It's crazy that Brig is a thing

I have 500 hours on Tracer and got near GM from season 4-10. Now someone with zero experience can just mash buttons and create even more value.

Last game I went Brig for the first time ever. Never watched a video on her, played her in QP, nothing. Just kind of gave up and thought I’d try her and we won. This wasn’t GOATS, I just went 3rd healer as Brig and simply EXISTED and we won. I didn’t shut down enemy DPS with combos (because I don’t even know how to do them) and it wasn’t a GOATS cheese comp.

I simply existed, flung my flair around a little bit, and pressed E on people a little bit and created more value than on a hero I have 500 hours with.



I have never read a more accurate post than this


Don’t play tracer? I mean whats the difference? If you get flashed by mcree your dead, if you can walled off with mei your dead. If you get greedy against brig you should die to. I can tell you for sure that even if she didnt have the combo you wouldnt want to play tracer against her anyway.


You could also read your post as “Plays a character for 500 hours that has no counter to get to GM. Counter finally arrives and has no clue how to play against characters that counter his.”

Take it as a challenge to learn a new skill. If you watch the OWL guys they seem to manage just fine.


I’m not dying to her, she’s just pressing E on whoever I focus. I don’t even care about her stun, it’s her burst heal and armor


It is pretty absurd how braindead it is to play her and how easy it is to get value compared to something that actually takes skill like tracer. Easily the worst new character released, just complete garbage design all around really


Regardless of how many counters Tracer may or may not have, or Brig’s actual power level in Competitive at the moment, I think it’s very clear Brig’s core design is unhealthy for the game. She’s tantamount to a 1-woman army, being a DPS, Tank, and Healer simultaneously with all her skills having a lower skillcap than pretty much any other hero in Overwatch.

Even at the base level, you’d have to ask a number of question on why her abilities function how they do:

  1. Why does Brig get to move at full speed while having her Shield up compared to other actual tanks who cant, even while retreating?

  2. Why was it necessary for Brig to get a totally new mechanic in which she can heal, give armor, and automatically avoid over-healing, unlike all other healers?

  3. Why is Brig’s heal automatic and not a skill-shot?

I could go on, but you get the point. The design is entirely too efficient and without a true weakness to be fair in a game where characters are supposed to have a counter-pick. “Just snipe her 4Head,” is not a weakness.


She seems universally perceived as bad for the game. She needs a serious change, not just 500 shield instead of 600.

Make shield bash break her shield or at LEAST damage it. Whip shot cooldown should be 7-8, not freaking FOUR. Heal pack should be 100, heal over 2-3 seconds, and not over heal. No movement buff during rally. Inspire shouldn’t self heal except in rally.

Maybe with all that or at least most of it she’d be balanced and I bet everyone but brig mains who are just jazzed they are 1-2 ranks higher than they were before brigs release would welcome these changes.


Brigette’s kit eliminates any weaknesses a player may have. She’s Overwatch’s version of a no interest mortgage. Way too much value for no reason, with how easy she is too play


Brigs fine
Learn to adapt.


Yep. Literally went from getting steam rolled on a hero I have 500 hours on to winning by just existing.

Having experienced that, I have even less respect for brig abusers than I already did and going forward I’ll just take the loss instead of going Brig for a free win. I’d rather be a masters tracer main than even a t500 brig player anyway.


Tldr: i played most op hero in game with no counter, but now it has counter?! Reeeee


them lindholms are very skill less people ive heard

That would break her completely. They do need to tone her down a little bit still. I think shield nerf was wrong though. They should have added a slower regen of the shield, or a longer delay before regen starts.

You can literally break her shield now, close distance and STILL get shield+stunned-combo’d to death anyway because she can do the combo with a 12 hitpoint shield. They nerfed the wrong thing.

Tracer is incredibly squishy. There’s a dozen+ things that’ll one shot her. Winrate was in the 40’s until you got to master and at that point, high risk high reward and high skill cap should be rewarded.


Yet dive was completely dominating the ranks and everyone especially the supports wanted to get out of dive. Tracer was a core part of it and it was so easy to play her because she had no reliable counter that was good. So what, you got a new counter, she is not op by any means, maybe use brig as a reality check, she gave you a counter that we all wanted. You’re totally right that high risk and high reward should be rewarded but tracer had no risk outside of a tank that was a ult farm, Mei who wasn’t even played at all, and McCree whose falshbang was hard to pull off and easy to avoid. She outshined the rest of the dps except for the dive characters even in plat, she was balanced but she just needed a reliable counter like the other dive characters needed and we got it.


Same. I never play Brig unless the enemy team has a tracer that is doing very well. What ends up happening though is I play her the whole game because no one can really kill her. They need to reduce her hp down to the standard 200 and make it so she can’t stun rein through his shield.

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they create these heroes for new players who wants to buy the game and they make them easy to play

blizzard had to add imbalanced OP heroes for people who don’t play the game to beat pros

lousy company of sellouts

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OP couldn’t be more right. I started maining Tracer/76 and spent a couple seasons learning the heroes, practicing aim on Aim Hero and Kovaak, recorded my gameplay to learn from my mistakes, etc.

I went from silver to diamond in about 3 seasons or so, and then Brigitte got released. I was super bitter about that because I put in so many hours on improving myself, only to have it nullified by a brain dead hero that anyone can pick up in 5 minutes. This game doesn’t value improving as a player when they design monstrosities like Brigitte, Doomfist, and the reworked Hanzo and keep throwing more and more CC into the game. Stuns are cancer in FPS games (even though OW isn’t really an FPS anymore, idk wtf it is now).

I’ve hit diamond every season since, but have zero desire to climb any higher. This game is awful to play, and I have a new love: Quake Champions. I feel the fps skills I developed in this game are rewarded far more in that game. Plus, duels are intense AF and I don’t get that adrenaline rush playing OW like I do in Quake. I just get mad triggered playing OW because of the constant stuns and arrows that hit me in the chest, or clearly wiz past my head, and are somehow headshots. Yea, no thanks. In no universe is that fun or exciting gameplay.