seeing all the baptiste threads made me finally realise that the hatred for heroes like moira wasn’t because they were “low skill” or “no aim
no brain” heroes. it’s because they’re supports who don’t die when looked at by a dps. it was never about the skill, it was the fact that it was a support who could do something about a flanker and not just drop dead.
if i’m not wrong, then i wonder why so many of the same people who wanted moira nerfed due to her not having to aim that much also want baptiste, a hero who DOES have to aim to be nerfed. baptiste fits under their twisted definition of skill, so he should be fine right?
well, apparently no. some people in this community just hate supports and think dps should be the only ones dealing the damage.
(ps: baptiste doesn’t do more damage than soldier and even if he did soldiers the worst character in the game it doesn’t say a lot)
and this bias is what spawned the term “skill elitist”. it wasn’t about calling out on needing skill, it was calling out on what the accused people defined as “skill” from factoring all their seething prejudice.
I don’t think people have a rager for supports so much as dps getting their toes stepped on by characters that are arguably better at their role while also providing healing and utility. And I don’t necessarily disagree.
I think on the whole, both damage and healing need to be reined in. It’s getting overboard and blizzard have designed themselves into a corner where both roles are so powercreeped that it’s going to take a pretty massive overhaul to make things workable. Some characters outright need a rework as well to be more in line with the rest of the game. (I.e. widow, doom, hanzo)
That is abjectly false and deep down, you know it. Don’t try to play the “DPS thinks Supports should insta-die” card, that is not the case among knowledgeable players in the least.
FWIW, knowledgeable players question any character who appears to get buffed too heavily, I do mainly support and tank currently, but DPS players will easily get riled up if a DPS gets over-buffed, as do tankers and supports themselves. There is a strong contingent in the Support community who feel Ana is consistently over-tuned, and have resigned themselves to it, but they sure as heck don’t like it or don’t recognize it. Moira OTOH, is just poorly designed, not a single commentator or coach or player i know of wouldn’t have her high on the list of kits to be reworked.
Critique is not the same as “jez hatez Supoortz” nonsense. Please.
pretty sure nobody thinks that, moira was genuinely way stronger than the other supports and that’s why people were calling for nerfs. It’s not just dps players doing that, it’s literally everyone.
she wasn’t, though. what, she’s been garbage her entire life as a support and got lucky because the meta suited her? people still complain about her after a nerf too.
People are dumb. I’ve been getting solid use out of Soldier this season. He’s a lot better than people are giving him credit for right now - and I think it’s just because his Ult isn’t the best compared to people like McCree or Ashe.
Baptiste isn’t an issue for me at all… Moira’s Orb however, is still annoying.
Right, her stats never indicate it. Again, I am asking: what is your definition of garbage? And don’t resort to petty insults, it will get you in trouble.
It’s also because these people can‘t accept that Overwatch is not a typical fps aimed at a certain player base, but something that was made for people who play all kinds of games. So that these people can play all different kinds of characters and have an impact with them. Overwatch is not about shooting good, it’s about team play, mastering different play styles and developing game sense to be good at this game regardless of the characters abilities. These many different characters and their playstyles exist for as many people has possible having access to this game regardless of their mechanical skills. This is truly a great and positive idea, that a lot of players, including „pros“ seem to forget. Unfortunately the balance team is making it worse.