It's been 1200 days since Mercy was reworked

Main reason why I miss mass resurrect, is that it helped a lot with your average uncoordinated team. No other ult was capable of fixing team running on point one by one and dying, or to counter ult spam, saving non-tank players in the process.

Now to do same, you need to bring actually competent DPS with you, that is capable of nearly solo carrying.


You called it a fable. A fable is defined as a " fictitious tale" or a “myth”. As in, you indeed implied it wasn’t real.

So you missed the part where they nerfed Mass Rez to not be useable in spawn bc of hide-and-rezzing from spawn being a problem? And then the big important Stream with Scott Mercer where they told Seagull they were going to be looking into reworking Mercy, mostly looking at her ult? Which wasn’t shocking at all considering all the discourse and discussion about how problematic her ult was had been going on for a while at that point, and they had recently applied that new restriction to it? And then a bit later we got the Dev Update explaining the upcoming rework and their reasoning behind it? And then we got to test the rework on PTR for a month?

Also, you aren’t entitled to a “warning” at all. If a change needs to be made it will be made. You getting a week or a month warning wouldn’t matter at all because she was going to get reworked regardless. And you got like an entire month to play old Mercy before the rework went from PTR to live.

Don’t need to wait long:

h ttps://

And this is coming AFTER they already made it so she can’t use her ult from spawn because it was problematic behavior.

LOL imagine saying a 20 year old can’t have an opinion on a video game, especially when said person was the best Mercy player in the entire game with 3 Mercy-only accounts in top500 every season for the first 2 years of the game.

When changing a hero, you talk to the experts/pros/top players of said hero. They do this in LoL too. Hence why Geoff spoke with EeveeA throughout the Mercy rework process extensively. EeveeA is also a big reason the mobility tech bug from the rework PTR got left in and put through to live and is the reason we have slingshot today.

They don’t need to go ask a 50 year old for balance opinions about a competitive FPS. Skill, game knowledge, and GAME experience outweigh real life age entirely. This is a video game discussion.

I can’t imagine you unironically calling the best Mercy in the game at said time a


Whatever you have to say to make yourself feel better, I guess. Enjoy Valkyrie :heart: maybe you can go use mass rez in PvE when OW2 comes out!


Since game is played differently in different tires, whole “experts/pros/top players” don’t have any value.

Best ult to film “how my teammates get destroyed” series with. Without plot twists or second attempts, unfortunately.

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I personally like that she was reworked.

Valkyrie being her ultimate instead of Rez made me feel more free and no longer harassed/abused about standing behind a wall and letting people die then use my ult.

I used to be a Mercy & Lucio main before Moira and rez being her ultimate actually made me quit the game as I couldn’t take the abuse anymore lol. I stopped playing the actual game and played VS AI for around 40 hours… to escape those people, then I just went back to TF2.


I always were free. All Valkyrie achieved was making me ignored by enemy team even more, than usual. And this time, they got a good reason for it.

Never heard a single word from my team, so guess you had a bad luck.

I heard it nearly every game, master+

Then you just figured out the problem.

How is that my problem? it’s how she was played back then… stand behind a wall and press Q res everyone.

If you didn’t, you’d get harassed/abused etc.

Well, you wanted to get there, as if you had no clue, what people become, when they are obsessed with winning.

LOL when did I act like I had no clue? and doesn’t everyone at every rank in competitive want to win

No, I don’t. My BF literally deranked on purpose a few times, to actually have fun in this game.

then maybe he should just play QP then instead of smurfing?

If smurfing is what it takes, so be it.

If I still had my old ult, I would be playing with randoms…but since it was taken away, pocketing smurf time it is.

Devs take fun away from us, we take countermeasures to it.

Not my fun, I love the new Mercy much more than the OG.


I would love new Mercy, if she could maintain her team alive. But she fails at it easily, so I just focus on smurf.

Or, in shorter words:

  • me on pre-rework Mercy: actually trying to gain strength through numbers;
  • me on post-rework Mercy: focusing on one teammate, that actually matters;

Even before resurrects were mostly taken away, I had enough moments, where same player had to be resurrected multiple times, as enemy really wanted that player dead. Now I just don’t bother - if player is caught in rough spot, they are goner.

It’s no fun watching your teammates dying, knowing, that you were unable to save them. It’s twice as not fun, when you can’t even improve situation for them - in TF2 you overheal players, so their random encounter with enemy has more positive outcome, but your pathetic healing in Overwatch doesn’t make enough difference, if you follow them everywhere.

For instance, fully overhealed TF2 Scout can survive quickscope from Sniper.

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Devs balance around GM and OWL.


Then no wonder, that game only kept getting more messy.

