I think you made a typo so I thought you meant Immortality field. Nevermind.
It depends on the ranks. Moira may not always have been most picked supports at highest level but she always had moderate to high pick rates at various low ranks.
There was another thread about this topic yesterday, so I’ll just copy and paste my reply. It still fits.
Because what else is good Genji for?
All Supports can defend themselves. That was never going to be a question.
Supports bringing more value to the team over Damage heroes is a fundamental issue.
so supports should have less value than dps? supports doing damage doesn’t make them “doing the dps’ job”. their damage isn’t very sustained as they have to be healing their team.
You’re reading far too much into what I said.
Genji is fine. Even when it’s not his meta, he can still team wipe a whole team and carry the game with his ult. Happened to me two games ago while doing my placement matches (Master elo).
Genji, just like any other hero needs to have counters. He’s useful even if he’s not able to kill healers as easily as in 2016 or 2017.
Stop overexaggerating Genji’s state. He’s balanced and doesn’t need any buffs or nerfs currently.
Why a supp cant do good damage(no burst damage)?, helps queue times, give a good option to flex players that previously changed to dps if the others couldn’t deal with a Phara and the better one is not a easy hero, you need to put effort to get value.
I think somes just want something to whine.
Not when a hero is as broken as Bap. Dealing damage as a Support is fine but they have to take skill and they have to have some sort of return for having that strength.
Zen is a perfect example, he is extremely lethal and has a powerful damage amplifier and decent ult but at the cost of 0 self sustain and no mobility and very little neutral healing.
Bap has high lethality and a very powerful utility ability but he also has self sustain, mobility, a damage amplifier and very good heals.
No, hes probably the worst DPS in the game right now and tbh, he’s probably never coming back from it.
of course
He is literally a throw pick.
Using a super counterable ult combo in masters where people have no idea how to counter it is not a good example.
But she was trash right up to the 2 shield meta.
So how does that work? I mean they were literally trying to work out how to buff her before the meta because she was doing so badly at the higher tanks.
it exactly is the case and has been proven time and time again. DPS players follow the opinions of their streamers/youtubers who largely are DPS players. This is simple pattern recognition. Why not just have DPS pros/streamers/and casters design the game for 99% of the playerbase since clearly thats the only opinion you value.
I’ve noticed that the things most complained about in the support category are simply the most visible things. People see support players as “undoing” the damage they did to a target. Any of them that are very visibly doing that or aren’t sitting ducks are frustrating to people. Notice that people have historically complained the least about Lucio and that’s because he heals with an aura that you might not realize is what’s keeping you from killing something.
Most complained about support things in my forums experience:
Resurrect (Mercy’s most visible ability, which even shows in the kill feed that she un-did your kill)
Moira in general (very obviously spraying down the thing you’re trying to kill and throwing big, visible balls that might kill you)
Old Brigitte (in your face hitting you in your face very visibly)
Immortality field (very obviously keeping the thing you’re trying to kill alive)
Visibility = complaining. It checks out.
The issue with bap isn’t his damage, it’s his immortality field in combination with the amount of damage he puts out. IMHO, a toned down version of his amp matrix should be on his cooldown and immortality field should be an ult (Buffed of course). That way he could be an alternative to zen or lucio with their defensive ults whom are generally required in higher levels.
This was actually mostly said by salty mercy and moira players trying to get their own characters buffed because Ana’s forgiving hitboxes for teammates.
I value all opinions, even that of coaches and other players, so no, I don’t buy the “its just DPS not liking Supports” argument. Sure that exists, but its not the entire discussion.
No, its because they are meta
every hero who is meta suddenly requires no skill
But those ranks dont matter when it comes to balance
There is nowhere near as many threads complaining about bap as there is moira. Simply because moira can miss from as far as 20 meters and still kill you if heaven forbid you miss 1 shot, cause as you know Moira CAN’T miss lol
This is why she is broken. Period.
If she dealt damage only when her crosshairs are on the enemy, then fine. She would deserve all the credit in the world for “defending herself from flankers” but until they fix her lock on moira will always be frowned upon in FPS game.