Bobby, tell everyone about the random projects for OW1 you all would shove on us, the team would do OT for only them to get cancelled and for months of OW2 dev to have been lost. Or how almost entire teams are turning over and citing you as the reason. Don’t be shy.
Tracy Kennedy, former Overwatch producer.
But Blizzard be like, “Chat may be recorded to investigate disruptive behavior.”
That’s hilarious to me! Hilarious, coming from a bunch of lying, human milk drinking, Cosby rooming cube crawlers who push MTX onto the mentally ill so their Epstein Island enjoying CEO can afford another yacht.
It honestly makes me completely sick to my stomach, he got the writer of the lore to leave, he got Kaplan and Goodman to leave, he got the Chinese market to leave, he got the merger blocked - Bobby Kotick is an incompetent rat and a monster and a destructive oppressor of the arts.
Every time I look into his beady eyes I feel as if I’m not looking into the eyes of a person but into the eyes of some degenerative offshoot of the human species, something that should not exist.
I don’t think it is just the higher ups fault.
It is not the firs time the OW team has shown incompetence (take the balancing and matchmaking for example)
No, it’s not all one man’s fault. The devs ruined this game when they added role queue and started balancing heroes around what the pros wanted and took their casual playerbase for granted.
about the devs not being blamed i think maybe people are right. one thing about the devs always seemed that most of them have huge egos. never wanting to admit they had a bad idea.
still developers coming and going and changing all the time is an upper managment thing also. so everybody is to blame i guess
I disagree, it seems to me that the issues stem solely from the leadership, specifically from the CEO who’s had a direct hand in shaping Overwatch’s development.
The passion was there from the devs, the vision was there because of the devs, the PLAN was there from the devs - but the CEO would swoop in and undo all of their hard work.
I am sure that is also a factor but the devs themselves admitted that they have bite more than they can chew and I was expecting the pve to be a disaster from the start. I just didn’t expect that it will get axed completely.
Of course the devs have “admitted” fault, they’re not allowed to mention what Tracy Kennedy said about Bobby blowing through like bad weather to snuff the dream of OW so he could save a buck.
You will not see any of them say even one single negative thing about Bobby’s management because they’re not allowed to, you understand?
They’re killing their own community and games last few years so it’s a miracle how they’re still alive. I’m guessing it’s from all the Warcraft subscriptions and COD kiddies dropping into Warzone. I wonder if Immortal still makes $2 million a day, maybe Diablo IV will replace it.
Bro, I have played this game for 7 years and i know what the devs are capable of doing and what they aren’t.
They were struggling to make new hero once every 4 months. How on earth they were going to release new heroes with tons of abilities as well for the same amount of time?
Aaron’s blog post pretty much said that started working on OW2 immediately and that it was a bad idea, which has been the writing on the wall for 5 years now.
Kotick did more harm than good but people who are acting like team 4 did nothing wrong want to hold out hope that this game will be great when Microsoft takes over.
It might get better than it’s been lately, but they’re proving more lucky than competent so far.
I’ve also played the game for 7 years, that doesn’t mean you “know what they’re capable of.”
How could they have released new heroes and completed the work? I’ll tell you how, with proper funding, by being given enough time and without higher management literally wasting their time and effort and causing massive turnover inside team 4.
I think you’re just salty that Bobby never took you to Epstein Island with him.