"It's just qp" is ok

its actually not 99% of population.

I am in a server of 500 people (a league server) and I can tell you 480 of em try in qp and say its just qp when someone says something towards them. and I can assure you there are more like these guys in this community who say it and try. are they throwing?

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If you are going to justify that comp, then your opinion of throwing doesnt match with mine, and I dare say most people.

Tank + 5 DPS, at least 3 of those DPS players are throwing.

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Gameplay sabotage is NOT:
Simply making a mistake, playing poorly or an unwillingness to switch heroes.

Taken straight from the description of Gameplay sabotage report option in game.


And thats why when a new hero or map come out some people just wait until it’s on comp to try them out.

Because of “its just qp” people who want to learn the ins and outs of the map or learn the new hero to prep for comp never get a chance to actually learn.

What do I care about the definitions provided by the team that cannot implement any kind of structure, definitions which fly in the face of logic??

If you force a bad team comp, then yes, people are throwing on your team. Basic logic proves this out.


I don’t know if it is or is not logical, but what I know is that you can’t get punished for it. So that’s that.

lol yes you can and many people have, automated system.

Abusing the report system however is punishable, yes.


Never seen THAT happen once.

Forcing bad picks into a thrower comp? That, I’ve seen punished.

So whats the reality here? The definitions provided by a team that doesnt actually provide guidance or control or the reality of the system as driven by the players themselves?

I’ll vote ‘reality’, how about you?


The essence of what is wrong with QP can be summed up like this:

The match starts, instalocked Widowmaker and Hanzo ensues. Then the obvious Genji flies in. The next spot to be locked is more often than not also a DPS, either Tracer or Doomfist most of the time now. So there’s 2 spots left to pick, in this scenario it’s tank and healer but more often than not it’s healer/tank and yet another DPS.

So we have Hanzo, Widow, Genji, Doomfist, healer and tank. Map is on attack. We get out, and the opposing team has Orisa, Reinhardt, Mercy, Ana and 2 DPS. Oh boy. From the get-go the 2 snipers are countered heavily by 2 barriers. Doomfist isn’t doing anything because “he’s only practising”. And Genji is flying around duelling with the other 2 DPSers and tries now and then to kill a healer, which he fails at. The tank and healer can’t do jack anything because they don’t have the tools to take on a 2-2-2 stacked position.

So a question arise from the healer; “Could we swap a bit? This isn’t working”. The answer from the DPSers are as inevitable as always; “Only QP”.

This is a generalised scenario in QP which happens way too often. The Doomfist is only practising and not contributing to the fight, the Hanzo and Widowmaker are completely useless against 2 shields and are lucky to kill anything at all. And the Genji is prioritising completely wrong.

Yet people excuse this to be OK, that “it’s not competitive” that “they’re still trying to win”. No they’re not, they’re not bothered by the match’s objectives, if they were the Widow and Hanzo would have swapped ages ago, Doomfist wouldn’t be running around dying all the time and Genji would be prioritising correctly to kill the healers.

This is the basics of how QP plays out in most cases. The heroes change a bit, but the general idea is the same. It’s faffing around, going for kills and don’t bother about winning at all. This is why people complain a lot about the quality of QP, that the “lol only QP” mentality absolves you from playing the game as intended. And the intended way to play this game is as a team based shooter. Nowhere does it state that QP differs from competitive. The mode’s objectives remain the same. The difference is the ranking system, and that’s about it. What ever else there is of difference is a player construct, and I’m quite surprised that Blizzard has been so quiet about it over the last 3 years.


Enabling this trash attitude is part of the problem.

Eventually it’ll leak into Competitive and only then will you have a problem with people playing for themselves?

This is a team based game and if your setting out to be selfish from the get go i suggest playing something else.

Also quick play is where new players to overwatch go to learn, an example should be set by people who know better.


If people want to win so bad they can go and play vs AI…not possible to lose in that mode

Quick play is just a quick game you an jump into without any expectations

The problem is, QP has people of different intent:

  • Those valuing wins over hero choice
  • Those valuing hero choice over wins

And no, the second is not the same as competitive. It’s more a ‘good for the group’ vs ‘good for me’ mentality. What QP needs is a separation of people into teams by intent, and there’ll be a lot less toxicity.

Some people would say a hard 2-2-2 lock is the solution for this second QP queue. But even with a 2-2-2 lock there’s going to be 4 ‘good for the group’ players held hostage by a ‘good for me’ shimada/widow DPS combo that can be countered by a single tank shield. So even there flex players would be waiting hand and foot on them.

We need a parallel QP queue for people that have proven themselves to be flexible and adapt. An entry requirement with for instance 25% min - 45% max time played on each role.

2-2-2 has proven to be even worse than QP for people that actually tried that in LFG. We all thought hard locks were promising before that, but having played much LFG alternatives 2-2-2 turned out to be almost even worse than 5 DPS stack QP:

No adaptability, and even worse entitlement of DPS not wanting to switch because they queued for the DPS role and deserve you to heal and tank their disastrous DPS permalocks.

I could live with 2-2-2 as a queue option if we had a flex queue as well. In the end, all these queues could fill their own teams and go into the same match pool since everyone has the group they identify with, and not increase queue times.

I would even choose the current QP version when wanting to play a specific hero. As the OP said, no harm if you do your best there and everyone has the same intent.

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TBH I feel as though if someone refuses to swap off of something in QP it more than likely means they are trying to learn and get better at that one hero. No one is going to magically wake up one day and just be good at that hero they want to be good at, especially when there are so many factors to OW and it’s comps.

I have no problem with losing if they’re trying to practice, it’s something I voice a lot with the people I play with when I want to try and branch out and play other roles than only support roles. It’s fun to do different things.

If it is QP people obviously would still like to win, but there’s nothing to gain/lose in that regard other than your own sadness/anger of losing because of your team doing 5 DPS or because the other team simply outplayed you against other comp swaps.


maybe you called a bad swap, maybe they are better off working the flanks

I think a lot of people who give advice in Overwatch, give bad advice.

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No. Punishments only come from report thresholds being reached, and from automated detection (which as far as I know only includes actual hacking (aimbot/wallhacks), SR boosting, and leaver/AFK.)

It’s impossible to report someone for false reporting, since you have no way of knowing what anyone else is reporting or why, and there’s no system in place for detecting false reports. (You can report people for threatening to false-report you though, if they decide to talk about it.)

The report system is simply mob rule. The one with the most votes is kicked off the island. It doesn’t matter what the rules actually are because the system doesn’t have any checks and balances within it, and many players are aware of that. They’ll report anyone for any reason and not worry because nothing will happen to them.


that’s so mercy main

and? Quick play is not “do whatever it takes to win.” jeez.

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If you want to not play the objective or play seriously, you should go try out Arcade.


Facts and because of that chases new and returning players away. A toxicity this game loves to embrace. LoL might be toxic, but they still perform well as a team on clutch moments.

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