It’s not a question of being able to “just look at a healer and have them die”. It’s a question of good balance.
If a healer can continuously outvalue a DPS, that is bad balance. There has to be a breaking point somewhere, whether it comes in the form of burst damage or sustained damage, where the healers can’t keep up. Otherwise we have a game where nothing dies and it’s impossible to have a positive impact on DPS.
Also keep in mind that not all of us who want Baptiste nerfed consider that in isolation. I want pretty much everything nerfed. Power creep is bad in this game right now, and all leaning into it will accomplish is stiffer metas and harder counters. I want to return to the era of soft counters where there were more counterplay options vs the characters that countered yours in paper.
Yes, I think Baptiste needs nerfs. But if you were to ask me who needs nerfs the most, I’d say Reaper, and of you were to ask me which of the three categories needs the most nerfing, I’d say DPS.
Wtf?! Did I Miss something or what? I’ve never really seen a threat against Baptiste:o
I mean i’m a Baptiste main so I guess my opinion does not matter but Baptiste is not OP at all:
-With the barriers getting nerfed if you throw your immortality field in the open, it will break in 1,5 sec. So it’s only good for keep your teammates alive for one more second and you hope you can heal them until then. (AND YES you do have to throw it in the open a lot of times… There won’t always be a wall or a corner next to the payload or the on the objective…) The only annoying or OP value is when immortality field protects a Bastion next to a corner but then the enemy just falls back behind a wall, your team has to push/move and bamm your immortality is useless again…
And immortality field has the second biggest cooldown but Yeah… It’s OP for sure…
-His dmg is good now yes, but his weapon is harder to aim with Than Soldier’s no recoil rifle… And also i’ve never seen anyone doing all of his/her shots as headshots…
-His exoboot jump just makes him super predictable, easy to kill if you can aim.
Bap’s gun may be numerically more bursty, but it’s less consistent and easier to avoid.
Immortality field doesn’t kill people. Helix rocket does, and gives Soldier the burst to kill something that would otherwise escape. Helix makes soldier a better DPS than Bap. Immortality makes bap a better support than soldier. That’s what their roles are all about.
Yeah, i dont care enough to check your profile - you’ve got massive misunderstandings about all the roles, so i’m saying play MORE until you understand.
And in the meanwhile all you forgot is that that Baptiste has one extra ability.
You’d straight up have to remove healing grenades, for your comparison to make any sense.
No, because soldier has another ability too. If anything, we should be comparing soldier’s field to baps field, helix to health regen, jump to run and Ult to Ult.
Helix does damage, health regen fixes it (slowly).
Helix helps you burst down enemies, health regen saves them.
They’re pretty similar characters really - Soldier is heavily DPS focused, whereas bap is heavily healing focused.
Yeah, and their entire kits are geared towards different things, so there’s no “upgrade” or “downgrade” involved. (Pssst, also, pressing both buttons doesnt fire both things at once).
So its kinda dumb to just count the abilities and say “that one’s better”. Winston doesnt have a right click ability either, does that make Bap and Sym a better tank than him too?!?
Both Moira and Baptiste have the same problem. Their kits have too many benefits.
For Moira, it is her primary weapon that is overloaded. It simply has too many benefits with no drawbacks. Easy aim, infinite ammo, no reload downtime, no tracking, no damage falloff, good range, and the benefits of beams with her opponents unable to even see the beam to avoid it. The “downside” of low max damage is not enough to offset the lack of drawbacks.
With Baptiste, it is his whole kit that is overloaded with too many things in the “very strong” category. His ranged heals are extremely strong, with splash healing, they can be amplified through his window, he has a good range floor heal. His weapon is now too strong, he has great mobility, and add to that, a throwable Lucio ult every 20 seconds and you get “if you can play him, there is no reason to choose any other support”.
They both are 2nd gen heroes, and both obsolete characters like Zen and Lucio. This isnt s DPS thing. I play support, and strongly disapprove of both Moira AND Baptiste as they currently are.
Mercy is certainly not terrible, but it kinda lacks the 3star difficulty
I hope we get some sort of more…
I’m not saying my requests can be made, its way to much powercreep and you’d need basically each hero in 9 versions.
Basically a 1star flanker, 2star flanker, 3star flanker
Adding the same for a flanker style on tank and support.
Do this for every playstile.
You basically create 9 heroes to choose, but in the end, only 1 will be meta.
And oh boy if its not the 3star version, ppl gonne get mad.
But you make atleast 6 useless hero versions
I’m actually just happy that ow2 got announced and that theres something big to look foreward.
The balance… I just hope blizzard gets it right.
And hope theres at one point a tank or support which i can play 24/7 for 100h+ without getting tired.
Oh and i believe, if we would really really only look at 1 rank, its probably pretty easy to balance a game compared to 6 different ranks, rangeing from 1-3sec kills from supports to 5v6 battles lasting for 30sec until junk gets riptire and actually hits a thing.
And with the factors of teams, synergies,… I have no clue, how this game is even remotely playable on a fair balanced level. All things considered.
I think Baptiste was going to be put on the radar regardless even despite the buff He got. It’s not like his damage really got buffed. You could’ve made shields weak and not buffed Baptiste before and people would still be complaining because of the shield damage he does along with his ult.
The circumstances of shields was going to put him in the spotlight regardless
Baptiste’s AoE heal is 30hps over 5 seconds for 150 total for people who were next to Baptiste (10 metre’s I think is the size); If you weren’t in the area when he used it, you don’t get the effect. You’re free to move around once the effect is applied to you
Soldier’s is 40hps over 5 seconds for something weird like 206hp (Because of timing or something strange) and lingers around until it goes away; and to get the healing must stay in the circle