With devs trying to make game into Formula One, it instead started resembling Mad Max.

Though it was more about personal value - it’s completely useless for me to know, that somewhere in GM/OWL people are playing in certain way. Trying to apply those standards to your regular game creates unexpected results both for devs and players.

Btw, whole concept of “I have to maintain my team alive” came to me, as soon as I realised, that you may have teammates completely unable to hit their targets within those short seconds fight normally goes. So, you have to keep them alive, until they eventually hit their targets. It’s something I almost never encountered in TF2…besides few instances of players trying to kill someone with weapons, that exist exclusively for explosive jumping and as result, deal 0 damage.

“Never underestimate stupid things in huge numbers” - Sam “Serious” Stone.


Plus: If the devs truly “didn’t want Mercy to be so dependent on rez” like they claimed, they would have given her something else to depend on when s***t hits the fan.

No duh some players will jump straight to “waiting for teammates to die” so Mercy can use rez on them, that’s literally the only thing Mercy can do to help her teammates once it gets to the point where her healing beam isn’t enough to keep them alive. She has no other “plan B.”

Ana can throw a nade if her teammate is at critical health. Moira can thow her orb. But they never gave Mercy any sort of middle ground between:

“Everything is fine, my base healing is enough to keep everyone alive”


“Everything is going to hell in a handbasket. The incoming damage is too much for my base heals to handle, which means my teammates are about to die no matter what I do.”

Putting resurrect, of all things, on Mercy’s E ability was the ONE thing the devs could have done at the time to make Mercy even more dependent on rezzing than she already was.


Overwatch has approximately 40 million players worldwide. Here, I am asking you to provide proof that the developers told this large community of the hide and rez fable. Instead of providing proof, you link to a talk between an ostensible Overwatch developer and Overwatch child-influencer with 47k views and 600k followers. You are so naive, so dense that you truly believe that a developer sharing thoughts with a child-influencer with 600k followers equates to sharing that with the larger, Overwatch community of 40 million. It does not. Just so you can understand the scale here. The entire country of Poland has as many citizens as Overwatch has worldwide players and you show a video with 47,054 YouTube views as proof of outreach to the community about this issue. Like some of you children say: “I can’t even”.

I wanted to accuse you of being disingenuous, but after reading your posts, I am assuming English is not your first language. My usage of the word “fable” is intended as hyperbole to make a point. Moreover, I provided context in the subsequent sentences why I was referring “hide and rez” as a fable. Now, you’ve chosen to cut up my post mid-sentence to create your own strawman; however, the beautiful thing about a message board is that anyone can go up and read what I wrote.

Not sure where this is coming from or if this is just another poorly constructed strawman, but I have no interest in Overwatch 2 and never expressed an interest in Overwatch 2 in this thread or in the forums. Specifically, I am indifferent to mass rez being in Overwatch 2 because I have no intention to play the game.

Again, you cannot stop putting words in my mouth. You cannot stop constructing strawman and knocking them down. I never said that the child-influencer cannot “have an opinion on a video game”. Obviously, anyone - including child-influencers - have a right to have their own thoughts and opinions. Why would I deny that? What I am saying is that I don’t weigh the non-expert opinion of that child-influencer more than any other opinion. I also don’t think the sole opinion of grandmaster/top players is significantly more valuable than the rest of the community as a whole.

The stars must be aligned because we have 100% agreement. I agree with you here. And, to show you how much I agree with it, I even went social media on you and “liked” it. You’re welcome. Of course, when I said more-or-less the same sentiment up thread:

You were so silent you could hear a mouse piss on cotton. But, I forgive you.


I just want to chip in here to say that this whole thread feels like an abridged version of all of the Mercy discourse from the past several years, as well as an example of how toxic the Mercy playerbase has really evolved to be – so many conversations that could be kept civil, but are amped up to 11 due to intense emotional investment.

I’ve got nothing else that I want to say other than that I’m happy for 1200 days of Mercy’s reworked form and I’m looking forward to 1200+ more. Her current design is basically perfect, and to my vast embarrassment, she’s even eclipsed my precious Ana hours. She’s just that fun to play, and almost always has a place in any team comp. I don’t imagine her getting any big changes, nor would I want her to, other than some very limited quality of life features.

In fact I’ll just say my two wishes here: I really want reload to be bound to Guardian Angel, specifically to GA to your beam target, which would allow for Mercy to have the advantages of both toggleable options; and second, I’d love if Mercy could see enemy healthbars from those her damage boosted patients have struck, as this would give her a lot more control and insight on when to damage boost aggressively. Valkyrie already allows the latter point by giving Mercy free health vision on enemies, but I’d love to have this for non-Valk pushes as well.