It was never about “no skill”: Baptiste and Moira

Just because he’s not meta doesn’t mean he’s a throw pick. Actually, it’s not even about the meta yet about the person playing the hero…

I’ve been playing a lot of heroes even when they weren’t meta, still managed to get value out of them.

I agree there are still a lot of people not able to counter a Bastion on a payload or any type of cheese comps in Diamond or Master but I think you’re still overexaggerating the whole thing. There are tons of GM streamers that still manage to carry with their Genji. It all depends on how good or bad your opponents are.

If you consider GM people are also struggling against “a super counterable ult combo they have no idea how to counter”, then what rank are you basing your opinion on to say Genji is weak ?

Top 500 players that are not even 1% of players ? For the record, GM players represent only 1% of all players and Master players 5%.

If you call Genji a throw pick based on less than 1% of players (that only play meta most of the time) then it is not a good example either.

Not every support player can escape from Genji. It all depends on how good the Genji is and how good the support player is.

What I’m trying to tell you is that Genji can’t be considered a throw pick just because he happens to lose against a support hero once in a while.

Plus, Genji still can deal a lot of damage and has a very powerful ult when in the hands of a good player.

It’s in the old forums.

(“leave support alone” is the go-to defense for something broken)

(blaming Tracer/Genji for the hitbox reduction bug. Long history of scapegoating dps and accusing devs of dps favoritism, which is course complete BS)

(wants a revenge nerf on Genji)

(downvote because someone didn’t think it was that bad)

(mass downvotes for an innocent question about aim)

(another thread playing the victim and blaming Genji)

This was just tip of the iceberg. That kind of thing whining and blaming was going on on a regular basis, not just because of the bug.

Overwatch community has a group of people who have long been very toxic and ignorant about the game.

No, there are off meta heroes that will work ie: Hanzo, Widow, Cree, even Tracer sometimes

Not Genji tho. Genji is worse than Soldier right now. He is literally the worst dps in the game.

Scrims ofc.



Well ofc it is what lol? Are you telling me, that its a bad example to use people who actually know how to play and are playing the strongest comp? lmfao

Come on, you can’t be serious. He has one of the best damage ults in the game. Are you an angry Genji main to be that biased ?

And I guess anything outside of scrims is not worth taking into consideration ?

Yay, 3 % more… It changes everything to my primary statement…

Still a minority of players.

Yes, I am actually telling you this. The game shouldn’t be balanced around happy fews that don’t even represents 1% of players. Unless you are a pro Genji main that is playing the game for living (thanks to Overwatch League) or that belongs to the Top 500 players, I fail to see how this is affecting you in the slightest.

Of course, pro players can tell what’s best to winning the game in an ongoing season but this doesn’t mean “X” hero is trash since 99% of players can still manage to use said hero.

Balancing the game around people that only play meta at pro level is not the best way for a public game to thrive.

the OWL didn’t make Overwatch successful in the slightest… People like you and me did and we deserve some recognition.

That being said, try to look at the bigger picture : 99% of players can work around playing Genji. Less than 1% of players can’t.

Genji is not a throw pick in most ranks. even in a meta that doesn’t favor him.


Its actually one of the worst now LMAOOO
almost every other DPS ult outclasses it and every GM+ Genji has said it multiple times that Nanoblade is the only way it can get value, and even then you’ll usually get a couple kills with it consistently.

Nah, I dont play DPS

Pretty much, I guess you could use 4300+ ranked matches but even that is iffy

balance affects scrims

People say this and I disagree, since you can literally get away with anything at ranks like Diamond and below

Ofc the balancing needs to be good (Which it admittedly has not been) but if the balancing is bad it doesnt matter what methodology you apply to it (top down or down top whatever) because you’re screwed anyways.

In those ranks people dont even play said meta, so this statement is pointless.

These players are very very bad at the game

These players are pretty good at the game

If genji cannot thrive in an environment where people who are half decent cannot play him, he is not good when you’re playing the game properly ie: he is not good.

Meanwhile I’m over here fine with the healers exceot for Anas Nade
I feel like it’s to powerful for how often you get it.

It all depends on the players behind the heroes…

Well, I guess we can’t have a conversation anymore since you only value a certain category of players.

