It's crazy that Brig is a thing

The difference is McCree has one flashbang that he actually has to aim and that can miss with good movement. Brigette has 2 different stuns, very easy to land, as well as a shield to block projectiles, armor, and a pretty sturdy amount of HP. She has more HP than some of the DPS.

The issue is not people being greedy against Brig, it’s that she’s OP especially on certain maps – particularly KOTH ones. For instance on Busan, it’s a tight, cramped control point to cap and if there’s an enemy Brigette she can just stand on point and start no-skill throwing her melee around and do crazy damage. If her shield bash stun doesn’t work, she also has another stun. There are no other characters who have 2 stuns + 1 shield + good damage output + healing + overhealing + almost autoaim primary weapon.

It’d be nice if it took more skill, kind of like mccree or soldier against pharah

oh no, if only someone on the team would switch to a pharah or junkrat to counter the brig gosh darn, what shall we doooo?? lul jk gonna stay on tracer and moan about Brig on forums about her brain-dead play style. Will refuse to acknowledge that tracer needed to be countered by who is probably a support main player that is just sick of tracer zip zopping counter free in the backlines, because the guy playing mcree is too busy getting that fat potential potg High Noon flank.

Sure, mcree is a tracer counter but lets be real, who plays mcree to babysit the backlines at lower tiers.

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It’s Insane that you got carried at that high of a rank. It’s like calling Lucio OP because you won by existing. Some games all you need to win is to not die as healer and your team will carry

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mei can basically 1v1 pretty much every hero in the game but i guess complaining about her got old. Brig is in a good place imo. its not hard to break her shield from a far, if you went to 1v1 her than its your game sense.

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Seriously. If I’m playing Ana, I just throw an anti nade behind her, say “Reinhardt, kill the raidboss” and she goes down like nothing.