It's Bobby Kotick's Fault

Well shes in the game and if we went back we would still have the problem of dps just sucking and not being a viable pick

Brig in her current state wouldn’t be a problem. All they would have to do to make open queue work is revert the tanks back to normal. Brig is nothing like she was when she was first added, but they waited too long to make her a normal hero.

With how strong yanks and supports are more supports dps would be a throw pick you owuld just go 3 tanks 3 supports

Blind AND illiterate, got it.

You are literally confuscating the meaning of words lol but you do you, troll.

Confuscating? Was it the blindness or the illiteracy this time?

Hey, he opulently and magnaminously loves giving Bobby Kotick his currency!

Yo we got thing 1 and thing 2 out here lmaoooo tweedle-dee and tweedle-DUMB poppin off

Oh no you’re running out of content.

The paramedics will arrive soon. Reading your posts gave me a neck injury.

You actually repeated this one. Come on, find some new ones like slimy rat, I liked that one.

man I thought I didn’t like Overwatch, this dude spittin

Continuity is important.

Could you two please just block each other already?

Everything that (failure of a) man touches, dies.

He needs to go away. Forever. Never touch another company again. Especially in gaming.

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Ever work in project management in a large company?

Sounds like you haven’t.

They came up with a plan. That plan wouldnHbe had a budget. I can practically guaranty the they wanted to start with a vertical slice of the PvE - what was shown in 2019 when they had the team size doubled.

Then the pandemic happened. No one plans for something as catestaiohic as that which caused entire work forced to be unable to go into work.

I’ve a close friend who works at Blizzard who worked prractically non-stop during the transition to remote work. It was a nightmare to create multiple secure production pipe lines for multiple teams.

So from 2020-2022 you have very little hiring going in.

If that hadn’t happens, Team 4 would likely have need to be doubled again from 300 to 600z which would have been enough to create the PvE game they promised.

Then in 2022 what comes out? Diablo Immortal. A product that took a rather minimal budget and began generating huge profits.

It was also last year from Team 4 realized they wouldn’t be able to make the PvE game they promised (as per the dev blog). Why?

Because executive management didn’t want to expend more funding on Overwatch 2. Team 4 would have needed to double the team and take several more years - the same time they lost due to the pandemic - to create the game.

Kotik wants profit ASAP from this major IP. There is a sale / merger looming on the horizon. The better Overwatch does, the more he gets in his golden parachute.

That’s what all this is about.

It want a failure of Team 4 who worked like crazy with what they were given. They were “following the plan” until the rug got pulled.

Wait, wait… this thread has not yet been deleted? I am surprised :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol I guess Aaron Keller is lying about all of team 4’s mismanagement that he personally oversaw, silly me.

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My uncle works at Nintendo

Aaron Keller, in tears, in Kotick’s office: please, sir, I want to tell them the truth about pve and our development problems!

Bobby Kotick: Absolutely not! Milk the fools, milk them!

Likely story.