It's Bobby Kotick's Fault

Lol he apologized but didn’t lay blame on his team. It’s called falling on your sword.

He can’t blame his boss after all…

What you think PR baby been all over this with directives on how to handle this from the start?

Lol keep being clues to how large companies operate.

I’ve said numerous times now that Kotick and upper level executives did plenty of damage to development.

I just don’t understand why you guys are so intent on acting like the direction of team 4 was perfect, though.

The Microsoft acquisition won’t be the magic fix because this game’s issues run deeper than executives.

They’re both to blame.

Are you going on a date with Keller next week? Is that why you want to think he’s a perfect angel baby with no mistakes?

Perhaps you’d speak differently if you knew people that work there…

Or put it this way, they likely projected OW2 pve to make several hundred million in its first year.

Then Diablo Immortal comes out and makes ABK 2 Million A DAY.

High estimates for DI development are around 60 million.

Overwatch 2 from 2019-2022 would have been approaching the 200 million mark.

You think that Team 4 completely mismanaged everything. Ok. No team is perfect I. It’s budgeting.

But go back to the interview. Keller himself said that it would take them several more years to finish the PvE game they envisioned. Which lines up with most of the time lost from the pandemic…

So you have a team that needed to be doubled in its size again requiring MORE funding that would take several years to make and several more years after that to turn a profit…

When execs see another product yield profit after 1 month…

Jeff Kaplan is my dad.

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Aaron Keller is my mom

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Of course, we should kick him out as possible, he is inhuman at greedy

Dr Loomis described Bobby Kotick perfectly.

“I met him fifteen years ago. I was told there was nothing left. No reason, no, uh, conscience, no understanding, and even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, of good or evil, right or wrong. I met this six-year-old child with this blank, pale, emotionless face, and the blackest eyes, the devil’s eyes. I spent eight years trying to reach him and then another seven trying to keep him locked up because I realized that what was living behind that boy’s eyes was purely and simply evil"

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Spot on, the way they talk about “blizzard quality polish” or how pve hero mode was not up to the “blizzard quality standard” is hilarious because kiriko is still bugged and they still havent fixed the random alt tabbing bug and dont get me started on warcraft 3 reforged


That disappeared in my book with the absolute failure of a UI that exists in OW2. They cannot sell “polish” after that nightmare unless it’s polishing a turd

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The thing that amazes me, is that there is a Bobby K “shill” on the forums. The entire upper management is at fault. But Bobster usually has the last say in a lot of it.

Honestly I think if the leadership let the devs do what they wanted to do and not step in at all, Overwatch never would have been made in the first place. We would have eventually got Titan.