I love playing support characters. When a team isn’t even trying, there’s not really a way to play support. It’s frustrating to have a whole class of character be un-playable if the team scatters. I play quickplay because I don’t have a mic active but still want to play the actual game, not have six simultaneous 1v1’s. I’m posting this to ponder if there is a solution since the “not gonna try” crowd won’t stay in Arcade… Any ideas or is the popular consensus that quickplay isn’t for playing as a team, ever?
It is reportable.
QP and Competitive are the same game mode, minus tracking your rank. If people are griefing the game mode, you can report them. I do, and I receive notifications that people get punished all the time.
If they want to 1v1 without thinking about the object, you’re absolutely right, they should be in Arcade. If they think that a 5th dps hanzo pick is realistically working towards capturing the objective, they’re 100% ignoring the game mode. Just report, block, and move on. All you can really do until the toxic players are weeded out.
I hear people saying this on forums all the time but my experience is that around 1 in every 50 games are like this and that most people try to work as a team. Idk, maybe I’m just crazy, or crazy lucky.
My problem with this line of thinking is why is it the 5th dps main’s fault, and not the other 4? What is stopping the other 4 from switching? Is it fair that nobody else gets to play dps just because they have 1s slower load-time, because this game lacks any sort of pre hero selection mechanic / proper team forming before the match starts?
While a LOT of this game’s problems are because of the players themselves, it’s not like the actually LAZY systems in place in this game are any less to blame.
So you false-report half the players you meet in QP ?
also ,what pancake said.
No one is talking about switching. Once the game has started, and there are 5 dps, you’re absolutely right. Any one of them can switch. But that’s not the crux of the problem. The problem is that there should never have been 5 dps in the first place, and that IS the fault of the person that picked that Hanzo as 5th dps. He saw there were 4 dps already and chose “nah, I’m not gonna play this objective based mode and I’m just gonna go for sick scatter kills and ignore my team”.
Get out of QP/Comp with that toxic attitude is all I can say to that. Yeah, sometimes there are already enough dps and you really like Hanzo. But ya know what? There is a mode where if there are already 4 dps, you can still pick Hanzo! It’s called Arcade.
If you’re queueing objective based modes like QP/Comp, then you’re agreeing to play with a team towards an objective and that means sometimes Hanzo isn’t the best pick. Sometimes your team needs a tank, so you pick a tank.
All there really is to it…
So it’s their fault because they load in slower? Why not punish the people who insta-lock DPS?
Yeah honestly… I’m tank main, but if there are 5 DPS locked in I’m not about to bring a shield and worry about any of them. Perfect time for Hanzo practice.
You know, it’s not like every game is like that, but it was noticeable enough to point this out.
Give me a mode with normal rules in the arcade that I can pick hanzo in.
oh wait, there isn’t any ,because that’s what arcade is all about ,different gamemodes with different rules.
And I just so happen to not like most of them , and none of the ones I like allow me to play hanzo.
Also ,just because poor hanzo has slow loading times doesn’t mean he has to fill as support and tank every quickplay match because your majesty demands so.
Quick play is for people who want to relax and play what they want. If you want a team that’s serious, play comp.
nah its just quikplay
Normal? DM or TDM are almost always available in Arcade. Or by normal do you mean QP/Comp modes? If that’s the case, you’re literally asking for “A mode where I’m agreeing to play a cohesive team comp, where I can then proceed to ignore team comp”. That’s completely nonsensical.
This is a weak, -weak-, excuse. 95% of games I play have multiple slots open 20+ seconds into pick selection. You do not load up into 100% of games with 2-3 dps already selected. Does not happen.
And that’s the core of the issue. Because one wants to grief with a 4th/5th dps pick, they’re ruining every game for people who actually want to play the mode they signed up for. Go sign up for death match modes if that’s what you want to play. Honestly, if one even wants to begin a discussion, you must start with explaining why, if all they want is to play a specific dps hero regardless of comp or objective, and get sick kills. Why you’re not playing the game mode explicitly there to just focus on getting sick kills.
I disagree with this.
I don’t want to be ranked just to have a fairly balanced game where people try.
DM where I play against moiras ,hogs ,genjis and tracers 24/7 alone ? no thanks.
and not a fan of TDM’s rules
I never asked for that ,I asked for a gamemode with QP’s rules where I can play hanzo without your majesty abusing the report system to ban me for it ,If I can’t play him in QP (according to you) because my PC doesn’t load fast enough ,then where do I play him ? the practice range ?
And who says that they won’t load in with the DPS slots instantly locked ,or had the others choose characters faster ? then they just have to fill ? (a.k.a. start onetricking their favourite support/tank in QP)
No matter how you look at it ,It’s false reporting and you should be banned for it.
Probably an unpopular opinion here, but if someone is getting a lot of kills they technically are “playing the objective.” Sure, they may not be directly on the the payload or control point, but if they’re successfully preventing the enemy from getting to it then they’re keeping the objective secure, and they’re helping in a way.
But it IS just QP, though. There’s already Comp if you want to play the base game with people telling you how to play. I don’t want QP to be the same.
Nah, widowmaker is a throw pick because they don’t get on the objective,trust me ,I read it from this guy.
don’t pick widow or i report
I agree. Quickplay is there for when you just wanna get in a game and play whatever.
I’m not arguing that quickplay is as fierce as competitive. I enjoy trying weird compositions. Gimmie a Mei and Symmetra on the same team! It’s the lack of teamwork that has been vexing. Round starts and everyone scatters, turning a quirky comp into scattered 1v1’s (and if the enemy has even a little teamwork, 1v6’s). I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the first to say “It’s just QP” is often the one standing in the back as widowmaker.
I’ll even give the fifth DPS a chance, but I sure won’t bother healing. Rare is the occasion the team can do anything but run blindly into a tank wall, making it a miserable experience for the other players NOT trying to run blindly into a tank wall.