It's crazy that Brig is a thing

Totally agree with the OP. The FACT that tracers have to play against a Brig is massively unfair. We should make a petition to Blizzard to allow people to change characters during a game so that we can have counter play. Or they should remove all characters that counter tracer so OP can get top 10 at the very least.

Yeah it’s kind of crazy how easy brig is to utilize. It’s the first character I’ve ever felt comfortable just hopping on in comp without practicing in quickplay before.

People get too hung up on the skill argument though. The real issue is just how reliable and easy her value is. The game always had a rock m paper scissors element but that doesn’t mean the game should literally be rock paper scissors.

Countering a hero shouldn’t just mean picking brig, there needs to be way more effort to shut down another player.

your profile doesn’t say you have any SR right now

I do, and I 100% agree with the OP. Brig is broken and straight up bad for the game. She takes about 2 min to learn and her value is so massive. I really don’t understand why people even defend her. Guess she isn’t such a massive problem on the lower ranks.


yeah, not really.

I personally think all balance should be made around OWL, and let the plebs suffer :slight_smile:

I think something that would really balance her is just making her shield 100 health. Bring her down to the other support’s levels. Then she couldn’t be anywhere near as aggressive and have to think about when she attacks instead of just pressing w and attacking then going back with her team still at full health

literally every thing you listed is a soft counter and is easily avoidable by a good tracer. My 1k hour tracer friend can vouch.

But Brig never should have existed. The game was a lot more fun before Brig was released. YES I KNOW IT’S A SUBJECTIVE OPINION. It also happens to be a fairly common one, go figure.


I agree with you. And before Brigitte, I feel like this trend started with Moira. No aim required. People argued about it for months and it all settled on “OW is for people of all skill levels, blabla”, which really doesn’t answer the hugely unfair levels of skill/effort required to play certain heroes over others for the same or bigger reward.


I think it was a bring your kids to work day and kids got to design a hero and they put that into the game.

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Sorry, but this is just biased. You had one good game with a support, and now according to you because your team played well (including you, if you did not troll around you always contribute something) this character is broken?

Maybe play some more games when you get countered, stunned yourself, charged, proper focused and melted down at the frontline, takes some more games then just one. I have games sometimes when I as main tank get carried by my DPS who do all the work, sometimes I carry my DPS fullfilling my role, so what kind of bizarre argument is it.

Talking Tracer it is fitting how a Tracer main complains about his soft counter, which already had like 5 more nerfs then Tracer ever had. Tracer has an insane mobility kit paired with excellent damage, forgiving damage fall off and a free health restoration mechanic which allows her to mess up her positioning and overextend and still not get punished for it. It is also incredibly easy to get value of a Tracer, and I know people who one tricked her from gold to diamond in one season, so according to that kind of logic Tracer must be broken too.

In the past, entire team compositions existed to counter a Tracer. The addition of Brigitte changed that unhealthy state and diversified gameplay.


Sure thing. Remove 1 blink and place Recall on a 25 sec CD, also remove Genji’s melee attacks deflection to bring him up to other dps level. Then they would have to think about the situation on the battlefield when they attack instead of just pressing W plus one button at the right time (takes incredible skill to do so, too).

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I gave 1 thing to nerf on an OP hero. You’re gutting 2 low damage low health heroes. Tracer and Genji are OP after hours of practice. Tracer and Genji require aim and incredible aim. Tracer and Genji can screw up their ult very easily and can’t go after tanks with it very easily. Brigitte has armor, a shield, a no aim weapon, a stun, self heal, healing for others, and an AOE ult. She doesn’t slow down with her shield up, has a medium hitbox, and can run/hide to get away. No tank can do what she can and no support has as much survivability as her. Literally every other hero has to risk death and losing to do what she does with ease. She also doesn’t just counter Genji and Tracer. She counters everyone that has to move to work for the team. Plus the Genjis and Tracers you’re upset about don’t even get near Brigitte because she’s in the front attacking the tanks trying to defend themselves/the rest of the team

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Is this a joke? Tracer being able to one clip squishies, ulting half of a grouped team even after “nerf”, and Genji removing an entire team from the picture while not being held back in any way is “low damage”?

Least heal output given, healing which can be overdamaged by Winston, one of the least amounts of damage given in the game, complete helplessness in any ranged fight.

I suppose not, I do play against her on Rein and can use the options available to me to deal with her fairly easily. But I guess I am doing something wrong.

Her supposed hybrid role, and, again, your complete disregard for her weak points she brings along show your bias.

Entirely not true. Both Rein and Doomfist splash the walls with her.

The majority of people playing already learned to counter her, and some dps she supposedly “counters” win against her, proving she is not even that great of a counter to them, let alone “direct”.

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Just looked at your profile and I’m gonna pretty safely assume you haven’t actually played against people who know how this game works. Even if this is a smurf, that tells me even more. 2 things for you though, common sense and risk vs reward

Rankshaming left as argument, why not, since it seems there is not much else you got left to say.

She’s a god send for us low elo players vs. good Tracers, but she’s definitely way too strong overall.

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My assumption was right. Can’t even see your rank (btw can’t see rank with private profiles). You’re level 25 with no endorsements.

Nah, I am not. If your browser does not show the correct rank, its not my problem dude.

Read it again and remember the 2 things I was supposed to leave you with. Plus the fact still remains you’re a super low level with no endorsements

Will finding out, that I am level 535 plat player help you rankshame?