It's crazy that Brig is a thing

Probably would if I was. But I’m not and don’t know what season you’re talking about or where in plat you are. So goodbye. Common sense and risk vs reward

It does happen as bug sometimes, and I noticed it a while ago, sometimes the site incorrectly displays the rank or level of the player and it will need to refresh.

Your depending on talking people who disagree with you down according to their rank and endorsements (right, I have level 4 but who cares, you must be right cause your browser does not work) even based on incorrect info you don’t even bother to verify speaks volumes though. Goodbye.

Haven’t played on this acct in a few season, it’s just what I use to post on the forums.

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It’s not about her shield bash. I don’t even care about her shield bash.

It’s her armor that negates Tracer’s damage, burst healing on my dive targets, and that she’s one less easy kill for me that makes her hard to play against.

I tried Brigitte for the first time today. It was crazy easy to get 5 golds and be super effective with no effort.

This hero was a mistake.

1: She doesn’t. She has a 30% speed reduction with her shield up.

2: Why was it necessary for Ana to get a totally new mechanic in which she can boost healing received by her team, cancel all healing on the other team, unlike all other healers? Why is it necessary for Zenyatta to be able to heal someone without even looking at them or being near them? Why is it necessary for Mercy to be able to fly, unlike all other healers? Clearly, Mercy is OP. Any ability can be made to sound OP removed from all other context.

3: Automatic and skilless like Lucio’s aura (except that she has to proc hers while his is always on), or automatic and skilless like Zenyatta’s fire and forget orb (except hers has a cooldown that makes target prioritization more important)?

Welcome to the game as literally every character other than Tracer has been playing it since launch.

So its the characters fault the enemy team does not pick Pharah. Or Junk. Or Rein just instacharging and killing her, or Doomfist instakilling her against a wall (many say he is a good counter to Brig as his mobility is much higher than hers). And all that knowledge out of a single match. Right.

Doomfist is one of Brig’s hardest counters. Everything but his knuckle gun goes through her shield, she has no mobility other than burning her stun on a tiny dash to avoid Rocket Punch, she’s a larger than average target for Rocket Punch, Doomfist has almost 100 more HP than she can combo before shields, his shield generation can outpace her self-healing, her Bash cooldown is almost twice as long as any of his cooldowns, and he can disengage at his leisure if the engagement isn’t going his way.

She hard counters doomfist though. Pharah can hardly do anything and rein is almost worthless against her because of shield bash.

Really her best counter is Bastion, but Bastion is too easily countered by anything so she is mostly uncontested.

No, she doesn’t. Its the other way around. Also, Doomfist pickrate is increasing so much in comparison to before in part due to people finding out he is an excellent choice against her, and its not just my opinion, you will see it everywhere on the forum and youtube showing how Doomfist players splatter her away.

Also not true, Pharah counters Brig perfectly and even her “sitting” ult is safe from Brigitte. With the recent buffs Pharah got to her RoF it is even easier for her to melt Brigitte down, and I am not talking about splash damage easier. Brigitte shield is really tiny and with the repeated nerfs Brig received both to her mobility and shield health, it is even easier for Pharah to deal with her.

The season she was released I had my most playtime on Rein (have over 100 hours of him in ranked to this point), and at first I was cursing her just like you do. Wow, another CC hero to CC me to oblivion - thats what I thought. But that was what, 5 month ago? I remembered that OW is full of heroes with comparable abilities (Lucio boop, Reins charge, DF punch etc) and learnt to deal with her even with her bash still on a 5 sec CD and even then she could be killed fairly easily by Rein, who vastly outdamages her. It does not matter even when you get counter charged, Brigitte is dead with 3-4 strokes of Reins Hammer and thats counting her miniscule self heal which does not help her at all against Rein.

So I can only disagree with the statement of Rein “being almost worthless”, its far from truth.

Your knowledge of OW seems to be based in a different reality. I don’t know what rank you are playing at, but this is not how it plays out in any game I’ve seen.

Likewise, or at least you pretend like it is. I am in the mid to high plat btw, so feel free to laugh at me for my rank, if that is your thing to gain validation in a discussion.

She’s basically a smaller rein. Imagine rein being her size and able to walk around. Do you know how much damage hed cause?

People should be never complained about the high skill cap heroes in the first place. Now blizzard were forced to create easy heroes to end the madness and now you all still complain.
If I was blizzard, I wouldn’t change a damage thing. Scratch that, I’d just reset all characters to how they were before any single nerfs were made and leave you guys to fend for yourselves.
Blizzard doesn’t know what to do now. Once they nerf her, people would be complaining how she doesn’t add any value at all to the team because people don’t realise that playing against her how she is now, it’ll make things easier as time goes on. Once she’s nerf, after waiting this long, people who already know how to deal with her would find her completely easy to roll. That’s how it is for all characters. People just don’t wanna try anymore, just complain. Tired of this godd@mn planet

What I find amazing is that you call it suffer. The Tracers on “pleb” level all have a negative winrade. But yeah, apparently she is a big problem .

Oh and yeah, I agree with you. The balancing should be done around owl level.

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Its crazy that genji/tracer arent nerfed harder.
Fine remove brig but remove genji/tracer as well.
Everyone happy

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only low elo kids think this, yet tracer is garbage in their elo. so it makes no sense.

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There is no way to balance the current kit to not be high reward low skill without having her be dumpster tier.

Every aspect of her kit is done for you. Heals auto go to a target, the weapon auto hits everyone in the radius, the bash has no high skill mechanics behind it. She is purely balanced around position, and that is really easy for high level players to achieve.

Idk what they can even do at this point.

She honestly isnt even that good. She might be the most overpowered thing in your rank but once you hit masters you need amazing team coordination so you dont just get targeted

Your examples are as bad as your gross generalizations. The reason Ana requires a healing boost on her kit is that literally all her heals are skillshots. If she needs to burst heal a target, she literally cannot without a boost, effectively making her useless a main healer, which would then make her unplayable given her high skill requirement. Canceling healing is simply a win-more gimmick that probably is unnecessary to her kit, but doesn’t effectively change her powerlevel.

Zen needs fire and forget orb healing because half his kit is designed around DPS, plus he has the problem of being 2 shot by the entire cast of Overwatch. If he had to spend any more time healing than he currently does, he would be completely unplayable as a healer, thus inferior to other healers.

Mercy flying is factually a weak and pointless design beyond aesthetics. Being forced into the frontline to start heals is exactly why she historically is a weaker healer when her ultimate is down, so you lose points on that reply. If she had Zenyatta range to start heals and no flight, she would be insanely stronger.

Lucio’s entire design is based around kiting and auras, so making any of his support mechanics skillshots, again, would ruin his design. Explain to me how one could wall-ride and 180-midair to change a healing target? Such a design would make AoE healing impossible, ergo the aura-theme would be ended.

Now it’s your turn to explain to me why Brig, with more durability than most offtanks, needs an instant-cast, hitscan heal, that goes through barriers/shields (unlike any other ability in the game), that cannot overheal and cannot be wasted. Is it so she can continue to infinitely hold LMB and derp max dps?

Characters have counters. Brig is Tracer’s. Its time to get over it.

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