It's been awhile, but things are looking better

He is back…

The return of RichC

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You can’t come back!!!
WE had a ceremony , people cried!!! Cried damnit!!!


As I predicted, only a couple months until you came back.

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I really hope that was sarcasm. The sort of person who makes big bombastic “I’M LEAVING NOW” posts pretty much always backpedal.

I’m not sure who you are given that I’m new here, but welcome back. Good to see that people are enjoying the game again.

Good, now i can go away, mostly because im bored and I want to focus on other things, and no one really cares for me, so you are in control

I’m not even surprised.

Not true, People enjoy seeing you around here, and I’m definitely not in control of these forums.

Nobody should be, I original said I would enjoy coming back to play again once Blizzard patched up the bugs. Don’t believe me?, go back and read the post again.

You mean once barriers blocked Shield Bash.

i wouldn’t say better, the brigitte nerf only really affected reinhardt

I didn’t expect them to do this, but I think it was a good change. It offers more skill and counter-play, something the community favors. Shields blocking Bash was something I and many others asked for. Fragehardt and I even did a video discussing it. I was just as shocked as everyone else that they actually went ahead and did it. But now that I’m feeling it’s implications, I think it’s a step in the right direction.


Welcome back. Hope you keep having fun, despite the fun police here on the forums :stuck_out_tongue:


Literally everyone is coming back.


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Ha, true. But there are a lot of new faces here on the forums, that is really good to see!


A bunch of people got to 10000 posts while you were gone.

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Yep! There’s a couple new regulars that have joined the forums I’d say.

At some point, I need to play with more of the forum goers for fun.

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It’s a lot of fun playing with Forum goers! I played with Goldenpants, MagyTheMage, and CATCHPHRASE this week. I hope to play with more! Add me and hopefully we can play soon!

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Chailenge Accepted


mfw when I actually love this song. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: