tank and healer, if not two of each.


“It’s just QP.” has to be one of the most infuriating things somebody could say in QP. We’ve gotten so far away from “trying” that any attempt to put any effort into the game is seen as “tryharding”.

Is it toxic to ask for 2 people to join me on the payload?!?!


And now YOU are using anecdotal evidence. I wouldn’t have started this thread if my own experiences were with teammates that legitimately tried with odd characters.

No ,I want a game-mode with proper balance, not where two or three characters are BLATANTLY better than everyone else ,you can argue this is QP too ,But it’s MUCH worse in DM.

that ,and people can spawn right next to you.

And if one-tricking IN COMP isn’t bannable (according to the developers) in what world is not switching in QUICKPLAY bannable ?

Also :

''Oh, I get you. So you don’t want to play a mode that’s purpose is enforcing teamwork where people SHOULD be putting their practice at work and working together to win the objective ,You want a gamemode where people like to chill so you can false report them for picking a hero they like because it doesn’t suit you ,doesn’t matter how it’s not against the rules or how you could’ve went to another gamemode ,this is more comfortable for you

please ,find your way out of QP with that toxic attitude.’’


Seems like youre experience is way worse than mine, is this something that happens to you everyday? i play most days and usually only get real throwers very occasionally (one match per week) other than that i think its just bad players (which is totally ok, not against the rules to be bad), not throwers


It’s just QP is, sadly, accurate, because QP priority isn’t fair or even games, it’s speed. People go on about MMR’s, but if there is one (which I honestly doubt), it’s insanely loose.

I can go on 9 game losing streaks, and still get queued against 4k players and lvl 23 tracer smurfs… Players which the match maker shouldn’t be queuing me against. My last week I’ve barely gotten a 40% winrate and still get thrown against players so much better than me, I just cannot compete.

I can’t help and laugh when match maker thinks a full 6man group with 3.5+ plus players is a fair match against a group of non-comp and mostly bronze/gold players.

So I can easily see how it’s treated as it is, because it’s not just the playerbase treating it this way, it’s Blizzard themselves.


have fun picking healer/tank 99% of the time. since the new hero fills neither slot you’re practically throwing.

Throwing and griefing is always reportable in any game mode. Disorganized trickle-in 1v1 non-synergizing zoos are not. People could be playing badly because they just don’t care, or because they are just bad at the game. They could be saying, “it’s just QP” because they don’t care about winning, or because they are tired of getting yelled at for being bad. Unless someone is giving a clear indication that they are ruining the game on purpose, there’s nothing to do about it besides doing what you can to coordinate, pocketing someone who seems to have half an idea what they’re dong, and hoping for the best.


What do people think of a “blind comp” mode where you lock yourself into only learning your SR at the end of the season?


But arcade doesn’t have normal gamemodes with no variations. The closest thing was no limits, but that isn’t on the arcade every day. So what are these people supposed to play? There is no requirement to try in quickplay. Also, even in comp, going the 5th dps is technically not throwing and not reportable, so what makes you think you can report them in quickplay.


Dude what order characters are picked in should have no effect at all, idk how you can even think that makes sense.

So let me give you a situation, 4 damage characters picked in qp game, i am in practice mode for mcree who isnt picked, i messege the squad, “practicing mcree, someone else support” is that toxic? i need to practice, but it cant possibly be just my responsibility to heal because i dont have a solid state drive and my screen loaded up later? youre nuts if you think that


If they’re actually ‘not playing’ as in:

a) Not engaging the enemy

b) Not attempting to complete objectives

Then that is a reportable offense.

If a 4-stack wants to run all DPS and is running out, shooting at the enemy and dying, that is just people being bad, which is not reportable.

That’s just the rules.


Agree to disagree. “It’s just QP” isn’t an acceptable excuse because playing for rank isn’t the only reason to play. Some people like to play QP without getting dunked on by the enemy team 24/7 because some quad-queue of teenagers wants to tracer/genji/widow/hanzo, regardless of the fact that McCree and Pharah are already picked.

That’s a report + block and it always will be. As long as I keep getting notifications that they’ve been punished, I’ll keep doing it. You do you man, just explaining why people get reported for abusing QP.


Everyone else on the forums “Don’t play characters you’re still practicing in comp! That’s what quickplay is for!!”

okok… time to practice hanzo in quickplay for awhile…

You “Omg don’t pick hanzo just cuz it’s quickplay. You HAVE to play as a team”

…So even if a person wants to practice dps… You don’t want them to be able too because it wont work as a team comp… Ok even with that logic. It is NOT against the rules to pick a certain character JUST because YOU do not like it. People deal with having to fill in comp already, so they go to quickplay to play the characters they actually want to play while still having an objective besides 1v1’s like in team death match.

For the guy saying he reports people all the time, they’re false reports unless someone is ACTUALLY griefing. The report system is automatic so your false reports actually go through, which is the real problem. Really hope blizz mans up and deals with false reports one of these days.