Can we bump it up to 55 yet? Or revert it to 60? I know Overbuff isn’t absolute, but it’s a good measure of a hero’s performance, and it’s kind of sad to see that Mercy’s no longer the second best healer after Moira. She’s supposed to be a dedicated healer, and yet Ana and Baptiste are healing better than her while also providing good damage, triple the amount she’d boost on average.
The reason you’d pick Mercy is for a dedicated healer, and yet she’s no longer a good choice for that over Ana or Baptiste, who also provide much greater utility. Her win rate has been dropping steadily (it was 55% average, now she’s hovering 51-52%). She just feels crappy to play most of the time because she can’t do her job efficiently or sufficiently, and Resurrection has fallen behind in value over the past year.
I still prefer Valkyrie would heal its main target for 100 hps, while healing everyone else for 50 hps for a total value of 300 hps output (live it’s 60 hps for all allies, for a total for 300 hps output). Give her some control over the flow of a battle, some skill expression and meaningful Valkyrie usage. Give her something…
Just moving numbers to have the same output does not have the same balance outcome as you think.
As a Mercy main, I personally don’t think she needs any changes at all. I still average 11.5k healing and 1.4k damage amp, while also inputting between 500-1,500 damage myself in games.
100 HPS to a single target for 15 seconds is a ludicrous amount for Mercy’s reliable, constant stream.
What’s hilarious is ever since xQc decided to whine about Mercy’s super jump, she is suddenly becoming this super OP, unkillable monster that needs her mobility nerfed while just before that, everybody was saying how balanced she is. Lmao
Mercy has too much healing imo. She seems to do fine on that front. I’d rather they emphasize her utility. A heal buff would make her healing even more unfair
There’s a type of user on the forum who will take a post and block quote it line by line to pick apart or refute someones stance or opinion but I’m not that kind of user. Because quite frankly I’m too cool for that and I’m sure everyone would agree.
I understand OP’s frustration and/or dissatisfaction but their experience doesn’t match mine so I very much disagree with everything said. I do think 55 hps would be nice but I feel like when you look at the recent balance changes for supports across the board, as well as the addition of a new burst healer, and the all-around survivabiltiy of the hero lineup in it’s entirety, my personal opinion is that we are dancing on a fine line of… healing bloat? Healing oversaturation? We have a lot of healing going on.
I don’t agree with N7 that Mercy does “too much” healing but I do think there is “too much” healing in general, not just when it comes to Mercy. I feel like bumping up Mercy’s healing when it is just fine as it is now, would eventually result in nerfing her or other healers in the future and I’m not down with that.
After a year I’ve recently finally come to terms with mercy’s healing lol but I’d still like 55 hps. I do think that a slight rework of valkyrie would make it way better and more impactful, such as megadodo’s big main little chains idea where the chain healing beams do a bit less healing while the main beam does a bit more. Mercy doesn’t NEED it but I think it’s a great way to make valk better. And mercy is still good, I have success with her, she just doesn’t work very well in rein zarya type comps
Please don’t generalize like this. You are just so wrong. I myself am a mercy player and i agree with the statement that mercy is fine and do not want to see her buffed. We already dealt with the moth meta once, and yes, even mercy players, at least the ones with level heads, don’t want to see her returned to must pick status. We like balance.
Mercy heals the second highest average per 10 minutes, only beaten by Moira, who can be inconsistent. Assuming you aren’t playing mercy with a zen, mercy has no trouble keeping up with the damage.
as many folks have already stated, Mercy is in a well balanced state at the moment, including her 50HPs/s healing
I will add that I feel she is in the very best state she has ever been
she needs no buffs, and should be given no buffs
she shouldnt be given anything, aside from some bugfixes (ga targeting through walls is the biggest one I am aware of) and maybe small QOL changes (like beam not breaking when entering Valk)
Just looked on overbuff and that’s false. When you look at both this week and this month, Mercy is still not far from first place for healing and does more than both Ana and Baptiste on average.
mercys healing is the most consistent, risk free of all the main healer options. of course it cant be too high hp/s because that would conflict with her aforementioned strengths. im not saying that exactly 50 is the perfect golden spot, but im also not saying that it needs to be changed. it seems to be roundabout where it needs to be, and mercy is far from bad just because she isnt extremely meta.
she does everything she does very well, and is useful in almost any comp outside of goats-like stuff.