It's been 1200 days since Mercy was reworked

That’s more than three years ago. This means that she’s had her Valkyrie ultimate longer than her old ultimate, Resurrect.

It’s crazy how time flies…it feels like only yesterday we were slinging around entire maps with instant rezzes and constant cooldown resets.

To remind you of what she was like post-rework:

  1. Resurrect was still a 30 second cooldown.
  2. Resurrect had no cast time or movement penalty.
  3. Resurrect would reset the cooldown of Guardian Angel.
  4. Using Valkyrie would reset Resurrect’s cooldown.
  5. Using Resurrect during Valkyrie would put Resurrect on a 10 second cooldown.
  6. Valkyrie had a 20 second duration, as opposed to the current 15.
    This meant the potential of 4 resurrects in 20 seconds.
  7. Guardian Angel had a bug that would slingshot Mercy much further than currently, as well as put it on cooldown before the momentum finished.
    This felt like Mercy had no Guardian Angel cooldown if executed well.

To commemorate, here’s the last ultimate resurrect montage video made by Animetic:

And a montage showcasing the original Mercy 2.0 by Eleyzhau:


One day

One day we’ll get that Mercy mass rez custom :frowning:

Until then, can we get this quick rez in freeze thaw elimination for customs?

I’m sorry that im obsessed 🥲 but super jump near-instant rez is a whole addiction


1200 good days. : ) Well, minus the ones where Valk had double insta-rez. That was not great.


1200 days since they gave Dva the infamous rework


Dang, it has been a long time.

I’m very glad they removed mass resurrect. I ~hated~ playing her with mass resurrect.


Do you feel like this rework made her a must pick in comp games? Due to dmg boost and res on a still arguably short cooldown (for its potential to undo picks)?

She had almost a 100% pickrate across every rank. She was absolutely a must pick. It wasn’t the damage boost though.

At her highest, she was getting 15 rezzes per game in GM. She now has 6. The constant free rezzes made her rework broken.


It really has been a long time hasn’t it? While she’s overall more viable and rounded now I do sometimes miss the suspense of the old version.

Honestly, she did need a rework, but I will never quite forgive them for the way they went about it; dropping it like a bomb, not asking for Mercy players’ feedback when creating a new kit, the blanket silencing, the way it was rushed with nerf after nerf as a result…

I’d like to say they learned something, but looking at some other heroes I’m not sure they did…


They did the same with Symmetra and Torb’s reworks too. Torb’s was pretty successful, but Sym’s is still controversial amongst sym mains.

I think those days of “surprise reworks” are behind us now judging by the moira experimental cards a few months ago.


Agreed :slight_smile: The rework cemented my love for the hero and sealed my fate as an addicted Mercy main xD


Not gonna lie.

I miss Mass Rez.


Remember on the PTR where it gave her:

  • double projectile speed (100m/s)
  • Infinite ammo

like she does on live but also gave her:

  • double damage (40 per bullet)
  • double fire rate (10 per second)

And that meant Mercy could roll out 400dps, 100% bodyshots and 800dps at 100% headshots? With a 0.3s TTK on 200hp squishies if she landed 3 headshots with 40hp burst damage to spare.

Wild times. I remember the nano valk videos. (600-1200dps)


Crap this reminds me of how I was once 3 shots away from shooting a peak OP moth at junkertown 1st max altitude out of the sky with baby Dva but I had to reload :frowning:


Mommy moira says tuwu nowt stick youw nose whewe iwt doesn’t bewong

1200 days and yet pink is the only skin that change wing color during valk.


I’m pretty sure mass rez is coming back on a different hero with less mobility, of course it would require LoS and probably some other requirement, perhaps hp sacrifice of some sort, we do lack a necromancer

The rework remains one of the stupidest things ever done to this game. I’ll die on this hill, dang it.

Mass Rez was never an issue for anyone who had even half a mind for strategy and thinking. Seriously…

-> Mass Rez
-> unleash your ult to counter to undo Mercy’s Rez

It wasn’t that hard.



  • superjump and other GA tech


  • absolutely no self agency for her value anywhere

    • res conditions so restrictive that every other player in the match controls whether a corpse is res’able or not rather than the mercy player.
    • valk doesn’t really do much nor add much to her base kit to overcome the inherent low-to-none self agency for value in the mechanics of damage boost and res to change that.
      • not to mention opportunities to boost, res or pistol are limited by the low hps in valk heal which makes opportunities for those actions more controlled by mercy’s teammates’ competence in living with 60hps rather than the mercy player healing so high to forcefully give themselves a window/leniency to do other actions instead of healing.
  • healing nerfed


This 100% lmao

felt like a waste of time when it could just been a rebalance like buttttt

it is what it is


I really dont like revive as a mechanic, and I especially dislike that its on a tiny character with crazy mobility and a passive health regen.

Only way I’m going to like revive is if most supports can do it with varying levels of proficiency.