"It's just QP" should be punishable

my experiences arcade is more competitive than QP, it’s kind of funny.


just Quick play and will ALWAYS be just quick play



Unless they give out bans to entire teams for going 6 DPS, nothing will change (hint : they won’t)


"Its only game why you heff to be mad"
thats what i say when someone rages at me for picking dps or symm when in quickplay
its QP chill out if you want to seriously play without people trying new heroes and messing around go play comp


Seems like the contrary responses only reinforce my point. There’s a depressingly large number of people even on these forums that are uninterested in playing a team game as a team.


We just don’t feel like playing seriously dude, It’s QP, we’re here for quick matches/just to have fun


I am very much interested in playing as a team, when I queue up for competitive.

You don’t need mic to play comp, though it helps. Being in voice is enough.

Stop complaining and start clicking the right button: comp not quickplay.


Ah, right, I forgot that anecdotal evidence is equivalent to fact. How silly of me. Clearly your experience is the same as 100% of the playerbase.

Glad to see that you understand every situation for every player! Please, do tell, what are my particular load-in times?


I’ve seen some, very whiny support players in my playtime. And mind you, I play a lot supports myself and would consider myself a support main (Moira+Zen mostly with a bit of Mercy+Lucio on the side). When I go in QP, I don’t expect too much of the team. Even if we have an ‘‘ideal’’ comp, people playing their heroes are likely practising. I don’t demand people to pick certain heroes even when I instapick a support at times.


Wow wow wow, where did blizz say they are the same, i definitely do not htink they are, qp is for practice, and comp is for trying, not at all the same, yes you should generally try, but if im practicing hanzo, you can not bother with telling me to switch to healer, im here to practice, not play arcade randomness, so if you want a healer, be the healer.


I agree. Whenever I play QP, I ALWAYS here “Its just QP” as an excuse. If anything, it makes no sense. Why are you gonna go into QP and not try, just for you sake and not also taking your team into account? I don’t see a reason not to try, since you really won’t be losing. If anything, it feels nice winning. But not when people resort to a broad excuse, and it triggers toxicity.


its not an exuse for throwing, but it is an excuse to play whatever i want, because im here to practice that hero, not win, qp is for practice, if you need to try and win go to comp


And if they prefer to play other characters? Just because someone wants a healer on the team, doesn’t mean they will switch. Its called a suggestion, don’t force them into a role they are suggesting. Especially when they know they can’t fill it. Otherwise, they’ll get blamed for the loss of a game. Similar to how if you pick Widow on certain maps and you lose, half the time your team blames you because of the “better” picks you could choose from.


qp is for practice, get a mic and play comp or stop complaining. its no excuse for throwing, but it does not mean i have to be the healer, if im here to practice a hero im going to do that in qp


Seriously? Dude, a practice mode already exists. And it surely isn’t QP.


I believe it was actually in some early patch notes. Look around the release of the Arcade section. Blizzard specifically removed the FFA rules and added Arcade to make QP an effective unranked comp mode.

If QP is for practice, you must practice as a team or it isn’t much of a practice.


anyone can play whatever they want in qp, its for practicing heroes and getting better, not try-harding, so yeah i agree with you, but when people in qp are flaming the 5th dps for being hanzo they can just play the healer or be quiet.


What practice mode ? VS A.I ? good luck practicing jack **** in there.

Also ,the ‘‘it’s just qp’’ excuse isn’t for ‘‘not trying’’ ,it’s for not switching whatever you’re playing.

because it’s just QP.


yes, i agree with the practice as a team, but if im the “5th dps” and you want a healer, too bad, be the healer, this is qp not comp, i dont have to try hard and pick characters to win, is just about pracice, also i say this as a support main btw


Soon™ people are going to want DPS report-able for shooting their guns or tanks report-able for using their shields.