And you’re playing scrims ? Just so you know, there are a lot of people that play scrims that are not any good at the game… Just saying.

We simply don’t share the same point of view about the game. We don’t have to agree.

Well of course if Genji is played against a meta that doesn’t favor at a very high rank, it is very hard to get value out of him. It’s their problem if they only want to play the same meta at that rank. I’ll never understand how they don’t find it boring in the long run…

It is subjective. Not everyone can afford to spend 10-15h hours per day on a game like Overwatch. You can still evaluate how good a player is depending on the time they’re spending on the game. It’s all a matter of statistics (Time played VS rank).

A casual player that is Master or GM still deserves some props in my opinion.

But well, I guess everyone that isn’t playing the game for living is bad according to you so it’s difficult to exchange point of views.

It doesn’t make them Gods. Being good at the game is not the only quality that matters. Displaying good sportmanship, a positive attitude, no toxicity etc… is also important to a lot of people.

I’ll never support someone that is good at a game and yet harasses women, belittle others or tea-bags repeatedly etc… It’s a whole package that matters.

Then a lot of heroes were not good in the past 3 years and it’s completely ok. You can’t find a perfect balance on a game like Overwatch were people manage to find the limits of the games by establishing metas.

No big deal then.

Disagree still. The meta has slowly shifted from personal skill to what hero you pick. It was pretty bad in GOATs and got a bit better with halt hook, but now its even worse than goats.

When it comes to balance and what we should use for balance, then yes.

I mean, okay.

Believe me, we’ve had multiple games where both teams pact to only run rein zarya, or both teams promise not to go double shield

But 2 things happen: You’ll always have those people that will go double shield anyways, so they just win

And then you also have the boosted Orisa/Sigma players that can only play those heroes.

I mean, theyre pretty easy to get.

Who the hell is crazy enough to play this game for 10+ hours.

uhh, no? You think T3 players are playing this game for a living? You think T2 players are playing this game for a living? lmao.

Ofc not, it just means, since they actually know what theyre doing, thats the group that we need to take when it comes to balance.

Of course, I never said anything about supporting those people.

Not when it comes to balance.

Of course, but that doesnt mean we shouldnt try and fix it.

Symmetra says hi ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Sym is significantly better than Soldier or Genji

They literally just want the supports to be free kills and don’t care about anything else.

That’s why they claim Brigitte is “finally” balanced, because she just rolls over and dies and cannot fight back. Something they pretend to care about until a support can duel them. She’s got an absurd winrate right now, is almost all of the top 5 spots for supports, and a not obscenely low pickrate. But, because she dies extremely easily and cannot win duels unless they make catastrophic mistakes, she’s balanced. It’s very obvious she heals too much and dies too easily, which is the reason for her performance.

Baptiste on the other hand is OP. His stats are just okay, not bad and not amazing. By all currently available metrics he’s a well balanced hero. But you see, he’s OP because he can kill the dps.

Even Ana was whined about endlessly by flanker mains when she could 2 shot Tracer. Many of the same ones that claimed she was unskilled before have changed their minds now. Why? Because she now relies on a gimmick to secure her kills, which means she loses to them more than wins.


SHes the 3rd best support rn and is an insane anti flanker… what are you talking about

She’s good at anti-flanking because the amount of healing is difficult to power through, not because of her self defense. There are times where she literally can’t make any plays because she has zero independence thanks to being so easy to kill.

I mean yeah, now she cant walk 10 meters into the middle of the enemy team and live. Now she actually has to make support plays ie: a well timed stun/boop or a really well done health pack

Hard disagree, her stun and boop are still very very scary.

Even now, she can literally just pop rally and walk at a hero like sigma and the enemy literally cant do anything about it.

Being survivable in her ult is not the same thing as being generally survivable. Her stun is really not that scary because she’s got no real followup. She was never able to do what you just said, the only time that was remotely true was GOATs comp and that was because of the synergy of 6 different heroes not Brigitte’s balance as an individual hero.

She’s is by FAR the easiest support to kill. It’s not even close.


How dare a healer kill me, they should be easy kills because they are easy in other games.


They really aren’t that easy in other games.

easy kills I meant not easy to play

Pickrates say otherwise. Sorry sis