It's been awhile, but things are looking better

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted on these forums. But I just want to say I jumped back into the game and things feel a lot better. Reinhardt feels really good atm. Haven’t had a bugged out earthshatter after many games, no ghost hammer swings, and the brig changes offer a feeling of reward when you block her bash with the shield, then proceed to punish.

I original said when I left that I hoped to return to my favorite game when things were patched up, and by the looks of it, things feel a lot better. Thank you Blizzard.

I think the conversations can get lost on balance changes, so it’s easy to overlook the good work that has been done and accomplished by the team. Reinhardt used to be in a bad way (for much longer than he should have been, and other heroes still have their trouble), he is better now. So again thank you.

Crusader Online.


Thought I was hallucinating when I read that username.

Is that really you?


I started the forums when you left I think. Welcome back.


this return is totally unexpected



Well well well, guess who it is, welcome back Mr.C !


im shooketh

side note: glad you are enjoying yourself again!

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It does feel better to play tanks again, now that Brig can’t bash through barriers and DF can’t lock you in an arc that’ll definitely melt ya.
Aside from that? They fixed a lot of bugs and interactions. So yea.
Feels good to play Hammy again.


Good to see you Golden, I hope to reunite with the other Crusaders like Fragehardt, CATCHPRHASE, and the others soon. I did get to play with MagyTheMage the other day and we had a lot of fun :slight_smile:


I’m glad that you’re having fun again, took them a while to fix these stuff but we’re not complaining are we.

Oh, this game is not in a better state my friend.
Its a roller coaster. Ups and Downs.

It is, but with the right mindset it can be fun. :slight_smile:

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That is very true, but I plan to ride this high while it lasts. I’m still very aware that there are a good many heroes that are overshadowed (and continue to be overshadowed) by many heroes in the roster. I’ve always asked the devs for “Viable Variety” whenever I discussed balance on the forums.

I’m sure they do their best to accomplish this, but the sad reality is that variety does shrink the higher up the ranks you go, but still I do believe a wide cast of viable heroes is achievable. Difficult, but achievable.


I can still play Lucio, Hammond, and Zen. With the overall ‘CC’ nerfs I’ll be able to play them more effectively within my rank. FeelsgoodtobeFrogHelper


I love nothing more than a Lucio who is glued to my butt when I’m playing Reinhardt. It’s a major boost of confidence. :smiley: I also love flexing into Lucio because I know how to work with the Rein player.


Everytime I combo with Rein as Lucio, I make sure the enemy knows that I’m a freight train conductor.

I’m kind of impulsive when I’m on Rein. “Don’t go charging in head first…” says Granny Ana.
“CHARGE IN? YES MA’AM”. When a Lucy is on my tail though, that “CHARGE IN” becomes a disgruntled bellow, crying for blood.


Welcome back. I don’t know if things really are better yet, but it’s good to have some forum regulars back again!

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Brigitte can no longer bash through shields, have fun abusing that to your heart’s content.


*slightly jealous grandma who loves Reinhardt disapproving in the background*


oh, thank GOD, now the developers have this critical feedback from such a stellar player and quite frankly all around amazing human being such as yourself, they can continue to do the great work they have been doing these past… few… yeah nevermind

there is a big part of me that wants to acknowledge the power of positive thinking in trying times such as these, but when the developers straight out acknowledge they only read posts contributing to the echo chamber circle jerk, I really have to question the value of this topic

that is to say, I think this topic has a negative impact on the state of the game and the forum, it would actually be nice if it was just a useless waste of space that I could ignore.

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This change was something Fragehardt and I called for a long time ago. We explained how bash needed counterplay between Brig and tanks. A good Brig can still perform her role well, but now she simply has to be smart. Very similar to Reinhardt players knowing when to flash their shield up to block a McCree flashbang. This form of counterplay is what makes the game rewarding and fun for both players.

Skill does still matter, but also game sense, positioning, ult tracking, and callouts are equally as important. Brig and Rein will never exist in a vaccum, both will always have their team with them to help or punish eachother.

A lot of times the forum discussions forget that very crucial fact I just said above.