It's been awhile, but things are looking better

You got me cracking up rofl.

Sure thing! Sounds like it’ll be fun. I can try to keep you alive haha.

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What in the god damn hell is happening here?



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I just friended you.

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Top 10 things to cure depression

Idocrase!!! GLORIOUS!! Good to see you are still around here!!!

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heck yeah


I need some new rein tips

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Looks like I’m not the only one who left the forums for a while.


She cannot perform her role all that well anymore of disrupting Winston and the bubble matrix.

That combo is back to zero counterplay.

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Oof, we lost CreamFraiche though

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yooooo you’re back? how was that spy type thing

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agreed, the game is actually getting a lot better. i fell to low plat when the game started to really go down, and within the past week I shot back up to ~3160. things are looking up for the future, too! balance seems pretty decent, there’s probably a few tweaks needed here and there, and i think the game is really ready for new content.

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Welcome back, RichC. We missed you :slight_smile: It felt significantly more toxic without ya


Cream was really funny too :frowning:

I think that she is going to struggle at the Higher (and Highest) levels of play, but for the majority of where the player base is (Gold & Plat) she is still viable in the right hands.

Now that I think about it, most of the users here are new.

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“Spy stuff?” Nothing of the sort.

captured footage

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Oh my god. Is that meme still relevant?