"It's just qp" is ok

I always will play the objective but still pick any hero that favors my interest overall.

Or, they’re just trying to have fun with friends. I know when I play with friends in qp, we do a lot of meme comps. While you may take winning very seriously, a lot of people just want to have fun playing a neat FPS, and that’s ok. That’s what qp is for. You don’t usually see meta comps in qp because it’s casual. It’s a game.

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Sure, whatever you say.

Just want to chime in and say that’s the important part.

I don’t care if there are 5 DPS in QP matches. Sure, that might be why I avoid the mode, but you do you, so long as you try to win with such a comp.

But are people who will outright throw, then yell at you for taking it too seriously for just wanting to win because “it’s just qp”

Those people are not okay.


The problem is the game mode cannot be “Screw it do whatever mode.” That then punishes for leaving a bad match a few times. And no it’s not 20 matches it’s maybe 5 before it hits you with 75% experience loss and screws with your mmr. And this doesn’t even address the absolute JOKE that is backfill. Which should be 1k experience and 2k if by some miracle you win, 400 is garbage experience and the devs know that. Either it’s screw it mode without obligations to player base or has the expectation people are going to swap in a team based counter swapping game.

The problem with “I’m practicing.” Is simple, is your team’s coordination. If they’re good you can get that practice in even if you’re bad. If not, you are a drag and making it worse. You can’t learn if you’re being destroyed. That’s why you have to pick your battles. I practice Ashe when I can, but if I’m a hindrance to my team who are clearly struggling and I’m being hard countered I switch. I’m not going to learn anything from that game on her.


This is why an Unranked mode would be really nice for this game. Set it up so people who want to practice heroes for comp or people who want to play semi seriously can do so. Additionally, if the rule set is like comp, then the throwers / griefers can be removed. QP will then be for people who can play what they want without being harassed to switch, etc.

Every other Blizzard game has had an Unranked mode. I get that they don’t want to increase queue times, but I would rather have a longer match that was set up correctly than a quick one with nobody playing the objective.

Why one isn’t in this game is a complete mystery to me.


i dont want competitively…just not braindead either…and thats how those “its just qp” ppl are (as in widows who have a 2% scoped accuracy and die many times in a row b4 getting a kill or dive tanks who dive w/o anyone with em when enemy has a sombra and/or mei)

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Some people can’t play competitive mode. I’m dealing with a huge swarm of game crashes right now (just started a month ago) and I couldn’t play Comp if I wanted to.

This is something the “It’s just qp!!!” people don’t seem to gather whatsoever. Not everyone wants a mode where it’s just screwing around and being no help. Some can relax by having fun working together for a common goal of winning. Which is why the mode is a mess


Trying your best with whatever hero you choose is all i ask so just about everyone succeeds at that unless they’re doing something outright reportable.

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I tend to not expect this much out of QP; but I know your MMR for QP is A LOT higher than the average person, so in those circles, yes, I can see where you would expect a little more.

So because they doesn’t want to swap mean they are throwing ?
Nice mentality. Forcing people to play things they don’t want/like is consider being just a boring teammates.

No one is forcing them, the issue is they being a hinderance to the team and creating a toxic playing experience because they ‘just wanna fool around.’ There’s arcade for a reason.


Not wanting to swap is not that bad actually. But playing stupidly is.
Anyway, in QP most of the people out there are just chilling listening to music and just don’t want to use their brain that much or to feel stressed out.

It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks of QP and switching. Game rules are pretty clear.

And as long as people don’t bring that attitude to comp - I see zero reasons for anyone to complain. You want “serious” Overwatch - you go to comp. If SR number scares you - that’s your problem.

This is so true…SO MANY people use the “its QP” excuse to suck that playing this game after a 3 month hiatus, has ruined it again. Just like it ruined it for me 3 months ago, 9 months ago…ect ect ect.

Players think that its QP so anything goes…not playing with the team, not playing like team…not giving a sh!t at all about the game in general except their own personal gain.

Ill NOT be playing this game again for another 9 months…maybe more…by then…not at all. So thanks all of YOU players who think that the lowest common denominator is alright, cuz it is not! Blizzard already has my money, so what do they care.

Another game about to die cuz people dont care about succeeding! DOH

If I feel this way, good luck with your crappy community game. Ill play something else that DEMANDS teamwork.

Classic WOW! Thank God thats coming back. It nearly almost always demands you play as a team to be successful in the long run.

Im afraid for our world…

If you dont like my post, call your mommy for a hug. Cry on her shoulder…

In the meantime, real competitive people are going out in the world and doing their best, not making excuses, and succeeding!

Some of you should try it…


You made an account just to say that? I do not understand, if you are “competitive” why not just play… Competitive?

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Ive had a Blizzard account since 2004…

So…next ignorant statement?

I just mean that you came here, to the Overwatch forums… To cry while saying that people who disagree with you need to “hug their mothers,” called yourself competitive saying that games did not matter… While talking about QP in a game? You do not see the pure, unadulterated irony in that?