"It's just qp" is ok

Have fun playing a game, in an environment that was fostered by an attitude that its ok to suck.

Oh…wasnt crying, I was agreeing with a former poster. Im a real man, I dont cry about games.

I do, however, get frustrated with players attitudes towards playing well.

If my post offends you Hero, perhaps you should look within…discover the true meaning about WHY my post offends or upsets you.

Enlighten yourself.

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Unfortunately, you have that backwards.

It doesn’t matter what the game rules are. People who think their own opinion is more important than the rules can use the report system for refusing to switch, or anything else they want.

That’s just the way the system is designed.

I do not care about what other people are doing in game. So it is no skin off my back, homie. I play competitive because I prefer having decent compositions, but if we decide to run 6 DPS, so be it. If someone messes up or throws, whatever. Better luck next time.

So let me get this straight, I have to flex in comp because more selfish players won’t switch. This usually means I play tank/healer significantly more than dps which I would actually prefer to play.

Then when I finally get bored, or fed up tanking or healing so decide to go play QP to click some heads, I am now “throwing” because I don’t want to switch off dps yet again to create an approved team comp for the tryharding Qp crowd? Nah if you’re that serious you’d be playing comp.

QP is for trying new heroes, or practicing heroes in an environment that most closely resembles comp. Arcade does not allow the latter as the rules vary wildly from comp.

Lastly the people complaining about new players experiencing the toxic environment of poorly constructed Qp teams, look in a mirror. The only toxic ones are those who whine, complain, and denigrate those players for picking dps because they want to, don’t realize that others are try harding in a non competitive mode, leaving them the choice of kowtowing to the bullying, or defiantly standing their ground which may lead to the toxic members of this community reporting them for not listening to them.

QP is to have fun… ya know… the whole point of a video game is to have


most people will want to win but have fun while doing it. if you want to take the fun out of the equation then competitive play is the place for you :'D

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Last I checked the point of the game is to win.

If you want to bumass around, go arcade. Since that’s the actual epitome of “Fun”


Here’s the thing. Some people don’t like the long match times or the SR pressure of comp but still like to play QP to win. Nobody likes to lose. Just telling them “go comp if you want to win” is stupid. You should also aim to win in QP. It’s not troll mode.

However, people recognize it’s the closest thing you get to practice a hero without actually doing it on comp so they sympathize… IF you tell them beforehand.

It’s ok if you want to get better at a hero you’re terrible at. Don’t be afraid to tell people so. Whenever I want to practice a hero on QP, I just say it in chat. Just typing something like “practicing” will almost always get support from your teammates. Sometimes they even change their picks to help you. And most importantly because they manage expectations, they don’t get tilted if they lose.


They never did it in the first place.

As long as the x hero is trying in comp it’s okay, even when they are hard countered or not performing, even when we have 4/5 dps and they are failing in their role, as long as they try right.

More importantly, why should the rest of the community care about the definitions you provide?

You should be playing to win no matter what mode you’re in. If you don’t feel like trying, be a good human and play a different game, perhaps a single player one.


Only because Blizzard is too scared to ever take action on those who abuse report system.

Blizzard nowadays are cowards who are scared of everything. They are scared of writing mature story for a game. Scared of making anything even mildly offensive. Scared of OK symbol. Scared of punishing people for false reporting. Scared to answer about Sombra’s skin (correct me if I’m wrong on this one).

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Probably they dont want the game suddenly to get a higher rating. Its 12+ atm, right?

Well right at bottom of the forum there is korean license sign, it says 12+ and 15+

And that is why they are scared to ban people for abusing report system?)

P.S. And FFS, League has 12+ rating, but they have some quite good lore, with details, rainbows, butterflies and serial killers killing for art.

Its not so much that, its that if someone feels the need to vocalize ‘Its just QP’ they are making a justification that does not need to be made.

Yes. Its QP.

That does not mean forcing bad comps.
That does not mean not switching.
That does not mean memeing is OK.

If one wants to do all those things, or any of those things, and still try their hardest, thats on them. I wont ask for a swap, I wont challenge them on their play because YES its QP, and the #1 cause of losses in QP is TILT and THROWERS, and the fastest way to get there is to actually hit the “Press to Talk” button…

However if someone does, and the only response one has to that is “Its just QP” then I’m sorry but yes, thats a thrower mentality. Its not the response of someone wanting to work with the team, and work towards the win which even if its just QP, is the objective of the game.

There are winners, and losers. Victory and Defeat. If one’s response to a challenge of their play is ‘Its just QP’ they are MORE ok with a defeat, than they want to win.

Its a throwers mentality.


And this is a “you must be fun at parties” mentality. People that can only see one goal, and that goal is to win. People that don’t ever ask questions is it worth sacrificing whatever to win.

For those who write “it’s just a QP” there are two goals: to win and to have fun. They are looking for a compromise between those two. Partly because Overwatch in a lot of things designed in the way that you have to choose.

I wrote “It’s just a QP, chill” few times myself, for example when someone on my team would scream at others over mic and then wrote an essay on how not picking Reinhardt is wrong and how Ana should only Nano him since that is a winning strategy. And how we all should be reported for ignoring “the obvious”. I’m not joking here, it happened. And IMO, that kind of attitude has nothing to do in QP.

If you are doing something you know really isn’t likely to work while you are capable of doing something that could work, are you really trying?

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And you are right, the attitude has no place in QP. I’d have reported that person, and put them on avoid.

Again. I’m not going to tell people what to do. This game is 3 years in. We should not HAVE TO tell people what to do anymore.

If you want to have fun at parties, Arcade is a lot of fun. I recommend it.

I’m not even mad, just disappointed.

Exactly. Its a throwers mentality, it really is, but its justified by ‘Its Just QP, I paid my $50, its just QP, I can play who I want JEFF SAID, its just QP, GO TRY HARD IN COMP, its just QP, YOU CANT REPORT ME FOR THAT, its just QP, IM TRYING MY BEST’

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Again, you must have missed where I typed about compromise. People like me DON’T put their fun over winning. In a game like Overwatch I put fun as a goal right next to winning. Not higher, not lower.

That’s the problem. The “capable” part. Is a person with no legs capable of walking? The answer on the surface would be no… but then if you said no, you’d be wrong on a deeper level. Then where do you divide the responsibility from the capability? Maybe they would rather keep using their wheelchairs. You can’t blame them for that.