Its 2020, why do we not have team status on HUD?

Kind of like they have during PvE missions ? Yes I would love to have that

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That would make support play way too easy. Imagine a Mercy not even to have to look around to decide who needs healing next, because it is right in her face.

Actually not just support play, but for everyone, there is a reason this game does not have crutches like a mini map, and the teammate status is only displayed in PvE, because gamesense is supposed to be a skill you have to learn, and not half of it taken away because the game does it for you.

Honestly probably because they ran out of room with all the other clutter in the HUD.

They want to pretend the game is intuitive enough for this information to not be necessary.

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It’s really easy to see the benefits of it just by watch OWL vs a streamer. Glancing at the top of the screen for all the info you want vs someone repeatedly interrupting your entire view of the action just to peek at the same information.

Ult status and alive/dead would still be nice to have in the HUD for teamwork purposes, and you can get both from hitting tab.

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OWL has it. Replays have it. Why is it not an actual feature we can choose to have on? Sure, it’d making healing easier but not to a significant degree if you already have allied health bars on. I don’t see any negatives here, only positives. If it makes healing easier, so what? It’s not like only one team gets healers.


As you said it is already there, no need to make it even easier to access.
And alive/dead is completely pointless, there is already a killfeed, telling you who is dead, and well everyone else should be alive.

You don’t understand. They’re

They don’t neeed all that quality of life, or basic statistic nonsense…



After 2 years I still fail to notice when I receive poke damage.
Also there are situations where my team (behind me) gets killed somehow and I don’t notice in time. (no mic time)
I’m sure a better HUD can fix both.

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The game team probably can’t figure out where to put it.
It may be seen as screen clutter.

As long as there are options to customize it, it’s fine.

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They figured it out for Archives & Junkenstein. I’m sure the difference from PvE to PvP wouldn’t be great enough to be a significant detriment

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I think it worked better for PvE events because you don’t have other human players shooting you or the UI for Control, Payload, Assault.

It’d keep me from fat fingering Q too.

Why wouldn’t you want it to be easier to access? Knowing the ult charge status of your team and knowing their health would make teamwork so much easier for those not using comms. It would allow healers to focus on their surroundings instead of worrying about checking their individual teammates health. It would mean no-one has to open the comms wheel and hit “Ultimate status”.

There are absolutely zero downsides to this.


Are you suggesting that pressing tab is difficult or in some way skillful? You’re really reaching with that one. As you acknowledged, the info is already there for everyone so there’s no reason it can’t be somewhere else that doesn’t require a button press. If players weren’t supposed to have that info then it wouldn’t be available at all.


With some of the legendary bots I’d rather human players at times ^^;

And hell, Storm Rising was just a payload event with Robits. I don’t even think they need to add in extra stuff for the map types, just use the player, hp, ult stat etc.

The game should not be too easy.

Healers absolutely should have to keep track of their teammates health on their own, and not have it directly in their face.

You still have to comm which ultimates to use. The knowledge that what ultimates are available is only part of the decision, obviously you can only use available ults. Still you the players have to decide which to use and if you wanna combo, communicate this with your teammates. I mean just because you know that you have 6 ults available it does not mean everyone should press Q.

Pressing tab is not skillful, but it takes away attention from the game surrounding you so the decision when to use tab and take away your attention from the game to inform yourself about your teammates ultimates, and when it is better to focus on the game itself is skillful.