"It's just qp" is ok

the community does that on there own

though I don’t blame them by design
the dev’s of this game do not help any player get better at it

instead of transparency they hide all relative stats
so to enable “throwing” and “tilting your teammates”

so yeah this is the best game in the world
designed by a troll for trolls

Yeah people like you are why it’s broken. Cause y’all false report people for anything that slightly triggers you.

You realize you feed the toxicity in this game by abusing it like that right? How many people who get falsely banned do you think are more likely to troll and openly throw on their next account. Because following the rules apparently isn’t good enough and they can still get banned regardless so why bother following them at all? Blizzard may have enabled it but y’all created this monster.

I dont abuse it. I gave up on comp a year ago, and whats the point in reporting in QP? Avoid, and queue up.

Though honestly I dont even do that much anymore, just play DM. You get to enjoy the maps, the hero’s, and the game play, without the negative downside of depending on a team that will intentionally throw the game away at the selection screen.

The reason I know it works, is that people who force bad picks get avoided, and reported. Its the COMMUNITY which determines how the game should be played, because Blizzard has absolved itself of all responsibility.

That, is simply the reality of OW in 2019.

Blizzard created this monster, by giving a soft PR answer to one tricks, over a year ago. They enabled the toxic gameplay, they enabled the players to force bad picks, and they chose to not enforce any kind of team comp rules.

The rest of us just keep looking for a replacement for OW because its hopelessly ruined at this point, by people who would rather cry ‘I’m trying my best you cannot report me’ than swap and work with the team.

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Requiring players to play meta all-day everyday is for Comp. It has no place in QP. Just because the ‘meta’ players have a single mindset that requires the rest of their team to coddle them doesn’t mean the rest of their team is required to coddle them.

QP is awesome for teaching players the magical skills of “self-reliance”, “game sense” and “positioning”.

Victory =/= success

Literally none of that gets taught in QP, because those are team dependent, or in the case of ‘self reliance’ not a skill that should be even encouraged in a team based game lol.

Victory is success, otherwise it wouldnt be called Victory it would be Deafeat, lossing is failure

Coordination, timing and communication are team dependent. Keeping track of where allies/enemies are, picking the fights that matter and playing the objective don’t require a team.

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It boggles my mind that some people get upset when people don’t work together in QP but at the same time people don’t want to make competitive actually competitive…

Or people are doing stuff that would probably never work in ranked above gold.

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for the players concerned about their SR, quickplay is the only place where they can practice heroes without risking losing their SR.

what annoys them so much is that everyone else just doesn’t care. the team comp could be absolute trash and they could be getting stomped the entire game because of that.

it wouldn’t matter how many people would point out what’s making them lose, because the soft-throwers would just say: “it’s just quickplay.”

and then this spreads throughout the entire gamemode.

quickplay is good for practicing heroes, but most people only take it as seriously as arcade, which pisses off some.

so ye basically quickplay is one big dumpsterfire

Lol not really, that’s what practice range are for. To practice more with heroes, or they can go to vs ai.

Because for me even quickplay is not a good practice for heroes, because it’s so impossible.

Yeah but that’s really on the devs to make qp better, abd adding penalty etc won’t help like i’ve seen others want it to have.

Like qp is actually for people to have fun and just do whatever they want, no one takes it seriously. I’m never going to understand that.

Because if you start adding rules to qp, then it’s no fun anymore, more ppl will loose interest in overwatch that way.

practice for comp matches i mean.

practice range is basically just for training aim and testing abilities, and you won’t really learn anything from an AI match. the player team just memes on them completely.

how so? there’s nothing for you to lose.


yea, agreed. rules would be impossible.

I already do this in comp on my main and on this account.

So jokes on you.

You are the one doing comp, whos the joke really on? :wink:

Or, since Overwatch is a team-based game, work with the team regardless? If you want to play solo, play a solo game :slight_smile: Getting people who leave after one push, people who just don’t coordinate, people who swap every life, it’s not fun. I don’t want to be forced to play competitive just to have a fighting chance of a good game :slight_smile:


“It’s just QP / bronze / etc.,” says to me that the player is not trying at all because, in their mind, the outcome is of no consequence. They don’t care if they win. They don’t care if they lose.

I do though. I want to win. And since Overwatch is a team game, I need to rely on the other team members. If one or more team members doesn’t care, odds are that I’ll lose. I don’t enjoy losing. I don’t imagine many do.

I wish I could block forever people who do this. I do not want to play with these players.

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If you want competitive mindsets, play competitive. I’m really not seeing where the communication breakdown is.

If you don’t want to cooperate with your team play FFA DM instead of ruining other players games :woman_shrugging:

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“aH pAIDZ fOR da gAME, i wILLZ pLAYZ ITz LIKEz I wANtZ” - Don’t you just despise that response?


Explain your line of thinking.

Arcade features random and quirky rules that are against the core game I’ve played for so long. QP is at least the actual game.
Competitive = Competitive
Uncompetitive = QP.

It’s not that hard to understand. If I jump into QP I’m not trying out for OWL.