It's been awhile, but things are looking better

Quite a few, yeah.

Some of us have been around for awhile I’d say though.

I hate how when Blizz changed the WoW forums to be more like these forums a month ago, my over 8000 post count was reduced to like, 80 :frowning:

Nope, but I remember everything funny I come across.

Jelly basically lives on the forums.

Also, Rich we should all just form a big group right now lol.

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Thanks Ikkio! I don’t think we are going to stop toxicity, but in our own little way we can do our part to provide helpful/encouraging feedback, provide help/advice for those that ask, and hopefully have some laughs/humor again.

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Oh, remember kn0wledge?

me neither

Mein Gott, it’s good to see you again! Where’s SunDragon?

But that’s where the game is supposed to be balanced because that’s how you know they are doing their job.

The issue with shield bash was a Reinhardt specific problem, it should have come with a balance pass at Reinhardt.

I don’t think it’s good that she is garbage at being a hybrid now, especially since they will likely nerf her sustain sooner or later to finally put a nail in the coffin of GOATs.

It also feels really terrible against Tracer now.

This honestly feels like a Junkrat nade size level nerf, while the thing keeping her op and viable in pro play is ignored.

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Where is Reaper? I figured he would have been in here to post some edgy comment about him being right. I geniuenly liked all that edge he brought.

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gosh dang it I completely forgot that guy D:

He left, somewhere around August?

The reaper may have gone to reap elsewhere.


It’s a Christmas miracle!!

You are probably right about that. I never try to speak for those players that are sitting at the highest ranks. You will never see me puff my chest and say “This is how it is” because I understand it’s different for everyone depending on their ELO/Skill/Rank.

Where I sit in PLAT she feels good and balanced. So that is all the feedback I can offer to Blizzard.

But I also know that Blizzard isn’t affraid to spoon feed the top players their meta with wide swinging changes (changes via new hero or direct buffs/nerfs via ptr). It should be expected that when Blizzard wants things to end, they will do it, and there will be nothing we can do about it.

Dive will eventually return, no doubt about it. And Reinhardt will probably be reduced to his niche maps like King’s Row.

Well I know he had been wanting Reaper back in meta for a long time. I was hoping to see Reaper return with the return of Deathball, but sadly deathball evolved into Goats, leaving no room for Reaper.

I’ve said this before and I will say this again, BeyBlade meta with Reaper was one of the funnest/best metas this game every had. I feel bad for all those new players that never got to experience this, it was pretty awesome to watch a nano’d speedboosted bubbled Reaper make his move.


anyone wanna just screw around in QP?

didn’t you leave to go do some job or something? or maybe it was the other tracer icon

I still occasionally see him around

Put me at a solid maybe. Waiting a few minutes to see if I’ll be playing arenas or not on WoW.

I should be online tomorrow. I’m currently /out/ camping in Joshua Tree. I’m posting from my phone atm.

Maybe I did go, or I made it up. But you won’t know.

i mean…i havent played the game in over a month so…am i really here?

btw, you should join us on hte overemoji discord server