You forget that Mercys healing has no aim requirement and no resource meter.
Ye thats why their now complaining about the super jump bug thats been around longer then the heal nerf has?
considering she has to change entire weapons if she wants to defend herself on top of being heavily team dependent, i’d say its a good trade off.
They are only complaining about it now because xQc was foiled by superjump. He was bamboozled. Hoodwinked. Flim-flammed. Outplayed. Outgunned. Outmaneuvered.
I bet you, outside of people who frequent the forums and a handful of Mercy mains a lot of those people who came to the forum to talk or complain about superjump didn’t know about its existence until the clip of xQc having a conniption fit over it began circulating.
On top of that, Moira is very much so the worst healer in the game right now. Mercy has utility. Moira does not.
no, those complaints started because a very toxic yet popular streamer complained a bit earlier this week about his troubles dealing with superjumping Mercy in a match he was playing
Tbh, at this point if Mercy does get buffs I’d rather see creative ones than a flat numbers one.
Like adding 1m to her beam length and 2m to GA out of Valk (increased response time buff, keep as is in Valk), adding an ability that lets Mercy sacrifice her self heal to apply it to an ally for an extra 20hps, Big main lil’ chains (plz Blizz it’s been long enough let me juggle again), +x% reload speed/rof on a boosted target. Those types of things.
I have not come to terms with it and never will. They completely trashed her with the hps nerf. Average healing isn’t the end all indicator. Lucio averages main healer level heals but he is an off healer because his heals cannot keep someone alive. 50 hps only works with squishy targets and even then its questionable. Not even 55, she needs 60 back
Hyperbole like that just makes me feel like I must be some Plat Mercy God.
My only problem with Mercy is not that she cant heal enough. Its that she doesnt really feel like she can do much in her games. Her winrate tells us that she is balanced, but that doesnt change the fact that she is boring most of the times.
The only fun thing she can do is her Superjump and forum folks wanna take that away from her too.
They completely trashed her with the hps nerf.
I find her to be in the very best state she has ever been - fun, effective, and well balanced
These buffs are all useless. Most good mercys outlive their teams with the range she has now. The problem is that taking out a “main” healer wasn’t necessary cuz the sustain she gives to her comps is negligible especially with the damage power creep
Her winrate tells us that she is balanced, but that doesnt change the fact that she is boring most of the times.
this isnt a fact, tho it is stated as if it is – it is an opinion
I and many others disagree with this opinion
I personally find her very fun to play in her current state
bUt MeRcY iS bAlAnCeD!
I’m 90% sure each time someone says that is because they’re scared sh*tless that giving Mercy any ounce of power will make her meta again
bUt MeRcY iS bAlAnCeD!
I’m 90% sure each time someone says that is because they’re scared sh*tless that giving Mercy any ounce of power will make her meta again
just like how people don’t want to be pigeon holed into playing Ana every match there are people that don’t want to be pigeon holed into playing Mercy every match
balancing the supports is hard yo
It’s not that hard. Ana is outperforming her by a ridiculous margin. 10 hps won’t change results so much that Ana loses 6 % and mercy gains 10. You can even nerf her ult charge rate in return. I’d prefer that
I can only speak for myself here, but I say she is balanced because, after x amounts of consecutive nerfs, I feel that she is.
I feel like giving her a hps buff when I’ve concluded for myself that it isn’t necessary, will result in power creep for her that won’t just make her meta, but make her a must pick, which in turn will result in more nerfs. In short, I think buffing her will inevitably lead to nerfing her. No more nerfs. No more. No more I say.
It’s not that hard. Ana is outperforming her by a ridiculous margin. 10 hps won’t change results so much that Ana loses 6 % and mercy gains 10. You can even nerf her ult charge rate in return. I’d prefer that
I just like how no one ever cares about Moira or Baptiste in the equation
It’s not that hard. Ana is outperforming her by a ridiculous margin. 10 hps won’t change results so much that Ana loses 6 % and mercy gains 10. You can even nerf her ult charge rate in return. I’d prefer that
you might
many others wont, myself included