GOATs was more flexible than what people gave it credit for, you choose the support based on what you want to achieve, Moira was the pick for spam comps that ran Pharmercy for example.
LMAO… people have complained about Moira’s lack of skill requirements from day one… don’t kid yourself. This has little if anything to do with what’s “meta”.
Blizzard doesn’t feel that way. Just saying. Neither should you, the game is not built around the top 10% of players though I understand why they think it should be.
Nah, most of the top McCree believe he is broken and still get shreked by Tracer even though they pretend he solo counters her. I trust the opinion of a bronze Brigitte one trick more than some of those cats.
but this goes for literally every meta hero, Doomfist, Moira mercy lucio zen ana rein dva, etcetera
i predict to you, and come back to this comment in like, a fewweeks that, if baptiste is indeed meta, you will get 50+ comments here saying he takes no skill
On that point I can agree that meta often inspires complaints, no question. I personally would not be surprised to see a nerf included in the upcoming Live patch for Bap.
lol Oh trust me I know how she works. She was created for those who can’t aim but still want to play a FPS to give you the illusion that they can get kills too! Meanwhile right click moira is missing the whole time
For fun look up the thread where they “accidentally” required Moira to aim on the PTR… forum was flooded with complaints by people who loved the low levels of effort for output she gives. Its humorous to read…
you’re probably looking at mercy for support with mobility and zipping around. there’s flick shots too if you’re willing to do them (you ga and flick to attach beam to someone mid flight).
WHen Literally all Nerf campaigns against supports start with DPS streamers/PLayers lSaying I don’t like “X support because " followed by 2-4 months of parroting by their fanbase followed by a nerf making that support unfun to play. It is quite literally " DPS not liking support”. You got DPS players who whine about “undoing skill” when all skill is simply being healed for damage you caused lol
Did it ever cross your mind that there might be different people asking for nerfs. I didn’t ask for any of those personally - I think they’re balanced, only moira self sustain is deserved.
What do you say when they go on about a tank like Sigma? Just curious. I don’t believe its “literal” and biased in the least. Some sure, not the majority.
What do you say when they go on about a tank like Sigma? Just curious. I don’t believe its “literal” and biased in the least. Some sure, not the majority.
It’s the same logic used with supports just insert Sigma, ex. “I picked DPS/Flanker X, why is Y non-DPS countering my “skill”? if it is therefore, Y is Broken!!!” ( then makes youtube video while being said DPS main)
It’s the mentality that when you pick DPS, you should be guaranteed value out of that pick, and nothing that isn’t DPS should stop you. If Sigma uses an ability or does something that gets in the way of that mentality, then that kickstarts the whole “NERF NERF NERF” part of their brain.
Once again, the whole Moira is OP/ORB RNG ( Moira opinions aside) campaign started from Samito, and the way he went about it largely exposed the hypocrisy and bias rampant within the DPS. That’s why now with the Baptiste witch hunt ( also started by a DPS youtuber) more people are catching on to the issue with DPS players and balance.
I want to back this up by stating that Ana was nerfed into non-existence during the entirety of OWL Season 1 by DPS (specifically McCree) mains complaining that she did 80 damage per shot compared to his 75.
Is that a hero like Genji (or any dps for that matter) is only good for getting picks, if there are supports that can avoid getting picked easily on top of all their utility and their irreplacable role in a team it makes dps feel useless.